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@aeria-ui/theme - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.21 to 0.0.22



@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

title: string;
icon?: import("@aeriajs/types").Icon | undefined;
roles?: string[] | undefined;
icon?: import("@aeriajs/types").Icon;
roles?: string[];
end?: boolean | undefined;
sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
strict?: boolean | undefined;
end?: boolean;
sensitive?: boolean;
strict?: boolean;
component?: import("vue").FunctionalComponent<any, {}, any, {}> | {
new (...args: any[]): any;
__isFragment?: undefined;
__isTeleport?: undefined;
__isSuspense?: undefined;
__isFragment?: never;
__isTeleport?: never;
__isSuspense?: never;
} | import("vue").DefineComponent | (() => Promise<import("vue-router").RouteComponent>) | {

@@ -46,24 +46,24 @@ [x: string]: any;

emit: ((event: unknown, ...args: any[]) => void) | ((event: string, ...args: any[]) => void);
expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>>(exposed?: Exposed | undefined) => void;
}) => any) | undefined;
name?: string | undefined;
template?: string | object | undefined;
render?: Function | undefined;
components?: Record<string, import("vue").Component<any, any, any, import("vue").ComputedOptions, import("vue").MethodOptions, {}, any>> | undefined;
directives?: Record<string, import("vue").Directive<any, any>> | undefined;
inheritAttrs?: boolean | undefined;
expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void;
}) => Promise<any> | any | import("vue").RenderFunction | void) | undefined;
name?: string;
template?: string | object;
render?: Function;
components?: Record<string, import("vue").Component>;
directives?: Record<string, import("vue").Directive>;
inheritAttrs?: boolean;
emits?: any;
slots?: {} | undefined;
expose?: string[] | undefined;
expose?: string[];
serverPrefetch?: (() => void | Promise<any>) | undefined;
compilerOptions?: {
isCustomElement?: ((tag: string) => boolean) | undefined;
whitespace?: "preserve" | "condense" | undefined;
comments?: boolean | undefined;
delimiters?: [string, string] | undefined;
isCustomElement?: (tag: string) => boolean;
whitespace?: "preserve" | "condense";
comments?: boolean;
delimiters?: [string, string];
} | undefined;
call?: ((this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never) | undefined;
__isFragment?: undefined;
__isTeleport?: undefined;
__isSuspense?: undefined;
call?: (this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never;
__isFragment?: never;
__isTeleport?: never;
__isSuspense?: never;
__defaults?: any;

@@ -113,3 +113,3 @@ compatConfig?: {

PRIVATE_APIS?: boolean | "suppress-warning" | undefined;
MODE?: 2 | 3 | ((comp: import("vue").Component<any, any, any, import("vue").ComputedOptions, import("vue").MethodOptions, {}, any> | null) => 2 | 3) | undefined;
MODE?: 2 | 3 | ((comp: import("vue").Component | null) => 2 | 3);
} | undefined;

@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ data?: ((this: any, vm: any) => any) | undefined;

[x: string]: (string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any> | ({
handler: string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any>;
handler: import("vue").WatchCallback | string;
} & import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>)) | (string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any> | ({
handler: string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any>;
handler: import("vue").WatchCallback | string;
} & import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>))[];
} | undefined;
provide?: import("vue").ComponentProvideOptions | undefined;
provide?: import("vue").ComponentProvideOptions;
inject?: {} | string[] | undefined;
filters?: Record<string, Function> | undefined;
filters?: Record<string, Function>;
mixins?: any[] | undefined;

@@ -144,45 +144,45 @@ extends?: any;

unmounted?: (() => void) | undefined;
renderTracked?: ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | undefined;
renderTriggered?: ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | undefined;
errorCaptured?: ((err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}, {}, string, {}>, {}, {}> | null, info: string) => boolean | void) | undefined;
delimiters?: [string, string] | undefined;
renderTracked?: (e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void;
renderTriggered?: (e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void;
errorCaptured?: (err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance | null, info: string) => boolean | void;
delimiters?: [string, string];
__differentiator?: string | number | symbol | undefined;
__isBuiltIn?: boolean | undefined;
__file?: string | undefined;
__name?: string | undefined;
beforeRouteEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | undefined;
beforeRouteUpdate?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuard | undefined;
beforeRouteLeave?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuard | undefined;
__isBuiltIn?: boolean;
__file?: string;
__name?: string;
beforeRouteEnter?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteEnter", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>;
beforeRouteUpdate?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteUpdate", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuard;
beforeRouteLeave?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteLeave", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuard;
} | null | undefined;
components?: any;
redirect?: string | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocation) => import("vue-router").RouteLocationRaw) | {
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw | undefined;
hash?: string | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordNameGeneric;
params?: import("vue-router").RouteParamsRawGeneric;
path?: undefined;
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw;
hash?: string;
replace?: boolean;
force?: boolean;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState;
} | {
path: string;
replace?: boolean | undefined;
force?: boolean | undefined;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState | undefined;
} | {
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw | undefined;
hash?: string | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordName | undefined;
path?: undefined;
params?: import("vue-router").RouteParamsRaw | undefined;
replace?: boolean | undefined;
force?: boolean | undefined;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState | undefined;
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw;
hash?: string;
replace?: boolean;
force?: boolean;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState;
} | undefined;
props?: (boolean | Record<string, any> | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any>)) | Record<string, boolean | Record<string, any> | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any>)> | undefined;
props?: import("vue-router")._RouteRecordProps<string | symbol> | Record<string, import("vue-router")._RouteRecordProps<string | symbol>> | undefined;
path: string;
alias?: string | string[] | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordName | undefined;
beforeEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[] | undefined;
alias?: string | string[];
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordNameGeneric;
beforeEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[];
children?: any[] | undefined;
badgeFunction?: string | undefined;
badgeFunction?: string;
badgePayload?: any;
router: {
push: (to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationRaw) => Promise<void | import("vue-router").NavigationFailure | undefined>;
push: (to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationRaw) => Promise<import("vue-router").NavigationFailure | void | undefined>;
isCurrent: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof useNavbar>>['isCurrent'];
isCurrent: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof useNavbar>>["isCurrent"];

@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ export declare const routes: import("vue").Ref<{

title: string;
icon?: import("@aeriajs/types").Icon | undefined;
roles?: string[] | undefined;
icon?: import("@aeriajs/types").Icon;
roles?: string[];
end?: boolean | undefined;
sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
strict?: boolean | undefined;
end?: boolean;
sensitive?: boolean;
strict?: boolean;
component?: import("vue").FunctionalComponent<any, {}, any, {}> | {
new (...args: any[]): any;
__isFragment?: undefined;
__isTeleport?: undefined;
__isSuspense?: undefined;
__isFragment?: never;
__isTeleport?: never;
__isSuspense?: never;
} | import("vue").DefineComponent | (() => Promise<import("vue-router").RouteComponent>) | {

@@ -217,24 +217,24 @@ [x: string]: any;

emit: ((event: unknown, ...args: any[]) => void) | ((event: string, ...args: any[]) => void);
expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>>(exposed?: Exposed | undefined) => void;
}) => any) | undefined;
name?: string | undefined;
template?: string | object | undefined;
render?: Function | undefined;
components?: Record<string, import("vue").Component<any, any, any, import("vue").ComputedOptions, import("vue").MethodOptions, {}, any>> | undefined;
directives?: Record<string, import("vue").Directive<any, any>> | undefined;
inheritAttrs?: boolean | undefined;
expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void;
}) => Promise<any> | any | import("vue").RenderFunction | void) | undefined;
name?: string;
template?: string | object;
render?: Function;
components?: Record<string, import("vue").Component>;
directives?: Record<string, import("vue").Directive>;
inheritAttrs?: boolean;
emits?: any;
slots?: {} | undefined;
expose?: string[] | undefined;
expose?: string[];
serverPrefetch?: (() => void | Promise<any>) | undefined;
compilerOptions?: {
isCustomElement?: ((tag: string) => boolean) | undefined;
whitespace?: "preserve" | "condense" | undefined;
comments?: boolean | undefined;
delimiters?: [string, string] | undefined;
isCustomElement?: (tag: string) => boolean;
whitespace?: "preserve" | "condense";
comments?: boolean;
delimiters?: [string, string];
} | undefined;
call?: ((this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never) | undefined;
__isFragment?: undefined;
__isTeleport?: undefined;
__isSuspense?: undefined;
call?: (this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never;
__isFragment?: never;
__isTeleport?: never;
__isSuspense?: never;
__defaults?: any;

@@ -284,3 +284,3 @@ compatConfig?: {

PRIVATE_APIS?: boolean | "suppress-warning" | undefined;
MODE?: 2 | 3 | ((comp: import("vue").Component<any, any, any, import("vue").ComputedOptions, import("vue").MethodOptions, {}, any> | null) => 2 | 3) | undefined;
MODE?: 2 | 3 | ((comp: import("vue").Component | null) => 2 | 3);
} | undefined;

@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ data?: ((this: any, vm: any) => any) | undefined;

[x: string]: (string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any> | ({
handler: string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any>;
handler: import("vue").WatchCallback | string;
} & import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>)) | (string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any> | ({
handler: string | import("vue").WatchCallback<any, any>;
handler: import("vue").WatchCallback | string;
} & import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>))[];
} | undefined;
provide?: import("vue").ComponentProvideOptions | undefined;
provide?: import("vue").ComponentProvideOptions;
inject?: {} | string[] | undefined;
filters?: Record<string, Function> | undefined;
filters?: Record<string, Function>;
mixins?: any[] | undefined;

@@ -315,43 +315,43 @@ extends?: any;

unmounted?: (() => void) | undefined;
renderTracked?: ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | undefined;
renderTriggered?: ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | undefined;
errorCaptured?: ((err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}, {}, string, {}>, {}, {}> | null, info: string) => boolean | void) | undefined;
delimiters?: [string, string] | undefined;
renderTracked?: (e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void;
renderTriggered?: (e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void;
errorCaptured?: (err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance | null, info: string) => boolean | void;
delimiters?: [string, string];
__differentiator?: string | number | symbol | undefined;
__isBuiltIn?: boolean | undefined;
__file?: string | undefined;
__name?: string | undefined;
beforeRouteEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | undefined;
beforeRouteUpdate?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuard | undefined;
beforeRouteLeave?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuard | undefined;
__isBuiltIn?: boolean;
__file?: string;
__name?: string;
beforeRouteEnter?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteEnter", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>;
beforeRouteUpdate?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteUpdate", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuard;
beforeRouteLeave?: import("vue-router").TypesConfig extends Record<"beforeRouteLeave", infer T> ? T : import("vue-router").NavigationGuard;
} | null | undefined;
components?: any;
redirect?: string | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocation) => import("vue-router").RouteLocationRaw) | {
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw | undefined;
hash?: string | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordNameGeneric;
params?: import("vue-router").RouteParamsRawGeneric;
path?: undefined;
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw;
hash?: string;
replace?: boolean;
force?: boolean;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState;
} | {
path: string;
replace?: boolean | undefined;
force?: boolean | undefined;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState | undefined;
} | {
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw | undefined;
hash?: string | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordName | undefined;
path?: undefined;
params?: import("vue-router").RouteParamsRaw | undefined;
replace?: boolean | undefined;
force?: boolean | undefined;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState | undefined;
query?: import("vue-router").LocationQueryRaw;
hash?: string;
replace?: boolean;
force?: boolean;
state?: import("vue-router").HistoryState;
} | undefined;
props?: (boolean | Record<string, any> | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any>)) | Record<string, boolean | Record<string, any> | ((to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any>)> | undefined;
props?: import("vue-router")._RouteRecordProps<string | symbol> | Record<string, import("vue-router")._RouteRecordProps<string | symbol>> | undefined;
path: string;
alias?: string | string[] | undefined;
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordName | undefined;
beforeEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[] | undefined;
alias?: string | string[];
name?: import("vue-router").RouteRecordNameGeneric;
beforeEnter?: import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | import("vue-router").NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[];
children?: any[] | undefined;
badgeFunction?: string | undefined;
badgeFunction?: string;
badgePayload?: any;
}[]>, isCurrent: import("vue").Ref<(subroute: RouteRecordRaw) => boolean>;
export declare const memoizeBadge: (promise: () => Promise<any> | any, key: string) => any;
export declare const pushRoute: (to: import("vue-router").RouteLocationRaw) => Promise<void | import("vue-router").NavigationFailure | undefined>;
export declare const pushRoute: (to: string | import("vue-router").RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric | import("vue-router").RouteLocationAsPathGeneric) => Promise<void | import("vue-router").NavigationFailure | undefined>;
export declare const navbarEntryOpen: (node: MenuNode) => boolean | undefined;

@@ -358,0 +358,0 @@ export declare const isCollapsibleRouteOpen: (node: MenuNode) => boolean;

"name": "@aeria-ui/theme",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.0.21",
"version": "0.0.22",
"description": "",

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ "keywords": [],

"peerDependencies": {
"@aeria-ui/core": "^0.0.39",
"@aeria-ui/core": "^0.0.40",
"@aeria-ui/state-management": "^0.0.13",

@@ -31,0 +31,0 @@ "@aeriajs/common": "0.0",

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