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the purpose of this project is make useReducer more simplify

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@airma/react-state is a simple state management tool for react app.

It works like that:

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {useModel} from '@airma/react-state';

function App(){
    const {count, increase, decrease} = useModel((state:number)=>{
        const baseState = state >= 0? state : 0;
        return {
            count: baseState,
                return baseState + 1;
                return baseState - 1;
    return (
            <button onClick={decrease}>-</button>
            <button onClick={increase}>+</button>

render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'));

API useModel can generate an instance object by calling a model function with its default parameter. Call instance method can generate a new parameter, and then make instance to refresh itself by recalling the newest model and parameter again.

It looks like useReducer, but more free for usage, you can forget dispatch now.

To make a state change sharing, you need to create a factory, and use it on a RequiredModelProvider, then use useRequiredModel or useSelector to link it.

import React,{memo} from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {
} from '@airma/react-state';

const counter = (count:number = 0) =>{
  return {
    isNegative: count<0,

// Use API `factory` to build a model factory.
// It can be used as a `function` key for instance fetching.
// A factory is not a store, it only can carry a default state.
const couterFactory =  factory(counter);

const Increase = memo(()=>{
  // use API `useSelector` to fetch the `increase` method.
  // The method from instance is persistent,
  // so, the none props memo component will not rerender.
  const increase = useSelector(couterFactory, c=>c.increase);
  return (
    <button onClick={increase}>+</button>

const Decrease = memo(()=>{
  // same as the usage in `Increase`
  const decrease = useSelector(couterFactory, c=>c.decrease);
  return (
    <button onClick={decrease}>-</button>

const CountValue = memo(()=>{
  // use API `useRequiredModel` can fetch a whole instance.
  const {count,isNegative} = useRequiredModel(couterFactory);
  return (
    <span style={isNegative?{color:'red'}:undefined}>{count}</span>

function Counter({index}:{index:number}){
    return (
        {/* RequiredModelProvider can hold factories, */}
        {/* and create a instance store in it, */}
        {/* then we can use factory as key to fetch instance */}
        <RequiredModelProvider value={couterFactory}>

render(<Counter index={1}/>, document.getElementById('root'));

As you can see, when click the button in Decrease/Increase component, the CountValue changes.

If the Counter element repeat in one component, what happens? Do they share state changes too?


    <Counter index={1}/>
    <Counter index={2}/>

Though the Counter elements have a same factory, but they can not share state change with each other, for they have different RequiredModelProvider elements.

If we have another more closer RequiredModelProvider hold a different factory, does useRequiredModel find a wrong instance?

function Counter({index}:{index:number}){
    return (
        <RequiredModelProvider value={couterFactory}>
            <RequiredModelProvider value={otherFactory}>

The instance in Decrease component is still from <RequiredModelProvider value={couterFactory}> store.

If there is no RequiredModelProvider which provides a right model store, what happens?

function Counter({index}:{index:number}){
    return (
            <RequiredModelProvider value={otherFactory}>

It throws errors.

If you want useRequiredModel work with a local instance when the store instance fetching is failed, you can open autoRequired option config to support this feature.


In this case, you have to provide a default state.

If we want to change a model to hold the sharing instance state parameter, what we can do?

// the factory model created by API `factory`,
// owns a `pipe` static method,
// use this method, you can switch to a new model,
// it will not affect other usages of origin factory model.
const {reset} = useRequiredModel(counterFactory.pipe((count:number)=>({

pipe is very useful to change a model from store temporarily.



It is used to create a local model instance. Call the instance method can refresh instance by recalling model function again.

Open option config required can make useModel retrieving a model instance from the most closest model store in RequiredModelProvider which contains a same model. If retrieving is failed, it throws an error, for example, the usage is out of a RequiredModelProvider, or there is no match factory key in parent RequiredModelProvider. You can use useRequiredModel API for a no config usage.

Open option config autoRequired with required can help useModel build a local instance when retrieving from RequiredModelProvider is failed.

Open option config refresh can make useModel follow the state parameter. When the state parameter changes, it refresh model instance too. You can use useRefreshModel for a no config usage.

  • model - A function accepts a state parameter, and generate a model instance. Call the method from this instance can refresh instance.
  • state - A default state for local instance. When refresh config is open, it is a state to follow.
  • option - An optional config contains optional properties refresh, autoRequired and required.
type AirModelInstance = Record<string, any>;

type AirReducer<S, T extends AirModelInstance> = (state:S)=>T;

function useModel<S, T extends AirModelInstance, D extends S>(
    model: AirReducer<S, T>,
    state?: D,
    option?: {refresh?:boolean, required?:boolean, autoRequired?: boolean}
): T


import {
} from '@airma/react-state';

const model = (state: StateType)=>({
  prop: fromState(state),
  changeStateMethod(...args:any[]): StateType{
    return nextState(state, ...args);

const factoryModel = factory(model,defaultState);

const LocalInstance = ()=>{
  // a local instance
  const {prop, changeStateMethod} = useModel(model,defaultState);
  return <div>......</div>

const StoreInstance = ()=>{
  // only can be used in a right RequiredModelProvider
  const {prop, changeStateMethod} = useModel(factoryModel,defaultState,{
  return <div>......</div>

const StoreOrLocalInstance = ()=>{
  // can be used in or out a right RequiredModelProvider,
  // if out, create a local one.
  const {prop, changeStateMethod} = useModel(factoryModel,defaultState,{
  return <div>......</div>

const App = ()=>{
  return (
      <RequiredModelProvider factory={factoryModel}>


It is used to create a model instance, which links to an outside state, call method from instance, will trigger the onChange callback, and send next state outside through this callback, when the outside state changes, the instance refreshes.

  • model - A callback accepts a state, and generate a model instance. Call the method from this instance can refresh instance.
  • state - A outside state, when it changes, the instance refreshes.
  • onChange - A callback for change outside state.
type AirModelInstance = Record<string, any>;

type AirReducer<S, T extends AirModelInstance> = (state:S)=>T;

function useControlledModel<
  T extends AirModelInstance,
  D extends S
>(model: AirReducer<S, T>, state: D, onChange: (s: S) => any): T

With this API, your model can be more reusable. For example, you can use it in a conrolled Component to process {value,onChange} props.

// model.ts
export const counter = (count:number)=>{
    return {
            return count + 1;
            return count - 1;


// component.ts
import {useControlledModel} from '@airma/react-state';
import {counter} from './model';

const MyComp = ({
  const {
  } = useControlledModel(counter, value, onChange);
  return ...... 

function App(){
  const [value, setValue] = useState<number>(0);

  // link with useState.
  return (
      <MyComp value={value} onChange={setValue}/>


It is a simplify API for useModel(model,state,{refresh:true}). It follows the parameter state change, and refresh instance with the newest state. It also response the method calling change, just like useModel.

Open option config required can make useRefreshModel links to a closest model store in RequiredModelProvider which contains a same model. You can use useModel(model,state,{refresh:true,required:true}) or useRequiredModel(model, state, {refresh:true}) to replace this config.

  • model - A callback accepts newest state, and generate a model instance. Call the method from this instance can refresh instance.
  • state - A state to follow.
  • option - An optional config, contains required, autoRequired.
export function useRefreshModel<S, T extends AirModelInstance, D extends S>(
  model: AirReducer<S, T>,
  state: D,
  option?: {required?:boolean, autoRequired?:boolean}
): T;


import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {useRefreshModel} from '@airma/react-state';

const Comp = ()=>{
  const [state, setState] = useState(null);
    (async function fetchData(){
      const data = await fetch();
  const {prop, changeStateMethod} = useRefreshModel(model, state);
  return (

When the param state changes, model instance is refreshed by the new state param.

Suggest using this API with async state mangement library like react-query.


This API is from useModel API. It is used to retrieve model instance from the closest model store in RequiredModelProvider which contains a same model. If the instance can not be found, it throws an error.

Open option config autoRequired can help useRequiredModel build a local instance when retrieving from RequiredModelProvider is failed.

Open option config refresh can help you listen to the parameter state change, and refresh model instance in store with this state. You can use useModel(model,state,{refresh:true,required:true}) or useRefreshModel(model, state, {required:true}) to replace this config.

  • model - A callback accepts a state, and generate a model instance.
  • state - A default state for a local instance when autoRequired config is open, or a follow state when refresh config is open.
  • option - An optional config, contains required, autoRequired.
export declare function useRequiredModel<S, T extends AirModelInstance, D extends S>(
    model: AirReducer<S | undefined, T>,
    state?: D,
    option?:{refresh?:boolean, autoRequired?:boolean}
): T;

Refer to introduce for details.


It is used to listen the params change, and call instance method to refresh a model instance with params.

  • method - A method from model instance.
  • params - Params for the method, it is an array for method parameters.
export declare function useRefresh<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
  method: T,
  params: Parameters<T>


import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {useModel,useRefresh} from '@airma/react-state';

const defaultState = {...};

const Comp = ()=>{
  const [state, setState] = useState(null);
    (async function fetchData(){
      const data = await fetch();
  const {prop, refresh} = useModel(model, defaultState);
  return (

When some of the params change, the method is called with these params.

Suggest using this API with async state mangement library like react-query.


It is used to create a model factory. Model factory wraps a model function and returns a new model function, it can take a default state. The RequiredModelProvider uses it to create a instance store, and persists instance state in. useRequiredModel use it as a key to retrieve instance and current state from store.

  • model - model function
  • defaultState - it is optional, default state for model
export declare function factory<T extends AirReducer<any, any>>(
  model: T,
  defaultState?: T extends AirReducer<infer S, any> ? S : never
): T & {
  pipe<R extends AirReducer<any, any>>(otherModel:R):R

The wrapped model has a static method pipe. You can use pipe method to create a new model which uses the factory model state from store.


import React, {memo} from "react";
import {
} from "@airma/react-state";

const count = (state:number)=>({
  count: state,
  increase: ()=> state + 1,
  decrease: ()=> state - 1

const countFactory = factory(count);

const myFactory = {
  count: factory(count)

const Reset = memo(()=>{
  const resetModel = (count:number)=>[
    ] as [number,()=>number];
  const {value, reset} = useRequiredModel(
    // use pipe to link state to another model
  return <button onClick={reset}>reset</button>

const Counter = memo(()=>{
  return (
    <RequiredModelProvider value={myFactory}>

// For the countFactory is different with myFactory,
// the instance for model count is different too
const InitialCounter = memo(()=>{
  return (
    <RequiredModelProvider value={countFactory}>


  • value - model factory collection, it can be a model wrapped by factory, or a collection like: {key: factory(model, defaultState)}.
  • children - react nodes.

return react element of RequiredModelProvider.

export declare const RequiredModelProvider: FC<{
  value: Array<any> | ((...args: any) => any) | Record<string, any>;
  children: ReactNode;

This provider is a Provider from React Context, it generates a model instance store from model factory, and persists instance states in.


It is used to select properties from a store instance which are helpful for your component. If the selected data changes it refreshes. It can help you reduce your component render frequency.

This API can only works in a RequiredModelProvider, if it can not find instance by factory model, it throws an error.

  • factoryModel - A factory model created by factory API, just like a key for seeking instance from store.
  • callback - A select callback, accepts the instance of factoryModel, you can pick the interested properties include methods, and rebuild an object for usage.
  • equalFn - A optional callback, accepts previous and current instance as param, and returns a boolean result. When useSelector receives an update notice, it calls this callback and use the result to determine update or not. If returns true, it ignores the update notice.
export declare function useSelector<
  T extends AirModelInstance,
  C extends (instance: T) => any
  factoryModel: AirReducer<S | undefined, T>,
  callback: C,
  equalFn?: (c: ReturnType<C>, n: ReturnType<C>) => boolean
): ReturnType<C>;

Returns the select callback returns.


import React,{memo} from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {
} from '@airma/react-state';

const counter = (count:number = 0) =>{
  return {
    isNegative: count<0,

// Use API `factory` to build a model factory.
// It can be used as a `function` key for instance fetching.
// A factory is not a store, it only can carry a default state.
const couterFactory =  factory(counter);

const Increase = memo(()=>{
  // use API `useSelector` to fetch the `increase` method.
  // The method from instance is persistent,
  // so, the none props memo component will not rerender.
  const increase = useSelector(couterFactory, c=>c.increase);
  return (
    <button onClick={increase}>+</button>

const Decrease = memo(()=>{
  // same as the usage in `Increase`
  const decrease = useSelector(couterFactory, c=>c.decrease);
  return (
    <button onClick={decrease}>-</button>

const CountValue = memo(()=>{
  const {
  } = useSelector(couterFactory, ({count, isNegative})=>({
    count, isNegative
  // use `shallowEqual` API to compare a temporary 
  // created select result, is helpful to reduce render frequency
  return (
    <span style={isNegative?{color:'red'}:undefined}>{count}</span>


It is used to select a local model instance. You can even use it to support async operation.

  • model - A model function.
  • callback - A select callback, accepts the instance of model, you can pick the interested properties include methods, and rebuild an object for usage.
  • defaultState - default state for model instance initial.
export declare function useLocalSelector<
    T extends AirModelInstance,
    C extends (instance: T) => any,
    D extends S
    model: AirReducer<S | undefined, T>,
    callback: C,
): ReturnType<C>

Returns the select callback returns.


const counter = (count:number = 0) =>{
  return {
    isNegative: count<0,

const {count,asyncIncrease} = useLocalSelector(counter,(instance)=>(
    async asyncIncrease(){
      await new Promise((r)=>setTimeout(r,1000));


It is used to help useSelector API compare the previous and current instance, and determine if it should update or not when useSelector received an update notice from store.

export declare function shallowEqual<R>(previous: R, current: R): boolean;

If it returns true, it means the two instances are shallow equals.


It is used to set state param for a store relative model factory usage.

  • factoryModel - A factory model
  • defaultState - An optional default state, if the model has not been operated, the default state will be setted.
export declare function useRequiredModelState<
    T extends AirModelInstance,
    D extends S
    factoryModel: AirReducer<S | undefined, T>,
    defaultState?: D
): [S | undefined, (s: S | undefined) => void]

Returns a tuple array [state, setState]. You can call setState to change a store instance state, and refresh instance immediately.


The useSelector API can support async state operation. But it is not helpful for reduce the component refresh frequency.

const counter = (count:number = 0) =>{
  return {
    isNegative: count<0,

const countFactory = factory(counter,0);

const {count,asyncIncrease} = useSelector(countFactory,(instance)=>(
    async asyncIncrease(){
      await new Promise((r)=>setTimeout(r,1000));

Persistent methods

The methods from useModel instance is persistent, so, you can pass it to a memo component directly, it can improve your app performance.

Work with closure data

Yes, the methods are persistent, but you still can use closure data in the model function, it updates everytime, when the instance is refreshing.

Security for producing state

The APIs from like useModel, useRefreshModel, useRequiredModel are secure for state update. The state is outside of react system, so every update from methods is a secure producing process. If you want to use useState to replace the job, you have to call it like: setState((s)=>s+1).

Less change context

When the state in RequiredModelProvider model store changes, it don't rerender the whole RequiredModelProvider component, but only notify the context end useRequiredModel and useSelector, then the useRequiredModel works with setState from useState. If you want to reduce the component render frequency, use API useSelector and shallowEqual.

Typescript check

@airma/react-state is a typescript support library, you can use it with typescript for a better experience.

It checks if the input state type is same with the param default state type.

If the method returning type is same with param default state type, and so on.

Async state management

There is an unofficial async state operation useSelector and useLocalSelector, but we still suggest you works the async state with react-query, you can use useRefresh or useRefreshModel to adapt the async state management.

Browser Support

We support the browsers:

chrome: '>=58',
edge: '>=16',
firefox: '=>57',
safari: '>=11'

If you want to support less version browsers, you'd better have your own polyfills.


We hope you can enjoy this tool, and help us to enhance it in future.



Package last updated on 28 Dec 2022

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