0.8.2 (April 15, 2018)
Bug fixes after 0.8.0 release.
Bug Fixes
- Place touch model to match real physical position of the controller. Apply correctly the pivot offset for Oculus Touch Controls. (#3537)
- Remove unused rotationOffset attribute in favor of orientationOffset. (#3537)
- Use both touchpad and trigger events in laser-controls to fire click events on GearVR. (#3530) (fix #3519)
4879f0601 Fix reverse mouse drag for look-controls. (#3482) (fix #3459)
- Use most recent intersection from raycaster when entity is intersected. (#3475) (fix #3467, #3485, #3445)
- Fix minification issues due to ES6 features. Use forEach instead of for...of (#3495) (fix #3449)
- Stop click event from propagation in vr-mode-ui. Prevent taps on the screen to propagate to the scene on Cardboard v2. (#3527)
- Init position/rotation/scale first if defined on the entity (#3517) (fix #3516)
- Change default value of vec4 component property type to match THREE.Vector4 default value.
- Deprecate antialias component in favor of renderer component. (#3424)
- Fix post processing. Use scene.onAfterRender() for tock. (#3468)
- Fix ignored controller events if several button preses happen on same tick. (#3472)
- Fix animations triggered by state change. (#3470) (fix #3436)
- Delay setting pose target for VRManager until camera is ready to prevent vrdisplayactivate trigger vr mode prematurely. (#3448)
- Fix video sphere not rendering due to missing back material flag. (fix #3444)
- Fixes pointerlock mode camera movement jank. (#3434)
- Remove default components to 4 component initializations per entity. (#3490)
- Save one array initialization per tick and raycaster. (#3438) (fix #3437)
- Use Object3D directly to save/restore pose in look-controls skipping radToDeg. (#3439)
- Add component to a-scene to configure renderer. (#3424) (fix #666)
- Add component reference to sound-loaded and sound-ended (#3514) (fix #3505)
- Improve testing coverage for controllers (#3474)