An opinionated application messaging framework based on MQTT.
Messages requiring acknowledgement must use RPC and applications are expected to
implement their own retry mechanisms.
constructor(serverOptList: MQTT.IClientOptions[])
List of MQTT client objects
async publish(topic: string, payload: Uint8Array)
async subscribe(topic: string, handler: SubHandler)
async unsubscribe(topic: string, handler?: SubHandler)
async call(topic: string, params: Param = {}, opt = defaultOptions): Promise<Result>
async register(topic: string, handler: (param, topic) => Result)
thalamus.on("connect", (i) => {})
server i
connected (i = 0-based index)
thalamus.on("close", (i) => {})
server i
disconnected (i = 0-based index)
thalamus.on("error", (err, i) => {})
server i
error (i = 0-based index)