Wallet How-To
These are the basics on how to use the wallet.
Step 1: Choose your storage
We have 2 types of storage at the moment: LowDB and memory. Low db allows you to use several supports:
import { Memory } from "lowdb"
import { JSONFile, TextFile } from "lowdb/node"
import { LowDbStorage, LowDbData } from "@aldea/wallet-lib"
const storage = new LowDbStorage(new Memory<LowDbData>())
const storage = new LowDbStorage(new JSONFile<LowDbData>('path/to/my/json/file.json'))
const storage = new LowDbStorage(new JSONFile<LowDbData>('path/to/my/file.txt'))
And memory (transient storage):
import { LowDbStorage, MemoryStorage } from "@aldea/wallet-lib"
const storage = new MemoryStorage()
Step 2: Create a wallet instance
Again, 2 options: Single key wallet and HDWallet
import { SingleKeyWallet, HdWallet } from "@aldea/wallet-lib"
import { Aldea, HDPrivKey, PrivKey } from "@aldea/sdk"
const pk = PrivKey.fromRandom()
const aldea = new Aldea()
const wallet1 = new SingleKeyWallet(pk, aldea, storage)
const wallet2 = new HdWallet(storage, aldea, hdPriv)
Step 3: Mint some coins
const kyResponse = await aldea.api.post('mint', {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
address: await wallet.getNextAddress().then(a => a.toString()),
amount: 500
const output = Output.fromJson(await kyResponse.json())
await wallet.addUtxo(output)
Step 4: Do some txs
There is a wraper around aldea.createTx
that signs, fund and broadcast
const response = await wallet.fundSignAndBroadcastTx(async builder => {
const pkgIdx = builder.import('ea9225bcf8572c3a9fa75d186b62ab976d017d96b0614612f59d5fa5087b7fa3')
const nftIdx = builder.new(pkgIdx, 'NFT', ['name', 32, 'moreName'])
builder.lock(nftIdx, await wallet.getNextAddress())
Another option is doing this by hand:
const tx = aldea.createTx(async builder => {
const pkgIdx = builder.import('ea9225bcf8572c3a9fa75d186b62ab976d017d96b0614612f59d5fa5087b7fa3')
const nftIdx = builder.new(pkgIdx, 'NFT', ['name', 32, 'moreName'])
builder.lock(nftIdx, await wallet.getNextAddress())
await wallet.fundTx(builder)
await wallet.signTx(builder)
const commitResponse = await aldea.commitTX(tx)
await wallet.processTx(tx, commitResponse.output.map(Output.fromJson))
Step 5: Viewing Your Balance
const utxos = wallet.getInventory()
const coins = utxos.filter(u => u.classPtr.id === new Array(32).fill(0).join(''))