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@allohamora/cli - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.3.0 to 1.4.0


#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var fsp = require('fs/promises');

@@ -17,2 +19,4 @@ var path = require('path');

const white = (log) => `\x1b[22m\x1b[1m${log}\x1b[0m`;
const createTypeState = (types) => {

@@ -56,3 +60,3 @@ let type = types[0];

const existsInRoot = async (name) => {
const isExistsInRoot = async (name) => {
const checkPath = rootPath(name);

@@ -66,3 +70,3 @@ return await fsp__default["default"]

const dirPath = rootPath(name);
if (await existsInRoot(name)) {
if (await isExistsInRoot(name)) {

@@ -80,6 +84,2 @@ }

const runCommand = async (command) => {
const [name, ...args] = command.split(' ');
return await spawnCommand(name, args);
const spawnCommand = async (command, args) => new Promise((res, rej) => {

@@ -90,2 +90,6 @@ const child = child_process.spawn(command, args);

const runCommand = async (command) => {
const [name, ...args] = command.split(' ');
return await spawnCommand(name, args);

@@ -120,6 +124,48 @@ const getPackageJson = async () => {

const defaultConfig$9 = {
rules: '@commitlint/config-conventional',
config: { extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'] },
const [getConfig$9] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$9,
const SCRIPT_NAME$2 = 'commitlint';
const PACKAGE_NAME$6 = '@commitlint/cli';
const CONFIG_FILE_NAME$4 = '.commitlintrc.json';
const PACKAGE_NAME$5 = 'husky';
const HOOK_DIR = `.${PACKAGE_NAME$5}`;
const context = { installing: [] };
const setInstalling = (scripts) => (context.installing = scripts);
const getInstalling = () => context.installing;
const isInstalling = (scriptName) => {
const installing = getInstalling();
return installing.includes(scriptName);
const isInstalled = (scriptName, aditionalHandlers = []) => {
const handlers = [async () => isInstalling(scriptName), ...aditionalHandlers];
const handler = async () => {
for (const handler of handlers) {
if (await handler()) {
return true;
return false;
return handler;
const isInstalledAndInRootCheck = (scriptName, relativePath, additionalHandlers = []) => {
const handler = async () => isExistsInRoot(relativePath);
return isInstalled(scriptName, [handler, ...additionalHandlers]);
const ADD_HOOK_PLACEHOLDER = 'placeholder';
const addHook = async (name, script) => {
const huskyPath = `.husky/${name}`;
await spawnCommand('npx', ['husky', 'add', huskyPath, ADD_HOOK_PLACEHOLDER]);
const huskyPath = path__default["default"].join(HOOK_DIR, name);
await spawnCommand('npx', [PACKAGE_NAME$5, 'add', huskyPath, ADD_HOOK_PLACEHOLDER]);
const fileWithPlaceholder = await fsp__default["default"].readFile(huskyPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });

@@ -130,31 +176,81 @@ const fileWithScript = fileWithPlaceholder.replace(ADD_HOOK_PLACEHOLDER, script);

const husky = async () => {
await installDevelopmentDependencies('husky');
await addScripts({ name: 'prepare', script: 'husky install' });
await runScript('prepare');
const isHuskyInstalled = isInstalledAndInRootCheck(PACKAGE_NAME$5, HOOK_DIR);
const huskyIntegration$1 = async () => {
if (await isHuskyInstalled()) {
await addHook('commit-msg', `npx --no-install -- ${CLI_NAME$4} --edit "$1"`);
const defaultConfig$5 = {
rules: '@commitlint/config-conventional',
config: { extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'] },
const [getConfig$5] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$5,
const commitlint = async () => {
const { config, rules } = getConfig$5();
await installDevelopmentDependencies('@commitlint/cli', rules);
await addJsonFileToRoot('.commitlintrc.json', config);
await addHook('commit-msg', 'npx --no-install -- commitlint --edit "$1"');
const { config, rules } = getConfig$9();
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME$6, rules);
await addJsonFileToRoot(CONFIG_FILE_NAME$4, config);
await huskyIntegration$1();
const nodeTsConfig$1 = {
dependencies: [
const SCRIPT_NAME$1 = 'jest';
const CONFIG_FILE_NAME$3 = 'jest.config.cjs';
const isJestInstalled = isInstalledAndInRootCheck(SCRIPT_NAME$1, CONFIG_FILE_NAME$3);
const PACKAGE_NAME$3 = 'prettier';
const CONFIG_FILE_NAME$2 = '.prettierrc';
const CONFIG_IGNORE_FILE_NAME = '.prettierignore';
const isPrettierInstalled = isInstalledAndInRootCheck(PACKAGE_NAME$3, CONFIG_FILE_NAME$2);
const SCRIPT_NAME = 'eslint';
const CONFIG_FILE_NAME$1 = '.eslintrc.json';
const prettierMutation$1 = async (config) => {
if (await isPrettierInstalled()) {
const jestMutation$1 = async (config) => {
if (await isJestInstalled()) {
config.eslintConfig.env = { ...config.eslintConfig.env, jest: true };
const addPrettierToConfig = (config) => {
const dependenciesSet = new Set([...config.dependencies, 'eslint-plugin-prettier', 'eslint-config-prettier']);
const dependencies = Array.from(dependenciesSet);
const eslintExtendsSet = new Set([...(config.eslintConfig.extends || []), 'plugin:prettier/recommended']);
const eslintExtends = Array.from(eslintExtendsSet);
config.dependencies = dependencies;
config.eslintConfig.extends = eslintExtends;
const isEslintInstalled = isInstalledAndInRootCheck(SCRIPT_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_NAME$1);
const defaultConfig$8 = {
dependencies: [],
eslintConfig: {
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
sourceType: 'module',
env: {
es6: true,
node: true,
browser: true,
root: true,
extends: ['eslint:recommended'],
scripts: [
{ name: 'lint', script: 'eslint "src/**/*.js"' },
{ name: 'lint:fix', script: 'eslint "src/**/*.js" --fix' },
config: {
mutations: [prettierMutation$1, jestMutation$1],
const nodeTsConfig$2 = {
dependencies: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin', '@typescript-eslint/parser', 'eslint-plugin-beautiful-sort'],
eslintConfig: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',

@@ -166,7 +262,6 @@ parserOptions: {

plugins: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin', 'beautiful-sort'],
extends: ['plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended', 'plugin:prettier/recommended'],
extends: ['plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended'],
root: true,
env: {
node: true,
jest: true,

@@ -193,58 +288,104 @@ ignorePatterns: ['.eslintrc.js'],

mutations: [prettierMutation$1, jestMutation$1],
const defaultConfig$4 = {
dependencies: ['eslint-plugin-prettier', 'eslint-config-prettier'],
config: {
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
sourceType: 'module',
env: {
es6: true,
node: true,
browser: true,
jest: true,
root: true,
extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:prettier/recommended'],
scripts: [
{ name: 'lint', script: 'eslint "src/**/*.js"' },
{ name: 'lint:fix', script: 'eslint "src/**/*.js" --fix' },
const [getConfig$8] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$8,
'node:ts': nodeTsConfig$2,
const applyMutations = async (config, mutations) => {
return await Promise.all( (mutation) => await Promise.resolve(mutation(config))));
const [getConfig$4] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$4,
'node:ts': nodeTsConfig$1,
const eslint = async () => {
const { config, dependencies, scripts } = getConfig$4();
await installDevelopmentDependencies('eslint', ...dependencies);
await addJsonFileToRoot('.eslintrc.json', config);
const config = getConfig$8();
await applyMutations(config, config.mutations);
const { dependencies, eslintConfig, scripts } = config;
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME$2, ...dependencies);
await addJsonFileToRoot(CONFIG_FILE_NAME$1, eslintConfig);
await addScripts(...scripts);
const defaultConfig$3 = {
config: {
'*.{js,json,yml,md}': 'prettier --write',
const husky = async () => {
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME$5);
await addScripts({ name: 'prepare', script: `${PACKAGE_NAME$5} install` });
await runScript('prepare');
const PACKAGE_NAME$1 = 'lint-staged';
const arrayOptionMutation = {
check: (config, key) => Array.isArray(config[key]),
mutate: (config, key, value) => {
config[key] = Array.from(new Set([...config[key], value]));
const nodeTsConfig = {
config: {
'*.ts': 'eslint --fix',
const stringOptionMutation = {
check: (config, key) => typeof config[key] === 'string',
mutate: (config, key, value) => {
const array = Array.from(new Set([config[key], value]));
config[key] = array.length === 1 ? array[0] : array;
const [getConfig$3] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$3,
'node:ts': nodeTsConfig,
const undefinedOptionMutation = {
check: (config, key) => typeof config[key] === 'undefined',
mutate: (config, key, value) => {
config[key] = value;
const optionMutations = [arrayOptionMutation, stringOptionMutation, undefinedOptionMutation];
const addOptionToLintStagedConfig = (config, key, value) => {
const finded = optionMutations.find(({ check }) => check(config, key, value));
if (!finded) {
throw new Error('option mutator is not found!');
finded.mutate(config, key, value);
const huskyIntegration = async () => {
if (await isHuskyInstalled()) {
await addHook('pre-commit', `npx --no-install ${CLI_NAME}`);
const jestMutation = (fileExtension) => async (config) => {
if (await isJestInstalled()) {
addOptionToLintStagedConfig(config, fileExtension, `${CLI_NAME$3} --findRelatedTests`);
const eslintMutation = (fileExtension) => async (config) => {
if (await isEslintInstalled()) {
addOptionToLintStagedConfig(config, fileExtension, `${CLI_NAME$1} --fix`);
const prettierMutation = async (config) => {
if (await isPrettierInstalled()) {
addOptionToLintStagedConfig(config, '*.{js,json,yml,md}', `${CLI_NAME$2} --write`);
const defaultConfig$7 = {
config: {},
mutations: [prettierMutation, eslintMutation('*.js'), jestMutation('*.js')],
const nodeTsConfig$1 = {
config: {},
mutations: [prettierMutation, eslintMutation('*.ts'), jestMutation('*.ts')],
const [getConfig$7] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$7,
'node:ts': nodeTsConfig$1,
const lintStaged = async () => {
const { config } = getConfig$3();
await installDevelopmentDependencies('lint-staged');
await addToPackageJson('lint-staged', config);
await addHook('pre-commit', 'npx --no-install lint-staged');
const { config, mutations } = getConfig$7();
await applyMutations(config, mutations);
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME$1);
await addToPackageJson(PACKAGE_NAME$1, config);
await huskyIntegration();
const defaultConfig$2 = {
const defaultConfig$6 = {
config: {

@@ -271,14 +412,16 @@ semi: true,

const [getConfig$2] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$2,
const [getConfig$6] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$6,
const prettier = async () => {
const { config, ignore, scripts } = getConfig$2();
await installDevelopmentDependencies('prettier');
await addJsonFileToRoot('.prettierrc', config);
await addFileToRoot('.prettierignore', ignore.join('\n'));
const { config, ignore, scripts } = getConfig$6();
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME$3);
await addJsonFileToRoot(CONFIG_FILE_NAME$2, config);
await addFileToRoot(CONFIG_IGNORE_FILE_NAME, ignore.join('\n'));
await addScripts(...scripts);
const defaultConfig$1 = {
const defaultConfig$5 = {
createConfig: (repositoryUrl) => ({

@@ -308,13 +451,18 @@ types: [

const [getConfig$1] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$1,
const [getConfig$5] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$5,
const PACKAGE_NAME = 'standard-version';
const CONFIG_FILE_NAME = '.versionrc.json';
const standardVersion = async () => {
const { createConfig, packageJsonConfig, scripts } = getConfig$1();
await installDevelopmentDependencies('standard-version');
const { createConfig, packageJsonConfig, scripts } = getConfig$5();
await installDevelopmentDependencies(PACKAGE_NAME);
const packageJson = await getPackageJson();
const repositoryUrl = packageJson.homepage?.replace(/#.+$/, '') ?? '<repository url>';
const config = createConfig(repositoryUrl);
await addJsonFileToRoot('.versionrc.json', config);
await addToPackageJson('standard-version', packageJsonConfig);
await addJsonFileToRoot(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, config);
await addToPackageJson(PACKAGE_NAME, packageJsonConfig);
await addScripts(...scripts);

@@ -360,13 +508,13 @@ };

const buildTemplate = (strings, ...values) => {
const multilineStringBuilder = (strings, ...values) => {
const result = strings.reduce((state, string, index) => {
const value = values[index] ?? '';
return `${state}${string}${value}`;
}, '');
return result;
const templateWithFormat = (...funcs) => {
const multilineStringBuilderWithMiddlewares = (...middlewares) => {
return (...params) => {
const builded = buildTemplate(...params);
return compose(...funcs)(builded);
const builded = multilineStringBuilder(...params);
return compose(...middlewares)(builded);

@@ -376,5 +524,5 @@ };

const trim = (string) => string.trim();
const readableMultilineString = multilineStringBuilderWithMiddlewares(trim, removeTabOnEachLine);
const format = templateWithFormat(trim, removeTabOnEachLine);
const content = format `
const content$3 = readableMultilineString `
name: release

@@ -388,3 +536,3 @@

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

@@ -405,12 +553,167 @@ steps:

const defaultConfig$4 = {
content: content$3,
const [getConfig$4] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$4,
const WORKFLOW_FILENAME$3 = 'release.yml';
const releaseWorkflow = async () => {
const { content } = getConfig$4();
await addGithubWorkflow(WORKFLOW_FILENAME$3, content);
const scripts = [
{ name: 'test', script: 'jest' },
{ name: 'test:watch', script: 'jest --watch' },
{ name: 'test:coverage', script: 'jest --coverage' },
const configFileContent$1 = readableMultilineString `
module.exports = {
testEnvironment: 'node',
testRegex: '.*\\.(spec|test)\\.js$',
collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.js'],
const defaultConfig$3 = {
devDependencies: ['jest', '@types/jest'],
configFileContent: configFileContent$1,
const configFileContent = readableMultilineString `
/** @type {import('ts-jest/dist/types').InitialOptionsTsJest} */
module.exports = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
moduleDirectories: ['<rootDir>', 'node_modules'],
testRegex: '.*\\.(spec|test)\\.ts$',
collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.ts'],
const nodeTsConfig = {
devDependencies: ['jest', '@types/jest', 'ts-jest'],
const [getConfig$3] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$3,
'node:ts': nodeTsConfig,
// named jestEntrypoint because in test environment jest name is reserved
const jestEntrypoint = async () => {
const { devDependencies, configFileContent, scripts } = getConfig$3();
await installDevelopmentDependencies(...devDependencies);
await addFileToRoot(CONFIG_FILE_NAME$3, configFileContent);
await addScripts(...scripts);
const content$2 = readableMultilineString `
name: test
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CI: true
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
cache: "npm"
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm i
- name: Run tests
run: npm run test
const defaultConfig$2 = {
content: content$2,
const [getConfig$2] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$2,
const WORKFLOW_FILENAME$2 = 'test.yml';
const testWorkflow = async () => {
const { content } = getConfig$2();
await addGithubWorkflow(WORKFLOW_FILENAME$2, content);
const content$1 = readableMultilineString `
name: codeql
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
- name: Run CodeQL analyze
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
const defaultConfig$1 = {
content: content$1,
const [getConfig$1] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig$1,
const WORKFLOW_FILENAME$1 = 'codeql.yml';
const codeqlWorkflow = async () => {
const { content } = getConfig$1();
await addGithubWorkflow(WORKFLOW_FILENAME$1, content);
const content = readableMultilineString `
name: build
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CI: true
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
cache: "npm"
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm i
- name: Run build
run: npm run build
const defaultConfig = {
filename: 'release.yml',
const [getConfig] = jsCategoryState.useConfigState({
default: defaultConfig,
const releaseWorkflow = async () => {
const { filename, content } = getConfig();
await addGithubWorkflow(filename, content);
const WORKFLOW_FILENAME = 'build.yml';
const buildWorkflow = async () => {
const { content } = getConfig();
await addGithubWorkflow(WORKFLOW_FILENAME, content);

@@ -427,2 +730,7 @@

// named jestEntrypoint because in test environment jest name is reserved
jest: jestEntrypoint,

@@ -447,2 +755,3 @@ var js = {

const miniumOneValidate = (answers) => answers.length !== 0;
const manyOf = async (message, choices) => {

@@ -454,3 +763,3 @@ const res = await inquirer__default["default"].prompt({

validate: (answers) => answers.length !== 0,
validate: miniumOneValidate,

@@ -460,4 +769,2 @@ return res[message];

const white = (log) => `\x1b[22m\x1b[1m${log}\x1b[0m`;
const categoriesKeys = Object.keys(categories);

@@ -482,2 +789,3 @@ const getCategory = async () => {

const spinner = ora__default["default"]('starting install').start();
await keys.reduce((chain, key) => {

@@ -492,2 +800,3 @@ return chain.then(async () => {

const main = async () => {

@@ -501,3 +810,7 @@ console.log(white(`Wellcome to Allohamora's cli`));

if (require.main) {
exports.main = main;


"name": "@allohamora/cli",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "Command Line Interface with useful installation scripts",
"version": "1.4.0",
"description": "cli to initialize projects and more",
"input": "./src/index.ts",

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ "main": "./bin/cli.js",

"build": "rimraf ./bin && rollup -c rollup.config.js",
"prestart": "npm run build",
"start": "npm unlink @allohamora/cli && npm link @allohamora/cli && ./bin/cli.js",

@@ -21,3 +22,6 @@ "prepare": "husky install",

"lint": "eslint \"src/**/*.ts\"",
"lint:fix": "eslint \"src/**/*.ts\" --fix"
"lint:fix": "eslint \"src/**/*.ts\" --fix",
"test": "jest",
"test:watch": "jest --watch",
"test:coverage": "jest --coverage"

@@ -54,9 +58,10 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "^15.0.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^15.0.0",
"@commitlint/cli": "^16.1.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^16.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^21.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.1.0",
"@types/inquirer": "^8.1.3",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.8.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.8.0",
"@types/jest": "^27.4.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.10.2",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.10.2",
"eslint": "^8.5.0",

@@ -67,2 +72,3 @@ "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0",

"husky": "^7.0.4",
"jest": "^27.4.7",
"lint-staged": "^12.1.4",

@@ -75,6 +81,8 @@ "prettier": "^2.5.1",

"standard-version": "^9.3.2",
"ts-jest": "^27.1.3",
"ts-node-dev": "^1.1.8",
"tsconfig-paths": "^3.12.0",
"type-fest": "^2.8.0",
"typescript": "^4.5.3"
"typescript": "^4.5.3",
"yaml": "^1.10.2"

@@ -91,5 +99,8 @@ "dependencies": {

"lint-staged": {
"*.ts": "eslint --fix",
"*.ts": [
"eslint --fix",
"jest --findRelatedTests"
"*.{js,json,yml,md}": "prettier --write"

@@ -23,12 +23,18 @@ # CLI

- [**js**](/src/categories/js/index.ts) is a category with scripts to initialize js/ts projects, have default and node:ts config options.
- [**commitlint**](/src/categories/js/commitlint.ts) is a script to initialize [commitlint]( with [conventional commits]( config.
- [**eslint**](/src/categories/js/eslint.ts) is a script to initialize [eslint]( with [prettier-plugin](, config and lint scripts.
- [**husky**](/src/categories/js/husky.ts) is a script to initialize [husky](
- [**lint-staged**](/src/categories/js/lint-staged.ts) is a script to initialize [lint-staged]( with [eslint]( linting, [prettier]( formating and [husky]( pre-commit hook.
- [**prettier**](/src/categories/js/prettier.ts) is a script to initialize [prettier]( with config and format scripts.
- [**release-workflow**](/src/categories/js/release-worflow.ts) is script to initialize github release workflow what creates release from [conventional-changelog]( when you push tag like \*.\*.\*(1.1.0, 5.0.0, 0.0.0, etc).
- [**standard-version**](/src/categories/js/standard-verstion.ts) is a script to initialize [standard-version]( with [conventional commits]( config, custom options (like removed "v" tag prefix) and release scripts.
- [**commitlint**](/src/categories/js/commitlint) is a script to initialize [commitlint]( with [conventional commits]( config. Have [husky]( integration.
- [**eslint**](/src/categories/js/eslint) is a script to initialize [eslint]( with config and lint scripts. Have [prettier]( integration.
- [**husky**](/src/categories/js/husky) is a script to initialize [husky](
- [**lint-staged**](/src/categories/js/lint-staged) is a script to initialize [lint-staged]( Have [husky](, [jest](, [eslint](, [prettier]( integrations.
- [**prettier**](/src/categories/js/prettier) is a script to initialize [prettier]( with config and format scripts.
- [**release-workflow**](/src/categories/js/release-worflow) is script to initialize github release workflow what creates release from [conventional-changelog]( when you push tag like \*.\*.\*(1.1.0, 5.0.0, 0.0.0, etc).
- [**standard-version**](/src/categories/js/standard-verstion) is a script to initialize [standard-version]( with [conventional commits]( config(with repository url if defined or "\<repository url\>" placeholder), custom options(like removed "v" tag prefix) and release scripts.
- [**jest**](/src/categories/js/jest) is a script to initialize [jest]( with config and test scripts.
- [**test-workflow**](/src/categories/js/test-workflow.ts) is a script to initialize github test workflow what runs ```npm run test``` on each push to github.
- [**build-workflow**](/src/categories/js/build-workflow) is a script to initialize github build workflow that runs ```npm run build``` on each push to github.
- [**codeql-workflow**](/src/categories/js/codeql-workflow) is a script to initialize github codeql workflow what runs codeql with default options on each push to github.
\*integrations runs only if package is installing or installed.
## License
CLI is [MIT licensed](/LICENSE).

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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