Advanced tools
19.1.2 "dolomite-domino" (2025-01-29)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0852c88ea | fix | dialog: default aria-modal to false (#30411) | | b72838b10 | fix | platform: preserve compatibility with angular versions less than 19.1 (#30401) (#30407) | | 5b4ca17d5 | fix | table: Column sizing and scrolling bug when number of columns in table changes (#30378) | | c1a3caeed | fix | text-field: auto sizing broken if user styles stretch the element (#30412) | | f936c97fb | fix | tree: fix broken examples in stackblitz (#30387) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b68347467 | fix | button-toggle: incorrect shape of focus indicator in vertical group (#30376) | | 4a96a25e1 | fix | select: fixed text color for selected options in multiple select (#30367) | | 29f1da4fb | perf | button: Change frequently missed descendant selectors to child selectors (#30385) | | 5d6d25fc5 | perf | checkbox: Optimize css selectors (#30386) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 836ad799f | fix | hide info window node when opened with content (#30392) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.1"></a>
19.1.1 "lanthanum-labrador" (2025-01-22)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 380fd1dfa | fix | text-field: clear cached line height on resize (#30355) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5c4421641 | fix | autocomplete: fix initial render logic (#30348) | | db3895cf1 | fix | chips: fix chip blur timing (#30347) | | 09d7476d9 | fix | expansion: inherit shape for focus indicator (#30352) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.0"></a>
19.1.0 "denim-firefly" (2025-01-16)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 62a672af0d | feat | dialog: expose cdk dialog docs (#1144) | | a0a16fc70e | feat | menu: expose cdk menu docs (#1142) | | 2be0afcfb5 | fix | menu: avoid resetting the scroll position when using the mouse (#30249) | | e421765d8d | fix | menu: not responding to position changes (#30234) | | 5c75bbecb2 | fix | scrolling: avoid SSR error in CdkVirtualScrollableWindow (#30259) | | d721f0c2bc | perf | table: Use afterNextRender for sticky styling. Fixes a performance regression dating back to #28393 and removes need for coalesced sticky styler. (#30242) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f47f5f9a1e | feat | schematics: Add CSS output to custom theme schematic (#30004) | | 057ed370aa | fix | api-theme: fix nav items hover/focus contrast (#1004) | | 5138fe7b38 | fix | checkbox: ensure focus indicator has the correct shape (#30332) | | 3163040850 | fix | docs: change twitter logo (#1245) | | 781e91e798 | fix | menu: lazy content not detached after animation (#30301) | | a3d9e4b45d | fix | select: match disabled placeholder color with label (#29870) | | 027c3ad267 | fix | select: remove color transition w/ no animations module (#30304) | | 4f676d4030 | fix | slider: active vs inactive tick mark count (#30319) | | eae073032c | fix | slider: tick mark positioning (#30329) | | 0c099ff024 | fix | sort: avoid center align for sort header | | 6ca21fd740 | fix | tabs: tab nav bar animation not working when navigating forwards (#30313) | | a0b5546111 | fix | theme: unselected theme picker | | 884740d605 | fix | tooltip: deprecate matTooltipAnimations (#30310) | | ab497c44e7 | perf | button: Remove unused inject. (#30320) | | ab44d45c56 | perf | table: Optimize expensive css selector (#30305) | | 980f9ba7bb | perf | tooltip: Use afterNextRender to invoke aria describer to align layout updates with other components using afterNextRender. (#30265) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 75c8aa8767 | feat | column-resize: Support column size persistance hooks (#30136) | | 50d906b3e3 | fix | column-resize: Previous size was being sent for persistance rather than newly updated size in non-live resize mode. (#30161) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8685c01a92 | feat | column-resize: Add support for "lazy" rather than live updating during resizing. (#30120) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e52a369a1b | fix | infer first day of week from locale (#30285) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| f5abaa31a1 | feat | add 404 page (#902) |
| 5c5903e82c | feat | add button to copy link to example (#922) |
| 76f9d98d22 | feat | add cdk/testing docs (#678) |
| 39ab48f4be | feat | add cookie popup (#988) |
| cfdc032c09 | feat | add CSP and recommended security headers to site |
| 663d7948fe | feat | add help/support section (#915) |
| 38b0fbf469 | feat | Add material 3 guide (#1236) |
| c1f9e98b91 | feat | add ripples to documentation items (#489) |
| d2b05aec10 | feat | add ripples to documentation items (#494) |
| a429d1bc6a | feat | Add separate guide for M2 specific theming |
| cd8b7ab2cf | feat | add summaries to all menu items and category pages (#512) |
| 856a03ff4f | feat | add support for reduced motion (#1095) |
| 52388a8271 | feat | add the ability to link to the site with a particular theme (#549) |
| 390961e3e9 | feat | add version and version picker (#406) |
| a041c423c1 | feat | added ability to keep pathname and hash on version change |
| 06386a7870 | feat | angular 4 compatibility (#135) |
| d0a84cf2d3 | feat | change navbar, toolbar and landing page coloring to denote when looking at docs on next (#540) |
| cffcadce16 | feat | compact view for example components to replace static code snippets (#756) |
| 95753b77e1 | feat | convert to standalone (#1200) |
| e592ba19e0 | feat | create a version.json file for all version of the docs sites to load version info from (#539) |
| 60eb965856 | feat | expose CDK accordion docs (#1005) |
| 8f2fa288b5 | feat | expose coercion and collections docs (#994) |
| 84b31396ec | feat | more flexible carousels and fix homepage alignment |
| 98049435a7 | feat | show deprecated related information in material/tooltip
| f9c59da021 | feat | simplify stackblitz examples using standalone (#1211) |
| bcfb36864a | feat | switch to MDC components (#1174) |
| eac6e2ab03 | feat | switch to sass modules (#952) |
| 3ffb237849 | feat | update to 9.0.0-next.x and enable Ivy rendering engine (#645) |
| 3e758dd254 | fix | accessibility, SEO, typos, styling (#649) |
| 8866616f2d | fix | account for new token data format |
| ebaa6e3ea4 | fix | add back accidentally deleted deployment check |
| 8e86c817d8 | fix | add box shadow to cookie popup |
| d3a56e5d06 | fix | add dynamic copyright (#1169) |
| ff0b4d99ab | fix | add header background if links wrap |
| baef33766c | fix | add material-moment-adapter to stackblitz dependencies (#1156) |
| 615dfe185c | fix | add missing drag-drop examples (#616) |
| d350fc1b0a | fix | add missing test harnesses (#860) |
| 2996086742 | fix | add postinstall script back to make component examples work |
| dcf45d3d3d | fix | add ripples to clickable cards |
| 2272750245 | fix | add styling for markdown tables (#921) |
| 51ce514bf8 | fix | align and clean up table design (#1003) |
| b584257e6e | fix | allow table of contents to scroll |
| 98aaf74dd0 | fix | anchor links not scrolling into view (#519) |
| c88475f8a5 | fix | angular material footer logo |
| 8635a57bcf | fix | avoid breaking page if there's a broken example (#855) |
| bc2343484c | fix | bump angular version to resolve query issue (#1105) |
| 90cf5f3aeb | fix | cache fetched docs (#1001) |
| 733b8eb527 | fix | capitalization on component list (#114) |
| de7d03291e | fix | cdk test harness API document not found (#716) |
| e13014e33e | fix | center guide viewer (#274) |
| 8a85bb88bf | fix | clean up tilde imports (#1082) |
| ad940e6248 | fix | components with multiple API docs do not display correctly (#717) |
| e3d6968e3c | fix | consistent toc positioning (#316) |
| 71133d7982 | fix | cookies dialog button contrast (#1010) |
| d870c0b049 | fix | copy to clipboard button always copying content of first tab (#821) |
| 476622a81a | fix | correct links in doc-viewer markdown files to have the proper base value (#554) |
| ac205ece69 | fix | create proper fragment urls (#329) |
| 4e67c59318 | fix | declare duplicate theming guide (#923) |
| d04156ab0d | fix | directly check if the hostname is the expected hostname instead of just starting with the hostname (#1223) |
| aa2dd2552b | fix | doc titles anchor links accessible (#891) |
| 103fc7963c | fix | double scroll bars on guides page |
| defdbe6310 | fix | ensure that menu items are always sorted (#1058) |
| b54869ef0b | fix | errors in plunkr template (#54) |
| b124bb49aa | fix | errors when reading optional queries |
| c2b92c3f32 | fix | example-viewer icons and animation (#52) |
| 677d07cec9 | fix | explicitly set an index for each API docs section (#732) |
| 0e72906469 | fix | expose component testing modules (#757) |
| 776973db64 | fix | expose timepicker |
| 29715e6ec1 | fix | external links with hash are updated incorrectly (#355) |
| 3c93065881 | fix | failing test (#1281) |
| 937c222807 | fix | fix 'reporters' key name in karma.conf (#433) |
| 6601ada892 | fix | fix ts compiler error |
| cab14c68c9 | fix | footer jumping up while guide is loading (#834) |
| 93d74135fd | fix | footer not being pushed to the bottom of the page in guides (#839) |
| e6179b6f92 | fix | footer not sticking to bottom of the page on IE (#451) |
| 9cf54bcd30 | fix | generated Stackblitz examples not working when forked to a repo (#901) |
| 195f99205c | fix | github icon was not centered on mobile (#1067) |
| fa88118c4d | fix | guides overlapping footer on narrow screens (#1007) |
| 1f695d197a | fix | harnesses not working on Stackblitz (#1193) |
| 65f1ec699a | fix | hide ripple styling page |
| 9ad15a52fb | fix | home page in mobile view (#832) |
| e604f5bb07 | fix | homepage not using native accelerated scrolling on touch devices (#827) |
| 7c9e931a09 | fix | horizontal scrollbar always visible on Windows in code samples (#500) |
| fe06a376bb | fix | improve the docs typography |
| 61161c522e | fix | include all menu examples under examples tab (#428) |
| 2ec3c381b4 | fix | include cdkAccordionModule in material-module for accordion stackblitz demo (#1060) |
| c3a2e49f43 | fix | include date range picker examples (#899) |
| 4f635ed2fa | fix | include proper font and web animations polyfill (#209) |
| a9c2135fc8 | fix | incorrect link to Material source code |
| d398abfe4b | fix | incorrect scenes |
| e76343b9c8 | fix | lighthouse check failing in v15 (#1164) |
| 23239561fd | fix | menu icons example not rendering (#449) |
| 51c3777cb8 | fix | missing import for PortalModule
(#582) |
| 06798e2c71 | fix | missing import for a11y module (#571) |
| 48da87118d | fix | missing roboto font weights (#349) |
| d5daeab711 | fix | normalize card height (#115) |
| 29879c0002 | fix | numerous responsive issues on screens from 360px to 960px (#705) |
| 8b4515d8b0 | fix | overflow on devices (#471) |
| 1abc4afba2 | fix | plunkers not including source files (#199) |
| b14539b4c3 | fix | prepare for enabling Ivy (#642) |
| cd7117fdf4 | fix | prevent user-select on method modifier marker (#1182) |
| 45e159bffb | fix | prevent users from selecting link icon text (#1034) |
| 0531cc66e2 | fix | remove -example
suffix from tree examples in documentation items (#444) |
| ee4e3a346a | fix | remove ComponentFactoryResolver usage from scenes |
| 603e5a7253 | fix | remove elevation from nav bar |
| dafdc6a028 | fix | remove extension from Stackblitz examples (#841) |
| bcc6a0db14 | fix | remove google groups link |
| ab385ed7fc | fix | remove imports from top-level package (#604) |
| 07518e135c | fix | remove MDC migration guide |
| daa09dec81 | fix | remove service worker (#503) |
| c94ea2f845 | fix | remove unnecessary components bundle (#74) |
| 2509a91f26 | fix | remove workarounds for async pipe type narrowing bug |
| 86cfbd6c0a | fix | replace use of turbo with yarn (#1213) |
| f5c4f7a154 | fix | resolve breaking changes from upgrading to beta.2 (#102) |
| d0d71a6166 | fix | ripple overview not loading (#734) |
| 1f5004d9aa | fix | router outlet should not allow overflow (#856) |
| 085c794319 | fix | routing path for cdk/testing
| be830baaa3 | fix | scss deprecation warnings and wrong example name (#462) |
| 05c716418a | fix | set rootUrl during construction of table of contents (#445) |
| 8fce89ac4e | fix | set up scene for timepicker |
| b14a475f15 | fix | sidenav spacing |
| 08782a1e86 | fix | site crashing on browsers with limited localStorage access (#203) |
| 7cb133b744 | fix | some testing entry points referring to wrong module (#854) |
| 6d28826406 | fix | sort links alphabetically (#996) |
| 3ff854d47b | fix | sticky table example not loading (#553) |
| 0e675d410e | fix | switch Stackblitz back to npm |
| 0e2c7f9f37 | fix | table of contents not working within cdk (#545) |
| be7b959eca | fix | temporarily disable Ivy on Stackblitz (#1050) |
| 502b1a9aeb | fix | update angular & angular material to next
version (#1171) |
| 053b27ca22 | fix | update component categories screenshots to M3 |
| e621cbc132 | fix | update stackblitz to correct angular framework version (#1178) |
| 72ef9806c0 | fix | update title background #398 (#399) |
| 82ee7fe3e8 | fix | update to rxjs 7 (#1280) |
| b0984ec2f2 | fix | update yarn.lock and fix package.json (#1074) |
| 1ee6973083 | fix | use more lenient version when generating stackblitz (#1075) |
| 06eb0abf0a | fix | use new control flow syntax |
| 24aab79aa7 | fix | use new Google Fonts snippet (#900) |
| 7d090a610f | fix | use theme color for link inside the API reference (#990) |
| be57a6ba61 | fix | use yarn when forking to stackblitz (#1194) |
| d12a8bb6ec | fix | window.location.href changed to its origin (#1234) |
| 7b7901c3da | fix | workaround issues with ngIf template vars in Angular 9.0.0-rc.5 |
| 4eeb2bdd31 | fix | wrong import path (#1140) |
| 355eb6477d | perf | avoid triggering change detection on scroll (#1033) |
| 46bcb208e6 | perf | example rendering performance improvements (#961) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6a91be8a5e | fix | fix example to use standard filter (#123) | | 14a7612502 | fix | improve contrast of accent in pink-bluegrey theme (#637) | | 1e13ab004b | fix | various issues with contrast ratios (#635) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | dc2358191f | feat | add table-of-contents to api page (#291) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 421dd12859 | fix | fix color of mat-button links (#876) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e9a709739f | fix | make list items anchors like component list items (#224) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c29ae29d2c | fix | bad routerLink path with relativeLinkResolution (#663) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8ec736f810 | fix | hammerjs not loaded causes warnings and flaky failures (#548) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d13f8f1782 | fix | remove reference to md- in styles (#113) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6415b7fc0b | fix | links fail a11y contrast checks in dark mode |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 96e2848fbb | fix | fix sticky TOC (#917) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a215e7b675 | fix | can't navigate to CDK after visiting component (#410) | | ebdb66d967 | fix | Loading document... getting wrapped (#912) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5513093def | fix | allow img-src of 'self' |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4004a1c959 | feat | add doc-viewer component (#17) | | 8cd4c25dba | fix | cancel previous pending requests when changing url (#235) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f6c3702d3b | feat | add page titles to doc pages #189 (#220) | | d7fc560140 | fix | add example for adding icon in meta section using matListI… (#30068) | | 802148e5f3 | fix | correct overflow cdk pages |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d888d64272 | feat | add copy source button (#262) | | dcdf7fa23f | feat | support rendering additional files (#516) | | e26a9fc135 | fix | don't wrap code samples (#289) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 03e8704ffc | fix | add correct relative path to background-url (#112) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f1d0fad7fa | fix | extra w in www.angular.io (#217) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | eb320996a0 | fix | remove extra '/' (#418) | | 3f508c748f | fix | set analytics for mat and ng separately. (#417) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | ddcaf81ab4 | fix | add ReactiveFormsModule to GuideViewerModule (#719) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c7839ebff0 | fix | fix the positioning of the footer on the guides page (#803) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b9856a1dd3 | feat | Use static content in homepage (#16) | | bc652363ff | fix | fix splash svg on homepage (#179) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 16907d6339 | fix | fix snackbar icon name (#183) | | cee28b6d9a | fix | set width and height of icons (#187) |
19.0.1 "mercury-mailbox" (2024-11-27)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2d7e078bb | fix | button-toggle: animate checkbox (#30025) | | edac40645 | fix | chips: emit state changes when chip grid is disabled (#30033) | | 18f7f4bb9 | fix | datepicker: adds comparison ids and aria-describedby spans (#30040) | | 375435497 | fix | slider: update documentation (#30029) | | a31201475 | fix | timepicker: make disabled input public (#30063) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f9d9d2c81 | fix | update errorState example to cover handle missing state (#30059) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 59b7f436a | fix | use cross-compatible type for setTimeout (#30073) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.0.0"></a>
19.0.0 "hafnium-hippo" (2024-11-19)
targets a media query instead of a class, the specificity of the styles it emits is lower than before.Virtual scrolling lists now have proper type checking which can reveal some previously-hidden compilation errors.
fix(cdk/scrolling): adds ngTemplateContextGuard
implements ngTemplateContextGuard for CdkVirtualForOf directive
and CanColor
have been removed. Use a host binding instead.mixinDisableRipple
and CanDisableRipple
have been removed. Use input transforms instead.mixinDisabled
and CanDisable
have been removed. Use input transforms instead.mixinInitialized
and HasInitialized
have been removed. Use a Subject
that emits in ngOnInit
and HasTabIndex
have been removed. Use input transforms instead.MapMarkerClusterer
class has been renamed to DeprecatedMapMarkerClusterer
selector has been changed to deprecated-map-marker-clusterer
.@include mat.button-theme($theme); --mat-button-color: red;
. It can be resolved by wrapping the overrides with & {}
, for example @include mat.button-theme($theme); & { --mat-button-color: red; }
is no longer available.MatCheckbox.ripple
is no longer available.MatChip.ripple
is no longer available.| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 234e5e0e8 | feat | add support for date-fns 4 (#29744) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 09da06b42 | fix | ready event not emitting | | 288598750 | fix | startSeconds not applied when using placeholder |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1bd976c6a | feat | Add support for some mouse events #29741 (#29747) | | a05475e76 | feat | deprecate marker cluster component | | c70aae15b | feat | implement new marker clusterer | | b9deeee85 | fix | add schematic to switch to the new clusterer name | | a6709497f | fix | expose all clusterer types (#29905) | | 74c2a081f | fix | resolve CLI errors in ng update schematic (#29947) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| 9122335b2 | feat | checkbox: add new aria properties to MatCheckbox (#29457) |
| 64ed7ca71 | feat | core: add experimental theme demo (#29636) |
| a58e6f671 | feat | core: add theme-overrides mixin (#29858) |
| d206225c5 | feat | core: create focus-indicator structural styles loader (#29763) |
| b519b4785 | feat | core: default to color-scheme theme type (#29907) |
| ea0d1ba7b | feat | core: deprecate the core mixin (#29906) |
| 486990912 | feat | core: rename theme mixin (#29857) |
| 4b49d7354 | feat | core: switch system prefix from sys to mat-sys (#29908) |
| 1abb484aa | feat | input: add the ability to interact with disabled inputs (#29574) |
| 4adc3725d | feat | schematics: create v19 core removal schematic (#29768) |
| 9c3af284f | feat | schematics: Switch custom theme schematic to use theme mixin instead of define-theme and add high contrast override mixins (#29642) |
| 3fc1f9a1b | feat | schematics: Update custom theme schematic to work with light-dark and use theme-overrides mixin (#29911) |
| ff3d342fd | feat | tabs: add alignTabs
in MatTabsConfig
(#29779) |
| 371446a7c | feat | theming: Disambiguate token names in theme overrides (#29859) |
| 9546fe77e | feat | timepicker: add test harnesses |
| 2646e0885 | feat | timepicker: add timepicker component |
| de6c20686 | fix | bottom-sheet: add height
to config (#29794) |
| fcb76d3ed | fix | core: add missing system variables (#29624) |
| 5ad133d07 | fix | core: allow optgroup overrides through core-overrides (#29897) |
| 0fb4247ce | fix | core: avoid browser inconsistencies when parsing time |
| 855ed4948 | fix | core: avoid having to manually load ripple styles |
| d0d59b784 | fix | core: change ng-add to use mat.theme (#29990) |
| a8e40ec34 | fix | core: correctly identify color input (#29909) |
| edce90652 | fix | core: delete deprecated APIs (#29651) |
| 54875a325 | fix | core: drop sanity checks (#29688) |
| ef14c2869 | fix | core: option showing double selected indicator in high contrast mode |
| 5403b4b07 | fix | core: remove unused motion system vars (#29920) |
| 613cf5406 | fix | core: rename sys vars from mat-app to mat-sys (#29879) |
| d0e178b75 | fix | core: stop manually instantiating MatRipple directive (#29630) |
| d55ec612c | fix | core: update prebuilt themes to use mat.theme (#29989) |
| 7cf8c6c46 | fix | datepicker: calendar font tokens not being picked up (#29610) |
| 5ba97925b | fix | form-field: avoid touching the DOM on each state change |
| a2cd04902 | fix | form-field: incorrect form field border radius with system-level themes (#29966) |
| 5345a875f | fix | input: preserve aria-describedby set externally |
| 9dcb95a72 | fix | list: remove unnecessary high contrast styles |
| dbcb921d5 | fix | menu: handle keyboard events through dispatcher (#29997) |
| de5e57ad1 | fix | menu: use static elevation (#29968) |
| 482009bac | fix | schematics: add explicit system variable prefix schematic (#29980) |
| 75631fb0b | fix | sidenav: prevent the content from jumping when hydrated (#29991) |
| 14e9ec7cc | fix | timepicker: always re-focus input |
| 1eda48604 | fix | timepicker: hide toggle icon from assistive technology |
| 490bcfe38 | fix | timepicker: more flexible interval parsing |
| fb6e20290 | fix | timepicker: text field in parse error not up to date |
| 9b5ee9d55 | fix | timepicker: value considered as invalid by default |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| f4a02adb7 | feat | a11y: use native media query for high contrast detection (#29678) |
| 9b4085c6e | feat | private: create cdk-visually-hidden style loader (#29757) |
| df21d2b09 | fix | overlay: avoid having to manually load structural styles |
| 560878a23 | fix | overlay: load structural styles in a cascade layer (#29725) |
| 873eb01e0 | fix | portal: remove ComponentFactoryResolver usages (#27427) |
| 5439460d1 | fix | scrolling: adds ngTemplateContextGuard (#27276) |
| ad18e6d74 | fix | text-field: avoid having to manually load text field styles |
| bd84c2a67 | fix | tree: fix issue where isExpanded
wouldn't be set if placed before isExpandable
(#29565) |
| 3b4ade5a0 | fix | tree: only handle keyboard events directly from the node (#29861) |
| f6066c23f | fix | tree: warn if mixed node types are used within the same tree |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8f0369a27 | fix | paginator: fix focus issues with paginator buttons (#29379) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 01711b180 | fix | account for mixed declarations in latest Sass version (#29596) | | cb1450fc7 | fix | change fallbacks to use m3 (#29528) | | a9da72ed1 | fix | consolidate strong focus indicators (#29623) | | be342289c | fix | remove final references to ComponentFactoryResolver (#29832) | | d1d53f51a | fix | remove usages of Sass globals (#29972) | | b3a9062ed | fix | ripples not showing up in some cases (#29672) | | 485bd9923 | fix | stop exposing internal ripple implementation (#29622) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="18.2.14"></a>