17.2.2 "metal-marble" (2024-03-06)
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| 4af777a189 | fix | drag-drop: resolve helper directives with DI for proper hostDirectives support (#28633) |
| 94eafc134f | fix | overlay: fix overlay margin in isBoundedByLeftViewportEdge ('left-ward') mode (#28233) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| 65aaaf3abf | fix | autocomplete: prevent hidden overlay from blocking clicks (#28677) |
| d08ddaab81 | fix | autocomplete: requireSelection sometimes not clearing value when editing after selection (#28628) |
| 5b3210bfda | fix | checkbox: derive checkmark color from palette |
| fb20320b82 | fix | chips: derive surface color from palette |
| fe01e298a0 | fix | core: mark fields on HasErrorState as nullable (#28689) |
| afbb34e415 | fix | datepicker: always move caret to the end of the start input on backspace (#28669) |
| ec6f8e2e62 | fix | datepicker: datepicker doesn't announce newly selected range in firefox (#28529) |
| ba6e809761 | fix | expansion: prevent focus from entering the panel while it's animating (#28646) |
| 07f5ed9dc6 | fix | schematics: add typography and density to custom theme (#28645) |
| 6d8160c166 | fix | schematics: don't interrupt ng add if adding the animations module fails (#28675) |
| 9655ecb872 | fix | slide-toggle: m3 selected track outline (#28625) (#28634) |
| 7d352fbf88 | perf | form-field: resolve scrolling performance issues (#27251) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| f18ef99785 | feat | theming: provide hook for formatting toke… (#28660) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| 14c055fe07 | fix | derive all token values from theme (#28664) |
<a name="17.2.1"></a>