
This repository is a fork of moxci. Unlike the original, this one uses status checks instead of posting PR comments.
Moxci is a tool that will send Github commit status.
It will add a success status. The URL linked to the status is the link to the artifact.
It can be used to send a link of the latest storybook as a status update..
:package: Installation
yarn add -D @anilanar/moxci
:book: Example
In order to user moxci, you will need to set up a CircleCI project.
In your Project Settings -> Environment Variables, enter your Circle CI API Token as CIRCLE_TOKEN
, and Github API Token as GITHUB_TOKEN
In your config.yml
for CircleCI, add commands to specify the path that contains the artifact you'd like to notify.
- store_artifacts:
path: path_to_artifacts
- run:
name: Send artifact URL to Github
command: yarn moxci path_to_artifacts/index.html