Ant Design Icons for React
yarn add @ant-design/icons
yarn add @ant-design/icons-react
First, you should add the icons that you need into the library.
import { AntDesignOutline, DashboardOutline, TwitterOutline } from '@ant-design/icons';
import AntdIcon from '@ant-design/icons-react';
AntdIcon.add(AntDesignOutline, DashboardOutline);
After that, you can use antd icons in your React components as simply as this:
<AntdIcon type="ant-design-o" />
<AntdIcon type="dashboard-o" />
<AntdIcon type={TwitterOutline} />
Component Interface
interface AntdIconProps {
type: string | IconDefinition;
className?: string;
onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<SVGSVGElement>;
style?: React.CSSProperties;