OIS (or Oracle Integration Specifications) is a JSON object that describes an API specification
You can find the documentation for OIS in the docs.
To install this package run either:
yarn add @api3/ois
or if you use npm:
npm install @api3/ois --save
Use pinned version
We recommend using a pinned version of the OIS package because the validation included in the package enforces the OIS
version up to the patch. Pinning the version also ensures your project uses the correct OIS version even if there are
other packages depending on a different OIS version.
Make sure only one "zod" version is installed
Internally, we use zod to implement validation and TS typing for the OIS schema.
It's possible to have TS issues when multiple different zod versions are used in a project.
The OIS package defines validation and TypeScript typings that can be used to verify correctness of a full OIS schema or
just a part of it. For example:
const { oisSchema } = require('@api3/ois');
const possibleOis = {
oisFormat: '1.0.0',
version: '1.2.3',
title: 'coinlayer',
apiSpecifications: { ... }
endpoints: [ ... ],
const result = oisSchema.safeParse(possibleOis);
if (!result.success) {
throw result.error
} else {
const validOis = result.data
An example of a valid OIS can be found here.
Developer documentation
To release a new version follow these steps:
git checkout main && git pull
- ensure you are on a "main" branch with latest changesyarn version
- choose "x.y.z" as the version to be releasedgit show
- verify the changes of the version commityarn build
- only build the package after the "yarn version" command so the bundled "package.json" uses the updated
versionyarn publish --access public
git push --follow-tags
- to push the commits to a "main" branch