Portman 👨🏽🚀
Port OpenAPI Spec to Postman Collection!
Portman sits on top of @thim81's open PR. Tim has made awesome progress in converting an OAS to a Postman Collection with automated test injection. At Apideck, we wanted to include this as part of an automated process that could be injecting directly into our CI/CD pipeline.
With Portman, we can:
- Set Environment variables
- Inject Collection variables
- Inject Pre-Execution Scripts on a collection or request level
- Adjust Request Bodies from spec generated to randomized
- As well as inject tests for each requests that validate:
- status
- contenttype
- jsonbody
- schema
- yarn add -D portman
- copy
to .env
and add environment variables you need available to your collection. - copy/rename and customize each of the ____.example.json config files in the root directory to suit your needs.
- Postman Configuration options can be found here
- Configuring test generation can be found here
Usage: -u <url> -l <local> -b <baseUrl> -t <includeTests>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-u, --url URL of OAS to port to postman collection [string]
-l, --local Use local OAS to port to postman collection [string]
-b, --baseUrl Override spec baseUrl to use in test suite [string]
-o, --output Write the Postman collection to an output file [string]
-n, --runNewman Run newman on newly created collection [boolean]
-d, --newmanIterationData Iteration data to run newman with newly created collection [string]
--syncPostman Upload generated collection to postman (default: false) [boolean]
-p, --postmanUid Collection UID to upload&overwrite with generated collection [string]
-t, --includeTests Inject test suite (default: true) [boolean]
-c, --portmanConfigFile Path to portman-config.json [string]
-s, --postmanConfigFile Path to postman-config.json [string]
-g, --testSuiteConfigFile Path to postman-testsuite.json [string]
--cliConfigFile Path to the file with the Portman CLI options [string]
Portman uses dotenv
to not only access variables for functionality, but you can easily add environment variables that you'd like declared within your postman environment.
Simply prefix any variabled name with PORTMAN_
, and it will be availble for use in your postman collection as the camelcased equivalent. For example:
will be available in your collection or tests by referencing:
To generate the collection with tests, define a JSON file like the example (portman-config.json) below and run the CLI with the --generate option.
"preRequestScripts": [
"pm.collectionVariables.set('statusId', '12345')"
"variableOverwrites": {
"x-apideck-app-id": "{{applicationId}}"
- preRequestScripts: Array of scripts that will be injected as Postman Pre-request Scripts that will execute before every request in this collection.
- variableOverwrites: A map of parameter key names that will have their values replaced with the provided Postman variables.
CLI Options:
- Pass in the remote hosted spec:
yarn portman -u https://specs.apideck.com/crm.yml
- Overwrite the baseUrl in spec and run newman.
yarn portman -u https://specs.apideck.com/crm.yml -b http://localhost:3050 -n true
- Path pass to local data file for newman to use for iterations.
yarn portman -u https://specs.apideck.com/crm.yml -b http://localhost:3050 -n true -d ./tmp/newman/data/crm.json
- Pass path to a local spec (useful when updating your specs) and output Postman collection locally
yarn portman -l ./tmp/specs/crm.yml -o ./tmp/specs/crm.postman.json
- Skip tests and just generate collection.
yarn portman -l ./tmp/specs/crm.yml -t false
- Upload newly generated collection to Postman which will upsert the collection, based on the collection name
yarn portman -l ./tmp/specs/crm.yml --syncPostman true
Upload newly generated collection to Postman using the collection ID to overwrite the existing.
yarn portman -l ./tmp/specs/crm.yml --syncPostman true -p 9601963a-53ff-4aaa-92a0-2e70a8a2a748
- Pass custom paths for config files
yarn portman -u https://specs.apideck.com/crm.yml -c ./tmp/crm/portman-config.json -g ./tmp/crm/postman-testsuite.json -s ./common/postman-config.json
- Pass all CLI options as JSON file
All the CLI options can be managed in a separate configuration file and passed along to the portman command. This will
make configuration easier, especially in CI/CD implementations.
yarn portman --cliOptionsFile ./examples/cli-options/portman-cli-options.json
All the available Portman CLI options can be used in the config file.
By passing the CLI options as parameter, you can overwrite the defined CLI options defined in the file.
Your generated Postman Collection is written to ./tmp/converted/${specName}.json
if you are manually importing to Postman or need to inspect for debugging.