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Universal analytics library for apps

  • 1.0.1
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  • npm
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Appbase Analytics

A universal analytics library that allows you to record search, click and conversion for clusters.


Getting started


1. Load the library

The analytics library can be either loaded via jsDelivr CDN or directly bundled with your application.

You can use the UMD build in browsers by following the below snippet:

<script defer src=""
2. Initialization
const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL'


1. Install the library

Install the library by following the below command:

npm install @appbaseio/analytics
# or
yarn add @appbaseio/analytics
2. Initialization
const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL'

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Use cases

The analytics library provides the utility methods to integrate the analytics in minutes, the common use-cases are to record the search, clicks and conversion events.

It helps you to track the search for a particular query term. It returns the queryID back which can be used to record clicks and conversions for the same search event.

const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL'
  query: 'iphone'

Note: queryID will be automatically set in the state and can be retrieved by using the getQueryID method once a search event has been registered successfully.

query is the required key to record a search event however you can set it to empty string to register as an empty query search.{
  query: ''

Record clicks

Use the click method to record click events. The below example records the two clicks of the result type for a search query.

const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL'
  query: 'iphone',
  objects: {
    iphoneX_19348: 1,
    iphone7_19348: 3
  meta: {
    key1: 'value1'
Record suggestion clicks

Set the isSuggestionClick property to true to record as suggestion click.{
  query: 'iphone',
  isSuggestionClick: true,
  objects: {
    iphoneX_19348: 1,
    iphone7_19348: 3
Record clicks for a particular search event

Use queryID instead of query to record clicks for a particular search event.

// Record a search{
  query: 'iphone'

// Record a click for the last search made{
  queryID: aaInstance.getQueryID(),
  objects: {
    iphoneX_19348: 1,
    iphone7_19348: 3
Record clicks with particular events

Attach the custom events to distinguish the click events.{
  query: 'iphone',
  objects: {
    iphoneX_19348: 1,
    iphone7_19348: 3
  customEvents: {
    click_source: 'promoted_collections'

Record conversions

Conversions must be recorded for a particular search event so it is required to define a queryID to record conversion.

// Record a search{
  query: 'iphone'

// Record a conversion for the last search made
  queryID: aaInstance.getQueryID(),
  objects: ['iphoneX_19348', 'iphone7_19348'],
  meta: {
    key1: value1

To save a search state, queryID must be present.

// Save search state
  queryID: 'cf600405-d4ed-42b0-8b09-08b594fa88d2',
  saveSearchID: 'analytics-js-test',
  saveSearchMeta: {
    key1: 'value1'
  userID: '',
  customEvents: { platform: 'mac' }

Get Saved searches

To retrieve saved searches, here we're fetching the saved searches for user with user id as

    user_id: ''
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        .then(savedSearches => {
          // saved searches list
        .catch(err => {


To record a favorite document

  favoriteOn: '1jftXXEBdEU4aeo6Gdqs',
  queryID: 'cf600405-d4ed-42b0-8b09-08b594fa88d2',
  source: {
    authors: 'John Milton, John Leonard',
    average_rating: 3.8,
    average_rating_rounded: 4,
    books_count: 819,
    id: 984,
    image: '',
    image_medium: '',
    isbn: '140424393',
    language_code: 'eng',
    original_publication_year: 1667,
    original_series: '',
    original_title: 'Paradise Lost',
    ratings_count: 96316,
    title: 'Paradise Lost'
  id: 'analytics-js-test',
  userID: '',
  customEvents: { platform: 'mac' },
  meta: {
    key1: 'value1'

Get Favorites

To retrieve favorite documents, here we're fetching the favorites for user with user id as

    user_id: ''
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        .then(favorites => {
          // list of favorite document
        .catch(err => {

Set user

It allows you to set the userID.

const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

// Set during initialization
const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL',
  userID: ''

// or set by using method

Set global events

To set the custom events which will be attached for each event recorded by the instance.

For example:

const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL'

// or set by using method
  platform: 'ios'

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API Reference


const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'INDEX_NAME',
  credentials: 'AUTH_CREDENTIALS',
  url: 'CLUSTER_URL',
  userID: 'USER_ID',
  globalCustomEvents: 'GLOBAL_CUSTOM_EVENTS'
  headers?: 'CUSTOM_HEADERS'

Optional configuration options:

indexstring (required)Elasticsearch index name.
credentialsstring (required)credentials as they appear on the Appbaseio dashboard. It should be a string of the format username:password and is used for authenticating the app.
urlstring (required)Appbaseio cluster URL.
userIDstringUserID allows you to record events for a particular user. For example, you may want to know that how many different users are using the search.
globalCustomEventsObjectIt allows you to set the global custom events which can be used to build your own analytics on top of the analytics. Read More
headersObjectSometimes it may require to set extra headers to the analytics API. For example, you're using proxy middleware which adds an additional security layer.

An example with all possible options:

const aa = require('@appbaseio/analytics');

const aaInstance = aa.init({
  index: 'books',
  credentials: 'foo:bar',
  url: 'http://localhost:8000',
  userID: '',
  globalCustomEvents: {
    platform: 'mac'
  headers: {
    'X-auth-token': 'XYZ'

Instance Methods

Record Search

search(searchConfig: Object, callback: Function)

search configuration options:

querystringSearch query, set to empty string to register as an empty query search.
queryIDstringSearch query ID returned from Appbase.
customEventsObjectTo set the custom events, for e.g { "platform": mac }
filtersObjectIt allows to record the applied facets on the search query, for e.g { "year": 2018 }
hitsArrayTo set the search hits, a hit object can have the id, type & source properties .


query or queryID must be present.

An example with all possible options:

    query: 'iphone',
    // or
    queryID: 'cf827a07-60a6-43ef-ab93-e1f8e1e3e1a8',
    customEvents: {
      source: 'promoted_results'
    filters: {
      year: 2019
    hits: [
        id: '12345678',
        source: {
          title: 'iphoneX'
        type: '_doc'
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
      // handle response
Get queryID

The below method returns the queryID from the last search made.

getQueryID(): string
Record Click

To record a click event

click(clickConfig: Object, callback: Function)

click configuration options:

querystringSearch query, set to empty string to register as an empty query search.
queryIDstringSearch query ID returned from Appbase.
objects{[key: string]: number} (required)To set the click object ids followed by click positions, for example { "iphoneX_1234": 2 }.
isSuggestionClickbooleanSet as true to register as a suggestion click.
customEventsObjectTo set the custom events, for e.g { "platform": mac }
metaObjectMeta data


query or queryID must be present.

An example with all possible options:

    query: 'iphone',
    // or
    queryID: 'cf827a07-60a6-43ef-ab93-e1f8e1e3e1a8',
    customEvents: {
      source: 'promoted_results'
    objects: {
      iphone_1234: 2
    isSuggestionClick: true,
    meta: {
      key1: value1
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
      // handle response
Record conversion

To record a conversion event

conversion(conversionConfig: Object, callback: Function)

conversion configuration options:

queryIDstring (required)Search query ID returned from Appbase.
objectsArray<string> (required)To set the converted object ids, for example: ["iphoneX_1234"].
metaObjectMeta data


queryID must be present.

An example with all possible options:

    queryID: 'cf827a07-60a6-43ef-ab93-e1f8e1e3e1a8',
    objects: ['iphone_1234'],
    meta: {
      key1: value1
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
      // handle response
Save search

To save search state

saveSearch(config: Object, callback: Function)

configuration options:

queryIDstring (required)Search query ID returned from Appbase.
saveSearchIDstringSaved search ID.
saveSearchMetaObjectMeta data
userIDstringUser Id.
customEventsObjectTo set the custom events, for e.g { "platform": mac }


queryID must be present.

An example with all possible options:

    queryID: 'cf600405-d4ed-42b0-8b09-08b594fa88d2',
    saveSearchID: 'analytics-js-test',
    saveSearchMeta: {
      key1: 'value1'
    userID: '',
    customEvents: { platform: 'mac' }
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
      // handle response
Get saved searches

To retrieve saved searches

getSavedSearches(queryParams: Object, callback: Function)

You can find the available query params at here.

    user_id: ''
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
        .then(favorites => {
          // list of saved searches
        .catch(err => {});
      // handle response

To record a favorite document

favorite(config: Object, callback: Function)

configuration options:

queryIDstring (required)Search query ID returned from Appbase.
favoriteOnstring (required)Favorite document ID.
sourceObject (required)Favorite document source object data
idstringFavorite ID.
metaObjectMeta data
userIDstringUser Id.
customEventsObjectTo set the custom events, for e.g { "platform": mac }


queryID, favoriteOn and source must be present.

An example with all possible options:

    favoriteOn: '1jftXXEBdEU4aeo6Gdqs',
    queryID: 'cf600405-d4ed-42b0-8b09-08b594fa88d2',
    source: {
      authors: 'John Milton, John Leonard',
      average_rating: 3.8,
      average_rating_rounded: 4,
      books_count: 819,
      id: 984,
      image: '',
      image_medium: '',
      isbn: '140424393',
      language_code: 'eng',
      original_publication_year: 1667,
      original_series: '',
      original_title: 'Paradise Lost',
      ratings_count: 96316,
      title: 'Paradise Lost'
    id: 'analytics-js-test',
    userID: '',
    customEvents: { platform: 'mac' },
    meta: {
      key1: 'value1'
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
      // handle response
Get favorites

To retrieve saved favorites

getFavorites(queryParams: Object, callback: Function)

You can find the available query params at here.

    user_id: ''
  (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // handle error
    } else if (res) {
        .then(favorites => {
          // list of favorites
        .catch(err => {});
      // handle response
Set headers

It allows you to set the custom headers in analytics endpoints.

setHeaders(headers: Object)
Set user

Sets the user ID. User ID helps to record an event for that particular user.

setUserID(userID: string)
Set global events

Sets the global event data. This will be added to all the analytics requests made by the instance.

setGlobalCustomEvents(globalEvents: Object)

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Fork the repo and run the following command to run & test locally.

yarn && yarn test

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  • Dejavu allows viewing raw data within an (or Elasticsearch) app. Soon to be released feature: An ability to import custom data from CSV and JSON files, along with a guided walkthrough on applying data mappings.

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This library is Apache licensed.

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Package last updated on 11 Aug 2022

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