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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const helper_1=require("../helper");class TransformOperators{$notEmpty(){return this.$filter(a=>a!==void 0&&null!==a&&("string"!=typeof a||""!==a.trim()))}async*$tap(a){for await(const b of this)a&&(await a(b)),yield b}async*$unique(a=(a,b)=>a===b){let b;for await(const c of this)(await a(c,b))||(b=c,yield c)}async*$sort(a){for await(const b of this.$collect())yield*b.sort(a)}async*$batch(a){let b=[];for await(const c of this)b.push(c),b.length===a&&(yield b,b=[]);b.length&&(yield b)}async*$pair(a,b){["function","object"].includes(typeof a)&&"apply"in a&&(a=a()),b=null!==b&&void 0!==b?b:"string"==typeof a?"repeat":"empty";let c=a.$iterable;"repeat"===b&&(c=c.$repeat());let d=c[Symbol.asyncIterator]();for await(const c of this){const a=await;if(a.done)if("exact"===b)break;else"empty"===b&&(d=[void 0].$repeat()[Symbol.asyncIterator](),a.value=void 0);const e=a.value;yield[c,e]}}async*$join(a){const b=this[Symbol.asyncIterator]();let c;const d=helper_1.GlobalHelpers.$of(a).$repeat()[Symbol.asyncIterator]();let e=!0;do c=await,e||c.done||(yield(await,yield c.value,e=!1;while(!c.done)}}exports.TransformOperators=TransformOperators;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const helper_1=require("../helper");class TransformOperators{$notEmpty(){return this.$filter(a=>a!==void 0&&null!==a&&("string"!=typeof a||""!==a.trim()))}async*$tap(a){for await(const b of this)a&&(await a(b)),yield b}async*$unique(a=(a,b)=>a===b){let b;for await(const c of this)(await a(c,b))||(b=c,yield c)}async*$sort(a){for await(const b of this.$collect())yield*b.sort(a)}async*$batch(a){let b=[];for await(const c of this)b.push(c),b.length===a&&(yield b,b=[]);b.length&&(yield b)}async*$pair(a,b){["function","object"].includes(typeof a)&&"apply"in a&&(a=a()),b=null!==b&&void 0!==b?b:"string"==typeof a?"repeat":"empty";let c=a.$iterable;"repeat"===b&&(c=c.$repeat());let d=c[Symbol.asyncIterator]();for await(const c of this){const a=await;if(a.done)if("exact"===b)break;else"empty"===b&&(d=[void 0].$repeat()[Symbol.asyncIterator](),a.value=void 0);const e=a.value;yield[c,e]}}async*$join(a){const b=this[Symbol.asyncIterator]();let c;const d=helper_1.GlobalHelpers.$of(a).$repeat()[Symbol.asyncIterator]();for(let e=!0;c=await,!c.done;)e?e=!1:yield(await,yield c.value}}exports.TransformOperators=TransformOperators;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const async_1=require("./async");class RegisterUtil{static registerAsyncable(a){{$iterable:function(){var a,b;const c=this;return(null===(a=this)||void 0===a?void 0:a[Symbol.asyncIterator])?this:(null===(b=this)||void 0===b?void 0:b[Symbol.iterator])?async function*(){yield*c}():async function*(){yield c}()}},a.prototype)}static registerThenable(a){{then:{get(){return a=>(Promise.resolve().then(()=>{const b=this.$values;async_1.AsyncUtil.trackWithTimer(b),a(b)}),this)},configurable:!0}},a.prototype)}static properties(a,b){for(const c of Object.keys(a)){let d=a[c];"apply"in d&&(d={get:d}),d.configurable=!0,Object.defineProperty(b,c,d)}}static createOperator(a){return function(...b){const$iterable,...b);return c instanceof Promise&&async_1.AsyncUtil.trackWithTimer(c),c}}static registerOperators(a,b=Object){Array.isArray(a)||(a=[a]);for(const{name:c,prototype:d}of a)if(c)for(const a of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(d)){if("constructor"===a)continue;let c=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d,a);c.get||(c={get(){return RegisterUtil.createOperator(d[a])}}),c.configurable=!0,Object.defineProperty(b.prototype,a,c)}}}exports.RegisterUtil=RegisterUtil;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const async_1=require("./async");class RegisterUtil{static registerAsyncable(a){{$iterable:function(){var a,b;const c=this;return(null===(a=this)||void 0===a?void 0:a[Symbol.asyncIterator])?this:(null===(b=this)||void 0===b?void 0:b[Symbol.iterator])?async function*(){yield*c}():async function*(){yield c}()}},a.prototype)}static registerThenable(a){{then:{get(){return a=>(Promise.resolve().then(()=>{const b=this.$values;async_1.AsyncUtil.trackWithTimer(b),a(b)}),this)},configurable:!0}},a.prototype)}static properties(a,b){for(const c of Object.keys(a)){let d=a[c];"apply"in d&&(d={get:d}),d.configurable=!0,Object.defineProperty(b,c,d)}}static createOperator(a){return function(...b){const$iterable,...b);return c instanceof Promise&&async_1.AsyncUtil.trackWithTimer(c),c}}static registerOperators(a,b=Object){Array.isArray(a)||(a=[a]);for(const{name:c,prototype:d}of a)if(c)for(const a of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(d)){if("constructor"===a)continue;let c=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d,a);c.get||(c={get(){return RegisterUtil.createOperator(d[a])}}),Object.defineProperty(b.prototype,a,{...c,configurable:!0})}}}exports.RegisterUtil=RegisterUtil;
"name": "@arcsine/nodesh",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.2.1",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -276,2 +276,9 @@ # Node Shell

* [Core](#core)
* [File](#file)
* [Transform](#transform)
* [Text](#text)
* [Limit](#limit)
* [Exec](#exec)
* [Export](#export)
* [Advanced](#advanced)

@@ -435,1 +442,653 @@

### File
Some of the most common shell operations are iterating through files,
and operating upon those files. To support this, the framework supports
producing files as a sequence of file objects or filenames, given a file
extension or a regex pattern. With `String`s and `RegExp`s supporting the
`Symbol.asyncIterator` property, these are the most common way of finding files.
#### $read
This operator will treat the inbound string sequence as file names, and will convert the filename (based on IOType)
* `text` (default) - The sequence will produce as series of lines of text
* `binary` - The sequence will produce a series of `Buffer` objects
If singleValue is set to true, this produce a single value for the whole stream instead of chunk by chunk. This
mode can be easier to work with for certain operations, but is much more memory intensive.
$read(this: AsyncIterable<string>, config?: Omit<ReadStreamConfig, 'mode'>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
$read(this: AsyncIterable<string>, config: ReadStreamConfig<'text'>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
$read(this: AsyncIterable<string>, config: ReadStreamConfig<'binary'>): $AsyncIterable<Buffer>;
.$read('binary') // Read as a series of buffers
.$reduce((acc, buffer) => {
return acc + buffer.length;
}, 0); // Count number of bytes in file
.$read('binary', true) // Read as a single buffer
.$map(buffer => buffer.length) // Count number of bytes in file
#### $dir
`dir` provides the ability to recursively search for files within a file system. It expects as the
input sequence type:
* A `string` which represents a suffix search on file names (e.g. `.csv`)
* A `RegExp` which represents a file pattern to search on (e.g. `/path\/sub\/.*[.]js/`)
In addition to the input sequence type, there is an optional config to affect the output.
By default the output of this sequence will be a series of file names, relative to the `process.cwd()`
that will be eligible for reading or any other file operation.
$dir(this: AsyncIterable<string | RegExp>, config: ReadDirConfig & {full: true;}): $AsyncIterable<ScanEntry>;
$dir(this: AsyncIterable<string | RegExp>, config?: Omit<ReadDirConfig, 'full'>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
.$dir({ full: true }) // List all '.csv' files, recursively
.$forEach(f => {
// Display the filename, and it's modification time
console.log(f.file, f.stats.mtime);
### Transform
Standard operators regarding common patterns for transformations
#### $notEmpty
This is a special type of filter that excludes `null`, `undefined` and `''`.
Useful for removing empty values.
$notEmpty<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$notEmpty() // Return all non-empty lines of the file
#### $tap
`$tap` provides the ability to inspect the sequence without affecting it's production. The function passed in
can produce a promise that will be waited on, if needed.
$tap<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, visit?: PromFunc<T, any>): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$tap(({stats}) => collectMetrics(stats))
// Stream unchanged, but was able to track file stat information
#### $unique
`$unique` will ensure the output sequence does not have any consecutive duplicates, similar to the unix `uniq` command.
The uniqueness is only guaranteed linearly, to allow for streaming. Otherwise this would need to wait
for all data before proceeding. You can also specify a custom equality function as needed.
$unique<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, compare?: PromFunc2<T, T, boolean>): $AsyncIterable<T>;
[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 7]
.$unique() // Will produce [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 7]
// The final 1 repeats as it's not duplicated in sequence
#### $sort
`$sort` is a blocking operation as it requires all the data to be able to sort properly. This means it will wait
on the entire sequence before producing new data. The function operates identically to how `Array.prototype.sort` behaves.
$sort<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$read() // Now a sequence of lines
.$sort() // Sort lines alphabetically
// Now a sequence of sorted lines
#### $batch
Allows for iterative grouping of streamed data, and produces a sequence of arrays. Each array will be `$batch` sized,
except for the final array which will be at most `batch` size.
$batch<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, size: number): $AsyncIterable<T[]>;
.$read() // Generator of file lines
.$batch(20) // Generator of array of lines, at most 20 items in length
.$map(lines => lines.sort()) // Sort each batch
// Generator of sorted list strings
#### $pair
`$pair` allows for combining two sets of data into a single sequence of pairs.
The second value can either be a single value, which will be added to every item,
or it could be an iterable element that will match with each item as possible. If the second
iterator runs out, the remaining values can be affected by the mode parameter:
* `'empty'` - Fill in with `undefined` once the second iterator is exhausted. This is default for iterable values.
* `'repeat'` - Loop iteration on the secondary iterator. This is default for string values.
* `'exact'` - Stop the emitting values once the secondary iterator is exhausted.
$pair<T, U>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, value: OrCallable<U | Iterable<U> | AsyncIterable<U>>, mode?: PairMode): $AsyncIterable<[T, U]>;
.$dir() // List all '.ts' files
.$flatMap(file => file
.$read() // Read each file as a sequence of lines
.$pair(file) // Combine each line with the file name
.$map(([a,b]) => [b, a]) // Reverse the order of the columns
// Generator of file lines with, file name attached
#### $join
This operator allows for combining a sequence of elements with a join element
$join<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, joiner: T | $AsyncIterable<T>): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$read() // Read as a series of lines
// Produces a sequence of lines inter-spliced with new lines
### Text
Support for common textual operations.
As text operators, these only apply to sequences that
produce string values.
#### $columns
`$columns` is similar to the unix `awk` in that it allows for production of
columns from a single line of text. This is useful for dealing with column
oriented output. The separator defaults to all whitespace but can tailored
as needed by regex or string.
$columns(this: AsyncIterable<string>, sep?: string | RegExp): $AsyncIterable<string[]>;
'<file>.tsv' // Tab-separated file
.$read() // Read as lines
.$columns('\t') // Separate on tabs
// Now an array of tuples (as defined by tabs in the tsv)
#### $columns
Supports passing in column names to produce objects instead of tuples. These values will be
matched with the columns produced by the separator. Any row that is shorter than the names
array will have undefined for the associated keys.
$columns<V extends readonly string[]>(this: AsyncIterable<string>, config: V | ColumnsConfig<V>): $AsyncIterable<Record<V[number], string>>;
'<file>.tsv' // Tab-separated file
.$read() // Read as lines
.$columns({names: ['Name', 'Age', 'Major'], sep: '\t'}) // Separate on tabs
// Now an array of objects { Name: string, Age: string, Major: string } (as defined by tabs in the tsv)
#### $tokens
This operator allows for producing a single sequence of tokens out of lines of text. The default separator is whitespace.
$tokens(this: AsyncIterable<string>, sep?: Pattern): $AsyncIterable<string>;
.$read() // Read file as lines
.$tokens() // Convert to words
.$filter(x => x.length > 5) // Retain only words 6-chars or longer
#### $match
`$match` is similar to tokens, but will emit based on a pattern instead of
just word boundaries.
Additionally, mode will determine what is emitted when a match is found (within a single line):
* `undefined` - (default) Return entire line
* `'extract'` - Return only matched element
* `'negate'` - Return only lines that do not match
$match(this: AsyncIterable<string>, regex: Pattern, mode?: 'extract' | 'negate'): $AsyncIterable<string>;
.$match(/(FIXME|TODO)/, 'negate')
// Exclude all lines that include FIXME or TODO
.$match(/\d{3}(-)?\d{3}(-)?\d{4}/, 'extract)
// Return all phone numbers in the sequence
#### $replace
`$replace` behaves identically to `String.prototype.replace`, but will only operate
on a single sequence value at a time.
$replace(this: AsyncIterable<string>, pattern: Pattern, sub: string | Replacer): $AsyncIterable<string>;
.$replace(/TODO/, 'FIXME')
// All occurrences replaced
#### $replace
`$replace` also supports a mode where you can pass in a series of tokens, and replacements, and will apply all
consistently. The largest token will win if there is any overlap.
$replace(this: AsyncIterable<string>, pattern: Record<string, string>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;'
// Html special chars escaped
#### $trim
`$trim` behaves identically to `String.prototype.trim`, but will only operate on a single sequence value at a time
$trim(this: AsyncIterable<string>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
// Cleans leading/trailing whitespace per line
#### $toString
`$toString` is a convenience method for converting an entire block of
text into a single string. This is useful when looking for patterns that
may span multiple lines.
$toString(this: AsyncIterable<string>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
.$toString() // Convert to a single string
.$replace(/<[^>]+?>/) // Remove all HTML tags
### Limit
Support for limiting sequence values based on ordering
#### $first
This will return the first `n` elements with a default of a single element.
$first<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, n?: number): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$first(10) // Read first 10 lines
.$first() // Read first line
#### $skip
This will return all but the first `n` elements.
$skip<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, n: number): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$skip(1) // Skip header
#### $last
This will return the last `n` elements with a default of a single element.
Since this method requires knowledge of the length of the sequence to
work properly, this now becomes a blocking operator.
$last<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, n?: number): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$last(7) // Read last 7 lines of file
.$last() // Read last line of file
#### $repeat
This will repeat the first `n` elements with a default of all elements.
$repeat<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, n?: number): $AsyncIterable<T>;
.$first(10) // Read first 10 lines
### Exec
Support for dealing with execution of external programs
#### $exec
Pipe the entire sequence as input into the command to be executed. Allow for args and flags to be
appended to the command as needed. If the output is specified as 'binary', the generator
will return a sequence of `Buffer`s, otherwise will return `string`s
$exec(cmd: string, config?: string[] | Omit<ExecConfig, 'mode'>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
$exec(cmd: string, config: ExecConfig<'text'>): $AsyncIterable<string>;
$exec(cmd: string, config: ExecConfig<'binary'>): $AsyncIterable<Buffer>;
$exec(cmd: string, config: ExecConfig<'raw'>): $AsyncIterable<Readable>;
.$dir() // Get all files
.$read() // Read all files
.$exec('wc', ['-l']) // Execute word count for all files
// Run in a single operation
.$dir() // Get all files
.$read() // Read all files
.$exec('npx', {
args: ['tslint'],
spawn : {
env : { NO_COLOR: '1' }
}) // Tslint every file
// Run in a single operation
### Export
Support for exporting data from a sequence
#### $stream
Converts a sequence into a node stream. This readable stream should be
considered standard, and usable in any place a stream is expected. The mode
determines if the stream is string or `Buffer` oriented.
$stream<T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, mode?: IOType): Readable;
const stream = '<file>.png'
.$read('binary') // Read file as binary
.$exec('convert', ['-size=100x20']) // Pipe to convert function
.$stream('binary') // Read converted output into NodeJS stream
stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('out.png')); // Write out
#### $write
Emits the sequence contents to a write stream. If the write stream is a string, it
is considered to be a file name. Buffer contents are written as is. String contents
are written as lines.
$write<T extends string | Buffer | any>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, writable: Writable | string): Promise<void>;
.$read('binary') // Read file as binary
.$exec('convert', ['-size=100x20']) // Pipe to convert function
.$write('out.png') // Write file out
#### $writeFinal
Writes the entire stream to a file, as a final step. The write stream will not be created until all the values
have been emitted. This is useful for reading and writing the same file.
$writeFinal(this: AsyncIterable<Buffer | string>, file: string): Promise<void>;
export declare class ExportPropOperators<T> {
.$replace(/TEMP/, 'final')
#### $values
Extract all sequence contents into a single array and return
as a promise
get $values(this: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T[]>;
const values = await '<file>.csv'
.$csv('Width', 'Depth', 'Height'])// Convert to objects
.$map(({Width, Height, Depth}) =>
int(Width) * int(Height) * int(Depth) // Compute volume
.$values // Get all values;
#### $value
Extract first sequence element and return as a promise
get $value(this: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T>;
const name = await 'What is your name?'
.$prompt() // Prompt for name
.$value // Get single value
#### $stdout
Simple method that allows any sequence to be automatically written to stdout
get $stdout(this: AsyncIterable<T>): Writable;
.$read() // Read file
.$map(line => line.length) // Convert each line to it's length
.$stdout // Pipe to stdout
#### $console
Simple property that allows any sequence to be automatically called with `console.log`
get $console(this: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<void>;
.$read() // Read file
.$console // Log out objects
### Advanced
Advanced operators represent more complex use cases.
#### $parallel
Run iterator in parallel, returning values in order of first completion. If the passed in function produces
an async generator, only the first value will be used. This is because the method needs an array of promises
and an AsyncIterable cannot produce an array of promises as it's length is unknown until all promises are
The default concurrency limit is number of processors minus one. This means the operator will process the sequence in order
until there are `concurrent` pending tasks, and will only fetch the next item once there is capacity.
$parallel<T, U = T>(this: AsyncIterable<T>, op: (item: T) => AsyncIterable<U> | Promise<U>, concurrent?: number): $AsyncIterable<U>;
[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1]
.$parallel(x => (x).$wait(x * 1000))
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