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@asphalt-react/helper - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.13.0 to 2.0.0-alpha.1



@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

# [2.0.0-alpha.1]( (2022-03-31)
**Note:** Version bump only for package @asphalt-react/helper
# [1.13.0]( (2022-03-30)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@


import { TextEncoderLite } from 'text-encoder-lite';
* checks if environment is node or not
* @returns boolean
const isNode = () => typeof process !== "undefined";
* check if environment has native TextEncoder
* @returns boolean
const isNode=()=>typeof process!=="undefined";const supportsTextEncoder=()=>typeof TextEncoder!=="undefined";
const supportsTextEncoder = () => typeof TextEncoder !== "undefined";
var env = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -23,57 +11,4 @@ __proto__: null,

* generates a random hash using Math.random()
* @returns {String}
const randomHash=()=>`${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15)}`;const paddedHexString=buffer=>{const byteArray=new Uint8Array(buffer);const hexCodes=Array.from(byteArray).map(value=>value.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));return hexCodes.join("")};const sha256=async input=>{{const buffer=await window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256",input);return paddedHexString(buffer)}};const hash=async data=>{const Encoder=supportsTextEncoder()?TextEncoder:TextEncoderLite;const encoder=new Encoder("utf-8");return await sha256(encoder.encode(data))};
const randomHash = () => `${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)}`;
* creates hex string of the ArrayBuffer
* takes an ArrayBuffer and then converts it into Uint8Array
* converts each element of Uint8Array and converts the value into Hex
* pads the hex value with 0 to make it 2 character strings
* returns the joined Array
* @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
* @returns {String}
const paddedHexString = buffer => {
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const hexCodes = Array.from(byteArray).map(value => value.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"));
return hexCodes.join("");
* creates a sha256 of the given string
* based on the runtime environment, creates a sha256 hash of the string
* before converting to hex
* @param {String} input
* @returns {Promise}
const sha256 = async input => {
const buffer = await window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", input);
return paddedHexString(buffer);
* creates a sha256 of the given string
* creates a sha256 hash as hex value in browser or node
* @param {String} data
* @returns {Promise}
const hash = async data => {
const Encoder = supportsTextEncoder() ? TextEncoder : TextEncoderLite;
const encoder = new Encoder("utf-8");
return await sha256(encoder.encode(data));
var hash$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -87,148 +22,15 @@ __proto__: null,

* validate custom size prop
* @param {Array} sizeArr array of sizes which the component accepts
* @param {String} size size of component
const validateSize = (sizeArr, size) => {
return sizeArr.includes(size);
* validates that specific props occur only once
* takes an Enum of props to be validated and returns a function
* the returned function then accepts props and checks that the
* props which are in the Enum occur only once.
* @param {Enumerator} propsEnum Enum of props to be validated
* @returns {Function}
const INFO="info";const SUCCESS="success";const WARNING="warning";const DANGER="danger";const KEYCODES=Object.freeze({TAB:9,RETURN:13,ESC:27,SPACE:32,PAGEUP:33,PAGEDOWN:34,END:35,HOME:36,LEFT:37,UP:38,RIGHT:39,DOWN:40});const ID_PREFIX="sphlt-";
const createPropOccurValidator = propsEnum => props => {
const incomingProps = Object.keys(props).filter(key => !!props[key]);
return propsEnum.filter(prop => incomingProps.includes(prop)).length <= 1;
* returns function to determine support type
* @param {String} defaultType default support type
* @returns {Function}
const getPrefixedId=id=>id?`${ID_PREFIX}${id}`:"";const capitalise=(word="")=>word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+word.substring(1).toLowerCase();const camelCase=(...words)=>{return words.reduce((result,word,index)=>{word=word.toLowerCase();return result+(index?capitalise(word):word)},"")};
const getSupportType = defaultType => typeProps => {
* determines support type for component
* example:
* let's say `danger` is the default support type
* _case 1_: pass `info` in prop, returns `info`
* _case 2_: pass `info` and `danger`, returns `info`
* _case 3_: pass `info`, `success` and `danger`, returns `danger`
* @param {Object} typeProps object of support types
* @return {string}
const {
[defaultType]: removedProp,
} = typeProps;
const supportKeys = Object.keys(restProps);
const doPropsConflict = !createPropOccurValidator(supportKeys)(restProps);
var strings = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getPrefixedId: getPrefixedId,
capitalise: capitalise,
camelCase: camelCase
if (doPropsConflict) {
return defaultType;
const validateSize=(sizeArr,size)=>{return sizeArr.includes(size)};const createPropOccurValidator=propsEnum=>props=>{const incomingProps=Object.keys(props).filter(key=>Boolean(props[key]));return propsEnum.filter(prop=>incomingProps.includes(prop)).length<=1};const getSupportType=defaultType=>typeProps=>{const{[defaultType]:removedProp,...restProps}=typeProps;const supportKeys=Object.keys(restProps);const doPropsConflict=!createPropOccurValidator(supportKeys)(restProps);if(doPropsConflict){return defaultType}return supportKeys.find(key=>Boolean(restProps[key]))||defaultType};const mergeRefs=(...refs)=>node=>{refs.forEach(ref=>{if(typeof ref==="function"){ref(node);}else if(ref!==null){ref.current=node;}});};const yieldPropsWithPrefix=(obj,prefix)=>Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps,key)=>({...prefixedProps,...(key.startsWith(prefix)&&{[key]:obj[key]})}),{});const filterPropsWithPrefix=(obj,prefix)=>Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps,key)=>({...prefixedProps,...(!key.startsWith(prefix)&&{[key]:obj[key]})}),{});const yieldDataAttrs=obj=>yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj,"data-");const excludeDataAttrs=obj=>filterPropsWithPrefix(obj,"data-");const yieldAriaAttrs=obj=>yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj,"aria-");const excludeAriaAttrs=obj=>filterPropsWithPrefix(obj,"aria-");const concatClasses=(...words)=>camelCase(...words);
return supportKeys.find(key => !!restProps[key]) || defaultType;
* Returns a function to merge refs
* @param {...any} refs React Ref to merge
* @returns {Function}
const mergeRefs = (...refs) => node => {
* Points all the refs to one element
* @param {Object} node element to which all refs will point
refs.forEach(ref => {
if (typeof ref === "function") {
} else if (ref != null) {
ref.current = node;
* Returns properties with desired prefix from an object
* @private
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @param {string} prefix prefix of properties to return
* @return object
const yieldPropsWithPrefix = (obj, prefix) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps, key) => ({ ...prefixedProps,
...(key.startsWith(prefix) && {
[key]: obj[key]
}), {});
* Filters out properties with undesired prefix from an object
* @private
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @param {string} prefix prefix of properties to filter
* @return object
const filterPropsWithPrefix = (obj, prefix) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps, key) => ({ ...prefixedProps,
...(!key.startsWith(prefix) && {
[key]: obj[key]
}), {});
* Returns properties with `data-` prefix from an object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const yieldDataAttrs = obj => yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj, "data-");
* Excludes properties with `data-` prefix from on object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const excludeDataAttrs = obj => filterPropsWithPrefix(obj, "data-");
* Returns properties with `aria-` prefix from an object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const yieldAriaAttrs = obj => yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj, "aria-");
* Excludes properties with `aria-` prefix from on object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const excludeAriaAttrs = obj => filterPropsWithPrefix(obj, "aria-");
var props = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -243,29 +45,8 @@ __proto__: null,

yieldAriaAttrs: yieldAriaAttrs,
excludeAriaAttrs: excludeAriaAttrs
excludeAriaAttrs: excludeAriaAttrs,
concatClasses: concatClasses
* Checks if the value is of the type SVG
* @param {*} val
* @returns {Boolean}
const isTypeSVG = val => {
const type = typeof val === "function" ? val().type : val;
return type === "svg";
* Checks if the the input is a SVG
* @param {Object} icon
* @returns {Boolean}
const isTypeSVG=val=>{const type=typeof val==="function"?val().type:val;return type==="svg"};const isSVG=icon=>{if(!icon)return false;const type=icon.props&&icon.props.originalType||icon.type;return isTypeSVG(type)};
const isSVG = icon => {
if (!icon) return false;
const type = icon.props && icon.props.originalType || icon.type;
return isTypeSVG(type);
var svg = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -276,36 +57,2 @@ __proto__: null,

const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
const WARNING = "warning";
const DANGER = "danger";
const KEYCODES = Object.freeze({
TAB: 9,
ESC: 27,
SPACE: 32,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40
const ID_PREFIX = "sphlt-";
* Prepends a constant prefix to an ID
* @param {string} id ID of an element
* @returns {string}
const getPrefixedId = id => id ? `${ID_PREFIX}${id}` : "";
var strings = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getPrefixedId: getPrefixedId
export { DANGER, INFO, KEYCODES, SUCCESS, WARNING, env as envUtil, hash$1 as hashUtil, props as propsUtil, strings as stringUtil, svg as svgUtil };
import { TextEncoderLite } from 'text-encoder-lite';
* checks if environment is node or not
* @returns boolean
const isNode = () => typeof process !== "undefined";
* check if environment has native TextEncoder
* @returns boolean
const isNode=()=>typeof process!=="undefined";const supportsTextEncoder=()=>typeof TextEncoder!=="undefined";
const supportsTextEncoder = () => typeof TextEncoder !== "undefined";
var env = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -23,62 +11,4 @@ __proto__: null,

* generates a random hash using Math.random()
* @returns {String}
const randomHash=()=>`${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15)}`;const paddedHexString=buffer=>{const byteArray=new Uint8Array(buffer);const hexCodes=Array.from(byteArray).map(value=>value.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));return hexCodes.join("")};const sha256=async input=>{{const{createHash}=require("crypto");const hash=createHash("sha256");hash.update(input);return hash.digest("hex")}};const hash=async data=>{const Encoder=supportsTextEncoder()?TextEncoder:TextEncoderLite;const encoder=new Encoder("utf-8");return await sha256(encoder.encode(data))};
const randomHash = () => `${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)}`;
* creates hex string of the ArrayBuffer
* takes an ArrayBuffer and then converts it into Uint8Array
* converts each element of Uint8Array and converts the value into Hex
* pads the hex value with 0 to make it 2 character strings
* returns the joined Array
* @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
* @returns {String}
const paddedHexString = buffer => {
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const hexCodes = Array.from(byteArray).map(value => value.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"));
return hexCodes.join("");
* creates a sha256 of the given string
* based on the runtime environment, creates a sha256 hash of the string
* before converting to hex
* @param {String} input
* @returns {Promise}
const sha256 = async input => {
const {
} = require("crypto");
const hash = createHash("sha256");
return hash.digest("hex");
* creates a sha256 of the given string
* creates a sha256 hash as hex value in browser or node
* @param {String} data
* @returns {Promise}
const hash = async data => {
const Encoder = supportsTextEncoder() ? TextEncoder : TextEncoderLite;
const encoder = new Encoder("utf-8");
return await sha256(encoder.encode(data));
var hash$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -92,148 +22,15 @@ __proto__: null,

* validate custom size prop
* @param {Array} sizeArr array of sizes which the component accepts
* @param {String} size size of component
const validateSize = (sizeArr, size) => {
return sizeArr.includes(size);
* validates that specific props occur only once
* takes an Enum of props to be validated and returns a function
* the returned function then accepts props and checks that the
* props which are in the Enum occur only once.
* @param {Enumerator} propsEnum Enum of props to be validated
* @returns {Function}
const INFO="info";const SUCCESS="success";const WARNING="warning";const DANGER="danger";const KEYCODES=Object.freeze({TAB:9,RETURN:13,ESC:27,SPACE:32,PAGEUP:33,PAGEDOWN:34,END:35,HOME:36,LEFT:37,UP:38,RIGHT:39,DOWN:40});const ID_PREFIX="sphlt-";
const createPropOccurValidator = propsEnum => props => {
const incomingProps = Object.keys(props).filter(key => !!props[key]);
return propsEnum.filter(prop => incomingProps.includes(prop)).length <= 1;
* returns function to determine support type
* @param {String} defaultType default support type
* @returns {Function}
const getPrefixedId=id=>id?`${ID_PREFIX}${id}`:"";const capitalise=(word="")=>word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+word.substring(1).toLowerCase();const camelCase=(...words)=>{return words.reduce((result,word,index)=>{word=word.toLowerCase();return result+(index?capitalise(word):word)},"")};
const getSupportType = defaultType => typeProps => {
* determines support type for component
* example:
* let's say `danger` is the default support type
* _case 1_: pass `info` in prop, returns `info`
* _case 2_: pass `info` and `danger`, returns `info`
* _case 3_: pass `info`, `success` and `danger`, returns `danger`
* @param {Object} typeProps object of support types
* @return {string}
const {
[defaultType]: removedProp,
} = typeProps;
const supportKeys = Object.keys(restProps);
const doPropsConflict = !createPropOccurValidator(supportKeys)(restProps);
var strings = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getPrefixedId: getPrefixedId,
capitalise: capitalise,
camelCase: camelCase
if (doPropsConflict) {
return defaultType;
const validateSize=(sizeArr,size)=>{return sizeArr.includes(size)};const createPropOccurValidator=propsEnum=>props=>{const incomingProps=Object.keys(props).filter(key=>Boolean(props[key]));return propsEnum.filter(prop=>incomingProps.includes(prop)).length<=1};const getSupportType=defaultType=>typeProps=>{const{[defaultType]:removedProp,...restProps}=typeProps;const supportKeys=Object.keys(restProps);const doPropsConflict=!createPropOccurValidator(supportKeys)(restProps);if(doPropsConflict){return defaultType}return supportKeys.find(key=>Boolean(restProps[key]))||defaultType};const mergeRefs=(...refs)=>node=>{refs.forEach(ref=>{if(typeof ref==="function"){ref(node);}else if(ref!==null){ref.current=node;}});};const yieldPropsWithPrefix=(obj,prefix)=>Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps,key)=>({...prefixedProps,...(key.startsWith(prefix)&&{[key]:obj[key]})}),{});const filterPropsWithPrefix=(obj,prefix)=>Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps,key)=>({...prefixedProps,...(!key.startsWith(prefix)&&{[key]:obj[key]})}),{});const yieldDataAttrs=obj=>yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj,"data-");const excludeDataAttrs=obj=>filterPropsWithPrefix(obj,"data-");const yieldAriaAttrs=obj=>yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj,"aria-");const excludeAriaAttrs=obj=>filterPropsWithPrefix(obj,"aria-");const concatClasses=(...words)=>camelCase(...words);
return supportKeys.find(key => !!restProps[key]) || defaultType;
* Returns a function to merge refs
* @param {...any} refs React Ref to merge
* @returns {Function}
const mergeRefs = (...refs) => node => {
* Points all the refs to one element
* @param {Object} node element to which all refs will point
refs.forEach(ref => {
if (typeof ref === "function") {
} else if (ref != null) {
ref.current = node;
* Returns properties with desired prefix from an object
* @private
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @param {string} prefix prefix of properties to return
* @return object
const yieldPropsWithPrefix = (obj, prefix) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps, key) => ({ ...prefixedProps,
...(key.startsWith(prefix) && {
[key]: obj[key]
}), {});
* Filters out properties with undesired prefix from an object
* @private
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @param {string} prefix prefix of properties to filter
* @return object
const filterPropsWithPrefix = (obj, prefix) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((prefixedProps, key) => ({ ...prefixedProps,
...(!key.startsWith(prefix) && {
[key]: obj[key]
}), {});
* Returns properties with `data-` prefix from an object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const yieldDataAttrs = obj => yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj, "data-");
* Excludes properties with `data-` prefix from on object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const excludeDataAttrs = obj => filterPropsWithPrefix(obj, "data-");
* Returns properties with `aria-` prefix from an object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const yieldAriaAttrs = obj => yieldPropsWithPrefix(obj, "aria-");
* Excludes properties with `aria-` prefix from on object
* @param {object} obj Object to filter from
* @returns {object}
const excludeAriaAttrs = obj => filterPropsWithPrefix(obj, "aria-");
var props = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -248,29 +45,8 @@ __proto__: null,

yieldAriaAttrs: yieldAriaAttrs,
excludeAriaAttrs: excludeAriaAttrs
excludeAriaAttrs: excludeAriaAttrs,
concatClasses: concatClasses
* Checks if the value is of the type SVG
* @param {*} val
* @returns {Boolean}
const isTypeSVG = val => {
const type = typeof val === "function" ? val().type : val;
return type === "svg";
* Checks if the the input is a SVG
* @param {Object} icon
* @returns {Boolean}
const isTypeSVG=val=>{const type=typeof val==="function"?val().type:val;return type==="svg"};const isSVG=icon=>{if(!icon)return false;const type=icon.props&&icon.props.originalType||icon.type;return isTypeSVG(type)};
const isSVG = icon => {
if (!icon) return false;
const type = icon.props && icon.props.originalType || icon.type;
return isTypeSVG(type);
var svg = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

@@ -281,36 +57,2 @@ __proto__: null,

const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
const WARNING = "warning";
const DANGER = "danger";
const KEYCODES = Object.freeze({
TAB: 9,
ESC: 27,
SPACE: 32,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40
const ID_PREFIX = "sphlt-";
* Prepends a constant prefix to an ID
* @param {string} id ID of an element
* @returns {string}
const getPrefixedId = id => id ? `${ID_PREFIX}${id}` : "";
var strings = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getPrefixedId: getPrefixedId
export { DANGER, INFO, KEYCODES, SUCCESS, WARNING, env as envUtil, hash$1 as hashUtil, props as propsUtil, strings as stringUtil, svg as svgUtil };
"name": "@asphalt-react/helper",
"version": "1.13.0",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.1",
"description": "Common helper utilities for components",

@@ -12,5 +12,9 @@ "keywords": [

"author": "UX Engineering - Web <>",
"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.js",
"browser": "dist/browser.js",
"type": "module",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"exports": {
"import": "./dist/index.js",
"require": "./dist/index.cjs",
"default": "./dist/index.js"
"directories": {

@@ -37,3 +41,7 @@ "test": "__tests__"

"gitHead": "3f9cebe04eb753dc04819dd384e7b2c0bd6a74a9"
"browser": {
"dist/index.js": "./dist/browser.js",
"crypto": false
"gitHead": "3d38c37b17716bc5694b2d511f491a83b3073ef2"
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