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Create a DUMP from MySQL

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Mysql Dump

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Create a backup of a MySQL database.


yarn add @assignar/mysqldump
// or
npm install @assignar/mysqldump


import mysqldump from '@assignar/mysqldump'
// or const mysqldump = require('@assignar/mysqldump')

// dump the result straight to a file
    connection: {
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'root',
        password: '123456',
        database: 'my_database',
    dumpToFile: './dump.sql',

// return the dump from the function and not to a file
const result = await mysqldump({
    connection: {
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'root',
        password: '123456',
        database: 'my_database',


All the below options are documented in the typescript declaration file:

export interface ConnectionOptions {
	 * The database host to connect to.
	 * Defaults to 'localhost'.
	host?: string;
	 * The port on the host to connect to.
	 * Defaults to 3306.
	port?: number;
	 * The database to dump.
	database: string;
	 * The DB username to use to connect.
	user: string;
	 * The password to use to connect.
	password: string;
	 * The charset to use for the connection.
	 * Defaults to 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI'.
	charset?: string;
export interface SchemaDumpOptions {
	 * True to include autoincrement values in schema, false otherwise.
	 * Defaults to true.
	autoIncrement?: boolean;
	 * True to include engine values in schema, false otherwise.
	 * Defaults to true.
	engine?: boolean;
	 * True to run a sql formatter over the output, false otherwise.
	 * Defaults to true.
	format?: boolean;
	 * Options for table dumps
	table?: {
		 * Guard create table calls with an "IF NOT EXIST"
		 * Defaults to true.
		ifNotExist?: boolean;
		 * Drop tables before creation (overrides `ifNotExist`).
		 * Defaults to false.
		dropIfExist?: boolean;
		 * Include the `DEFAULT CHARSET = x` at the end of the table definition
		 * Set to true to include the value form the DB.
		 * Set to false to exclude it altogether.
		 * Set to a string to explicitly set the charset.
		 * Defaults to true.
		charset?: boolean | string;
	view?: {
		 * Uses `CREATE OR REPLACE` to define views.
		 * Defaults to true.
		createOrReplace?: boolean;
		 * Include the `DEFINER = {\`user\`@\`host\` | CURRENT_USER}` in the view definition or not
		 * Defaults to false.
		definer?: boolean;
		 * Include the `ALGORITHM = {UNDEFINED | MERGE | TEMPTABLE}` in the view definition or not
		 * Defaults to false.
		algorithm?: boolean;
		 * Incldue the `SQL SECURITY {DEFINER | INVOKER}` in the view definition or not
		 * Defaults to false.
		sqlSecurity?: boolean;
export interface TriggerDumpOptions {
	 * The temporary delimiter to use between statements.
	 * Set to false to not use delmiters
	 * Defaults to ';;'.
	delimiter?: string | false;
	 * Drop triggers before creation.
	 * Defaults to false.
	dropIfExist?: boolean;
	 * Include the `DEFINER = {\`user\`@\`host\` | CURRENT_USER}` in the view definition or not
	 * Defaults to false.
	definer?: boolean;
export interface DataDumpOptions {
	 * True to run a sql formatter over the output, false otherwise.
	 * Defaults to true.
	format?: boolean;
	 * Dump data from views.
	 * Defaults to false.
	includeViewData?: boolean;
	 * Maximum number of rows to include in each multi-line insert statement
	 * Defaults to 1 (i.e. new statement per row).
	maxRowsPerInsertStatement?: number;
	 * True to return the data in a function, false to not.
	 * This is useful in databases with a lot of data.
	 * We stream data from the DB to reduce the memory footprint.
	 * However note that if you want the result returned from the function,
	 * this will result in a larger memory footprint as the string has to be stored in memory.
	 * Defaults to false if dumpToFile is truthy, or true if not dumpToFile is falsey.
	returnFromFunction?: boolean;
	 * A map of tables to additional where strings to add.
	 * Use this to limit the number of data that is dumped.
	 * Defaults to no limits
	where?: {
		[k: string]: string;
export interface DumpOptions {
	 * The list of tables that you want to dump.
	 * Defaults to all tables (signalled by passing an empty array).
	tables?: string[];
	 * True to use the `tables` options as a blacklist, false to use it as a whitelist.
	 * Defaults to false.
	excludeTables?: boolean;
	 * Explicitly set to false to not include the schema in the dump.
	 * Defaults to including the schema.
	schema?: false | SchemaDumpOptions;
	 * Explicitly set to false to not include data in the dump.
	 * Defaults to including the data.
	data?: false | DataDumpOptions;
	 * Explicitly set to false to not include triggers in the dump.
	 * Defaults to including the triggers.
	trigger?: false | TriggerDumpOptions;
export interface Options {
	 * Database connection options
	connection: ConnectionOptions;
	 * Dump configuration options
	dump?: DumpOptions;
	 * Set to a path to dump to a file.
	 * Exclude to just return the string.
	dumpToFile?: string;
export interface ColumnList {
	 * Key is the name of the column
	[k: string]: {
		 * The type of the column as reported by the underlying DB.
		type: string;
		 * True if the column is nullable, false otherwise.
		nullable: boolean;
export interface Table {
	 * The name of the table.
	name: string;
	 * The raw SQL schema dump for the table.
	 * Null if configured to not dump.
	schema: string | null;
	 * The raw SQL data dump for the table.
	 * Null if configured to not dump.
	data: string | null;
	 * The list of column definitions for the table.
	columns: ColumnList;
	 * An ordered list of columns (for consistently outputing as per the DB definition)
	columnsOrdered: string[];
	 * True if the table is actually a view, false otherwise.
	isView: boolean;
	 * A list of triggers attached to the table
	triggers: string[];
export interface DumpReturn {
	 * The result of the dump
	dump: {
		 * The concatenated SQL schema dump for the entire database.
		 * Null if configured not to dump.
		schema: string | null;
		 * The concatenated SQL data dump for the entire database.
		 * Null if configured not to dump.
		data: string | null;
		 * The concatenated SQL trigger dump for the entire database.
		 * Null if configured not to dump.
		trigger: string | null;
	tables: Table[];
export default function main(inputOptions: Options): Promise<DumpReturn>;

export as namespace mysqldump;

The MIT License



Make sure to first install all the required development dependencies:

// or
npm install .


We use eslint in conjunction with typescript-eslint-parser for code linting.

PRs are required to pass the linting with no errors and preferrably no warnings.


Tests can be run via the test script - yarn test / npm test.

Additionally it's required that you do a build and run your test against the public package to ensure the build doesn't cause regressions - yarn run test-prod / npm run test-prod.

PRs are required to maintain the 100% test coverage, and all tests must pass successfully.



Package last updated on 28 Jun 2018

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