A technical error provider.
The errors are based on HTTP, but can be used anywhere else as well.
This is also the set of errors that the AtlasEngine uses internally.
npm install --save @atlas-engine/error_provider
Usage in NodeJS:
const ERRORNAME = require('@atlas-engine/error_provider').ERRORNAME;
const {ERRORNAME1, ERRORNAME2, ERRORNAME3} = require('@atlas-engine/error_provider');
const error = new ERRORNAME('fancy error message');
Usage in TypeScript:
import * as Errors from '@atlas-engine/error_provider';
import {ERRORNAME1, ERRORNAME2, ERRORNAME3} from '@atlas-engine/error_provider';
const error = new Errors.ERRORNAME('fancy error message');
const anotherError = new ERRORNAME1('fancy error message');
is the error you want to import.
All errors from this package have the isAtlasEngineError
-property, so that they can be easily recognized as such.
Serialization and Deserialization
There are two ways to serialize/deserialize the errors:
Direct serialization
Each error has a serialize
function which will create a string representation of the error object.
For example:
import {InternalServerError} from '@atlas-engine/error_provider';
const error = new InternalServerError('error!');
const serializedError = error.serialize();
The BaseError
class provides a static deserialize
function, which accepts a string argument.
It tries to parse the string into a corresponding AtlasEngine
error and returns the result.
For example:
import {BaseError} from '@atlas-engine/error_provider';
const serializedError = '{"errorClassName":"InternalServerError","code":500,"message":"Process was terminated!","callStack":"InternalServerError: Process was terminated!\n at <InsertStackHere>"}';
const error = BaseError.deserialize();
The function will throw an error, if the given string does not properly represent an AtlasEngine error!
Serializer functions
We also provide a global serialize
and deserialize
function, which works independently from any internal errors.
Unlike the serializer functions attached to BaseError
, these functions are also able to handle base Error
objects and even plain JSONs.
import {BaseError, deserializeError, serializeError} from '@atlas-engine/error_provider';
const internalServerError = new InternalServerError('error!');
const basicError = new Error('error!');
const untypedError = {message: 'Oh no, where did my type info go!?', code: 666};
const serializedInternalServerError = serializeError(internalServerError);
const serializedBasicError = serializeError(basicError);
const serializedUntypedError = serializeError(untypedError);
const deserializedInternalServerError = deserializeError(serializedInternalServerError);
const deserializedBasicError = deserializeError(serializedBasicError);
const deserializedUntypedError = deserializeError(serializedUntypedError);
Use these, if you cannot be entirely certain that an error will be from @atlas-engine/error_provider
A note on @essential-projects/errors_ts
Since this package is the continuation of @essential-projects/errors_ts
, the deserializeError
and serializeError
functions are able to handle errors from that package as well.
You can run the tests by simply calling:
npm test
Error Codes
The Errors are mostly based on HTTP status codes.
Every Error, except for the BaseError
extends BaseError
, which in turn extends Error
Name | Code |
BaseError | |
| |
Information Errors | 1xx |
ContinueError | 100 |
SwitchingProtocolsError | 101 |
ProcessingError | 102 |
| |
Redirect Errors | 3xx |
MultipleChoicesError | 300 |
MovedError | 301 |
FoundError | 302 |
SeeOtherError | 303 |
NotModifiedError | 304 |
UseProxyError | 305 |
TemporaryRedirectError | 307 |
PermanentRedirectError | 308 |
| |
Client Errors | 4xx |
BadRequestError | 400 |
UnauthorizedError | 401 |
PaymentRequiredError | 402 |
ForbiddenError | 403 |
NotFoundError | 404 |
MethodNotAllowedError | 405 |
NotAcceptableError | 406 |
ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError | 407 |
RequestTimeoutError | 408 |
ConflictError | 409 |
GoneError | 410 |
LengthRequiredError | 411 |
PreconditionFailedError | 412 |
RequestTooLargeError | 413 |
URLTooLongError | 414 |
UnsupportedMediaTypeError | 415 |
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError | 416 |
ExpectationFailedError | 417 |
ImATeapotError | 418 |
PolicyNotFulfilledError | 420 |
MisdirectredRequestError | 421 |
UnprocessableEntityError | 422 |
LockedError | 423 |
FailedDependencyError | 424 |
UpgradeRequiredError | 426 |
PreconditionRequiredError | 428 |
TooManyRequestsError | 429 |
RequestHeaderTooLargeError | 431 |
UnavaliableForLegalReasonsError | 451 |
| |
Server Errors | 5xx |
InternalServerError | 500 |
NotImplementedError | 501 |
BadGatewayError | 502 |
ServiceUnavaliableError | 503 |
GatewayTimeoutError | 504 |
VersionNotSupportedError | 505 |
InsufficientStorageError | 507 |
LoopDetectedError | 508 |
BandwithLimitExceededError | 509 |
NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError | 511 |