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@atlaskit/textfield - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.8.3 to 7.0.0


# @atlaskit/textfield
## 7.0.0
### Major Changes
- [#114073](
[`b5b9031ffaa05`]( -
Migrated from `@emotion/react` to `@compiled/react` in order to improve performance, align with
the rest of the Atlaskit techstack, and support React 18 Streaming SSR. Please note, in order to
use this version of `@atlaskit/textfield`, you will need to ensure that your bundler is configured
to handle `.css` imports correctly.
Most bundlers come with built-in support for `.css` imports, so you may not need to do anything.
If you are using a different bundler, please refer to the documentation for that bundler to
understand how to handle `.css` imports. For more information on the migration, please refer to
[RFC-73 Migrating our components to Compiled CSS-in-JS](
## 6.8.3

@@ -4,0 +20,0 @@



@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

/* text-field.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.36.1 */
"use strict";

@@ -9,2 +10,4 @@

exports.default = void 0;
var _runtime = require("@compiled/react/runtime");
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"));

@@ -15,11 +18,5 @@ var _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof"));

var _react = _interopRequireWildcard(require("react"));
var _react2 = require("@emotion/react");
var _analyticsNext = require("@atlaskit/analytics-next");
var _styles = require("./styles");
var _platformFeatureFlags = require("@atlaskit/platform-feature-flags");
var _excluded = ["appearance", "className", "elemAfterInput", "elemBeforeInput", "isCompact", "isDisabled", "isInvalid", "isMonospaced", "isReadOnly", "isRequired", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onFocus", "onMouseDown", "placeholder", "testId", "width"];
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/use-compiled -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); }

@@ -29,7 +26,57 @@ function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != _typeof3(e) && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && {}, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; }

function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { (0, _defineProperty2.default)(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
var containerMedia = {
invalid: "_srjtgir2",
disabled: "_6up518qt"
var inputMediaDisabled = null;
var analyticsParams = {
componentName: 'textField',
packageName: "@atlaskit/textfield",
packageVersion: "6.8.3"
packageVersion: "7.0.0"
var disabledStyle = {
standard: "_1h6dsyzs _bfhksyzs _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf"
var invalidStyle = null;
var focusWithinStyle = {
standard: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
subtle: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
none: "_ochr1j28 _195e1j28 _bqht3sij"
var hoverStyle = {
standard: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
subtle: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
none: "_4cvx1j28 _irr31j28"
var getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor = {
standard: "_1h6d1elr _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _bfhk1j9a _srjtgir2",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqoglyw _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2"
var widthMap = {
xsmall: 80,
small: 160,
medium: 240,
large: 320,
xlarge: 480
var getMaxWidth = function getMaxWidth(width) {
return !width ? "100%" : width in widthMap ? "".concat(widthMap[width], "px") : "".concat(+width, "px");
var containerStyleAppearance = {
standard: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
subtle: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
none: "_1dqoglyw"
var containerStyles = null;
var inputDisabledStyle = null;
var inputCompactStyleWithFg = null;
var inputCompactStyle = null;
var inputMonospacedStyle = null;
var inputFontStyleWithFG = null;
var inputStyleMonospacedWithFg = null;
var inputStyleNotDataCompactWithFG = null;
var inputStyle = null;

@@ -109,50 +156,37 @@ /**

}, [ref]);
var containerStyles = (0, _react.useMemo)(function () {
return (0, _styles.containerStyles)(appearance, width);
}, [appearance, width]);
var inputStyle = (0, _styles.inputStyles)();
return (
* It is not normally acceptable to add click and key handlers to
* non-interactive elements as this is an accessibility anti-pattern.
* However, because this instance is to handle events on all children that
* should be associated with the input, we can add role="presentation" so
* that there are no negative impacts to assistive technologies.
(0, _react2.jsx)("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && "".concat(testId, "-container"),
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: containerStyles
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: className
}, elemBeforeInput, (0, _react2.jsx)("input", (0, _extends2.default)({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: inputStyle,
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired
})), elemAfterInput)
return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && "".concat(testId, "-container"),
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown,
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: (0,["_16jlkb7n _1o9zkb7n _i0dl1osq _11c81oud _1reo15vq _18m915vq _v564r5cv _189ee4h9 _1e0c1txw _vchhusvi _4cvr1h6o _1bah1yb4 _lcxv1wug _s7n4jp4b _slp31hna _1tnq1l7b", getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor[appearance], containerStyleAppearance[appearance], !isDisabled && focusWithinStyle[appearance], !isDisabled && hoverStyle[appearance], isDisabled && containerMedia.disabled, isDisabled && disabledStyle[appearance], isInvalid && containerMedia.invalid, isInvalid && "_1h6d1bqt _4cvx1bqt _16qs13x5 _1dbz13x5 _10j7r01l", className]),
style: {
maxWidth: "".concat(getMaxWidth(width)),
"--_x5k4n9": (0, _runtime.ix)("inset 0 0 0 ".concat("var(--ds-border-width, 1px)", " ", "var(--ds-border-danger, #E2483D)"))
}, elemBeforeInput, /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement("input", (0, _extends2.default)({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired,
className: (0,["_19itidpf _11c81oud _12ji1r31 _1qu2glyw _12y31o36 _vchhusvi _1bsb1osq _1ul9idpf _bfhk1j28 _syaz1kw7 _80om1kw7 _14jiu2gc _olc6u2gc _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _1goxglyw _13xeglyw _1n7e1l2s _1idr131l _3hog1lh4", isMonospaced && "_ect41odn", isCompact && "_85i51b66 _1q511b66 _y4ti12x7 _bozg12x7", isDisabled && "_oo9g1lh4", isDisabled && "_1fnx18qt", !isCompact && (0, _platformFeatureFlags.fg)('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_14ji12x7 _olc612x7 _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _l9oiu2gc _549yu2gc _1h5w12x7 _124212x7", (0, _platformFeatureFlags.fg)('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11c81doa _1tn21oud", isCompact && (0, _platformFeatureFlags.fg)('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11zpv77o _1l02v77o _daj712x7 _141f12x7 _1srd1b66 _oi9h1b66 _1e3012x7 _1txv12x7", isMonospaced && (0, _platformFeatureFlags.fg)('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_ect41odn _14md1odn"])
})), elemAfterInput);
var _default = exports.default = Textfield;

@@ -0,17 +1,61 @@

/* text-field.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.36.1 */
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/use-compiled -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
import { jsx } from '@emotion/react';
import "./text-field.compiled.css";
import { ax, ix } from "@compiled/react/runtime";
import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import { usePlatformLeafEventHandler } from '@atlaskit/analytics-next';
import { containerStyles as getContainerStyles, inputStyles as getInputStyles } from './styles';
import { fg } from '@atlaskit/platform-feature-flags';
const containerMedia = {
invalid: "_srjtgir2",
disabled: "_6up518qt"
const inputMediaDisabled = null;
const analyticsParams = {
componentName: 'textField',
packageName: "@atlaskit/textfield",
packageVersion: "6.8.3"
packageVersion: "7.0.0"
const disabledStyle = {
standard: "_1h6dsyzs _bfhksyzs _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf"
const invalidStyle = null;
const focusWithinStyle = {
standard: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
subtle: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
none: "_ochr1j28 _195e1j28 _bqht3sij"
const hoverStyle = {
standard: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
subtle: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
none: "_4cvx1j28 _irr31j28"
const getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor = {
standard: "_1h6d1elr _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _bfhk1j9a _srjtgir2",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqoglyw _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2"
const widthMap = {
xsmall: 80,
small: 160,
medium: 240,
large: 320,
xlarge: 480
const getMaxWidth = width => !width ? `100%` : width in widthMap ? `${widthMap[width]}px` : `${+width}px`;
const containerStyleAppearance = {
standard: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
subtle: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
none: "_1dqoglyw"
const containerStyles = null;
const inputDisabledStyle = null;
const inputCompactStyleWithFg = null;
const inputCompactStyle = null;
const inputMonospacedStyle = null;
const inputFontStyleWithFG = null;
const inputStyleMonospacedWithFg = null;
const inputStyleNotDataCompactWithFG = null;
const inputStyle = null;

@@ -88,48 +132,36 @@ /**

}, [ref]);
const containerStyles = useMemo(() => getContainerStyles(appearance, width), [appearance, width]);
const inputStyle = getInputStyles();
return (
* It is not normally acceptable to add click and key handlers to
* non-interactive elements as this is an accessibility anti-pattern.
* However, because this instance is to handle events on all children that
* should be associated with the input, we can add role="presentation" so
* that there are no negative impacts to assistive technologies.
jsx("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && `${testId}-container`,
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: containerStyles
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: className
}, elemBeforeInput, jsx("input", _extends({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: inputStyle,
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired
})), elemAfterInput)
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && `${testId}-container`,
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown,
style: {
maxWidth: `${getMaxWidth(width)}`
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: ax(["_16jlkb7n _1o9zkb7n _i0dl1osq _11c81oud _1reo15vq _18m915vq _v564r5cv _189ee4h9 _1e0c1txw _vchhusvi _4cvr1h6o _1bah1yb4 _lcxv1wug _s7n4jp4b _slp31hna _1tnq1l7b", getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor[appearance], containerStyleAppearance[appearance], !isDisabled && focusWithinStyle[appearance], !isDisabled && hoverStyle[appearance], isDisabled && containerMedia.disabled, isDisabled && disabledStyle[appearance], isInvalid && containerMedia.invalid, isInvalid && "_1h6d1bqt _4cvx1bqt _16qsizbr _1dbzizbr _10j7r01l", className])
}, elemBeforeInput, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired,
className: ax(["_19itidpf _11c81oud _12ji1r31 _1qu2glyw _12y31o36 _vchhusvi _1bsb1osq _1ul9idpf _bfhk1j28 _syaz1kw7 _80om1kw7 _14jiu2gc _olc6u2gc _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _1goxglyw _13xeglyw _1n7e1l2s _1idr131l _3hog1lh4", isMonospaced && "_ect41odn", isCompact && "_85i51b66 _1q511b66 _y4ti12x7 _bozg12x7", isDisabled && "_oo9g1lh4", isDisabled && "_1fnx18qt", !isCompact && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_14ji12x7 _olc612x7 _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _l9oiu2gc _549yu2gc _1h5w12x7 _124212x7", fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11c81doa _1tn21oud", isCompact && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11zpv77o _1l02v77o _daj712x7 _141f12x7 _1srd1b66 _oi9h1b66 _1e3012x7 _1txv12x7", isMonospaced && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_ect41odn _14md1odn"])
})), elemAfterInput);
export default Textfield;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

/* text-field.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.36.1 */
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";

@@ -6,19 +7,64 @@ import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof";

var _excluded = ["appearance", "className", "elemAfterInput", "elemBeforeInput", "isCompact", "isDisabled", "isInvalid", "isMonospaced", "isReadOnly", "isRequired", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onFocus", "onMouseDown", "placeholder", "testId", "width"];
import "./text-field.compiled.css";
import { ax, ix } from "@compiled/react/runtime";
function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/use-compiled -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
import { jsx } from '@emotion/react';
import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import { usePlatformLeafEventHandler } from '@atlaskit/analytics-next';
import { containerStyles as getContainerStyles, inputStyles as getInputStyles } from './styles';
import { fg } from '@atlaskit/platform-feature-flags';
var containerMedia = {
invalid: "_srjtgir2",
disabled: "_6up518qt"
var inputMediaDisabled = null;
var analyticsParams = {
componentName: 'textField',
packageName: "@atlaskit/textfield",
packageVersion: "6.8.3"
packageVersion: "7.0.0"
var disabledStyle = {
standard: "_1h6dsyzs _bfhksyzs _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _bfhk1j28 _syaz1lh4 _80om13gf"
var invalidStyle = null;
var focusWithinStyle = {
standard: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
subtle: "_ochr1p6i _195er01l _bqhtq049",
none: "_ochr1j28 _195e1j28 _bqht3sij"
var hoverStyle = {
standard: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
subtle: "_4cvx1elr _irr31d5g",
none: "_4cvx1j28 _irr31j28"
var getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor = {
standard: "_1h6d1elr _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _bfhk1j9a _srjtgir2",
subtle: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqonqa1 _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2",
none: "_1h6d1j28 _1dqoglyw _syaz1fxt _80om1kdv _16hg1j28 _srjtgir2"
var widthMap = {
xsmall: 80,
small: 160,
medium: 240,
large: 320,
xlarge: 480
var getMaxWidth = function getMaxWidth(width) {
return !width ? "100%" : width in widthMap ? "".concat(widthMap[width], "px") : "".concat(+width, "px");
var containerStyleAppearance = {
standard: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
subtle: "_1dqonqa1 _1q51e4h9 _85i5e4h9 _bozgidpf _y4tiidpf",
none: "_1dqoglyw"
var containerStyles = null;
var inputDisabledStyle = null;
var inputCompactStyleWithFg = null;
var inputCompactStyle = null;
var inputMonospacedStyle = null;
var inputFontStyleWithFG = null;
var inputStyleMonospacedWithFg = null;
var inputStyleNotDataCompactWithFG = null;
var inputStyle = null;

@@ -98,50 +144,37 @@ /**

}, [ref]);
var containerStyles = useMemo(function () {
return getContainerStyles(appearance, width);
}, [appearance, width]);
var inputStyle = getInputStyles();
return (
* It is not normally acceptable to add click and key handlers to
* non-interactive elements as this is an accessibility anti-pattern.
* However, because this instance is to handle events on all children that
* should be associated with the input, we can add role="presentation" so
* that there are no negative impacts to assistive technologies.
jsx("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && "".concat(testId, "-container"),
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: containerStyles
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: className
}, elemBeforeInput, jsx("input", _extends({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
css: inputStyle,
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired
})), elemAfterInput)
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
role: "presentation",
"data-disabled": isDisabled ? isDisabled : undefined,
"data-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--container": true,
"data-testid": testId && "".concat(testId, "-container"),
onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown,
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop -- Ignored via go/DSP-18766
className: ax(["_16jlkb7n _1o9zkb7n _i0dl1osq _11c81oud _1reo15vq _18m915vq _v564r5cv _189ee4h9 _1e0c1txw _vchhusvi _4cvr1h6o _1bah1yb4 _lcxv1wug _s7n4jp4b _slp31hna _1tnq1l7b", getContainerTextBgAndBorderColor[appearance], containerStyleAppearance[appearance], !isDisabled && focusWithinStyle[appearance], !isDisabled && hoverStyle[appearance], isDisabled && containerMedia.disabled, isDisabled && disabledStyle[appearance], isInvalid && containerMedia.invalid, isInvalid && "_1h6d1bqt _4cvx1bqt _16qs13x5 _1dbz13x5 _10j7r01l", className]),
style: {
maxWidth: "".concat(getMaxWidth(width)),
"--_x5k4n9": ix("inset 0 0 0 ".concat("var(--ds-border-width, 1px)", " ", "var(--ds-border-danger, #E2483D)"))
}, elemBeforeInput, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({}, spreadProps, {
"aria-invalid": isInvalid ? isInvalid : undefined
// TODO: When removing legacy theming fix this.
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/consistent-css-prop-usage
"data-compact": isCompact ? isCompact : undefined,
"data-ds--text-field--input": true,
"data-monospaced": isMonospaced ? isMonospaced : undefined,
"data-testid": testId,
disabled: isDisabled,
name: name,
onBlur: handleOnBlur,
onChange: onChange,
onFocus: handleOnFocus,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: isReadOnly,
ref: setInputRef,
required: isRequired,
className: ax(["_19itidpf _11c81oud _12ji1r31 _1qu2glyw _12y31o36 _vchhusvi _1bsb1osq _1ul9idpf _bfhk1j28 _syaz1kw7 _80om1kw7 _14jiu2gc _olc6u2gc _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _1goxglyw _13xeglyw _1n7e1l2s _1idr131l _3hog1lh4", isMonospaced && "_ect41odn", isCompact && "_85i51b66 _1q511b66 _y4ti12x7 _bozg12x7", isDisabled && "_oo9g1lh4", isDisabled && "_1fnx18qt", !isCompact && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_14ji12x7 _olc612x7 _1kod12x7 _7ba012x7 _l9oiu2gc _549yu2gc _1h5w12x7 _124212x7", fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11c81doa _1tn21oud", isCompact && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_11zpv77o _1l02v77o _daj712x7 _141f12x7 _1srd1b66 _oi9h1b66 _1e3012x7 _1txv12x7", isMonospaced && fg('platform_design_system_team_safari_input_fix') && "_ect41odn _14md1odn"])
})), elemAfterInput);
export default Textfield;
"name": "@atlaskit/textfield",
"version": "6.8.3",
"version": "7.0.0",
"description": "A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text.",

@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ "publishConfig": {

"@atlaskit/platform-feature-flags": "^1.1.0",
"@atlaskit/primitives": "^13.5.0",
"@atlaskit/theme": "^16.0.0",
"@atlaskit/tokens": "^3.3.0",
"@babel/runtime": "^7.0.0",
"@emotion/react": "^11.7.1"
"@compiled/react": "^0.18.1"

@@ -37,0 +36,0 @@ "peerDependencies": {

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