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Ethereum smart contract for Authereum

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Authereum Contracts

Ethereum smart contracts for Authereum

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Check out the Authereum contracts bug bounty program here!

Contract Design

The Authereum contracts are necessary pieces of the Authereum ecosystem. Users of the Authereum accounts own a proxy contract that points to an upgradeable logic contract. The contracts are organized in the following directories:

  • account - The Authereum Account logic contract. All users on the Authereum platform will own a proxy contract that points to these contracts. This is upgradeable. Each users' state will live in their proxy contract but will interact with this contract.
  • upgradeability - Upgradeability logic for Authereum accounts. Each user that joins Authereum creates a proxy (AuthereumProxy) through the Authereum proxy factory (AuthereumProxyFactory).
  • admin - Administrative contracts to be used by Authereum creators.
  • base - Base contracts used throughout the system.
  • ens - Custom ENS contracts. Used to give Authereum users their own *.auth.eth subdomains. The Authereum ENS Resolver is upgradeable.
  • firewall - Contracts that can be used as a firewall to protect user's accounts.
  • modules - Independent contracts that are added as Auth Keys to Authereum accounts for extended functionality.
  • interfaces - Interfaces used throughout the system.
  • libs - Libraries used throughout the system.
  • test - Contracts used during tests. None of these contracts are ever deployed as part of the system.
  • utils - Utils used throughout the system.

Top Level Design Decisions

When a user signs up for an account on, a proxy contract (upgradeability/AuthereumProxy.sol) is created for them through the Authereum proxy factory (upgradeability/AuthereumProxyFactory.sol). The creation of the proxy simply points the proxy to the latest Authereum account logic (implementation) address, initializes the proxy for that logic address, and gives the proxy and ENS subdomain (*.auth.eth).

Each proxy is fully owned by the user who created it, and Authereum has no custody or control over it at all.

The proxies are upgradeable with the proxy-delegate pattern, which simply means they can point to a new logic address and initialize themselves at that address. The user controls the upgrade and they are the only ones that can perform the upgrade.

The system is designed to be transacted with by meta transactions. Authereum users will sign messages that are sent to relayers who will broadcast the transactions.

There are two types of keys that interact with the contracts: auth keys and login keys. Auth keys have the most power and can perform administrative actions such as adding/removing auth keys and upgrading the account. Login keys are more restricted and can only send transactions.

A core component of the system is the signing of keys. Auth keys and login keys sign messages off-chain, and these messages and their signatures are passed into the contracts so that the signer can recovered and verified on-chain. There are two types of signatures checked:

  • For an auth key transaction, the transaction message data is signed by the auth key, and the signed data and the signature are passed into the contract transaction. These two items are used to verify that the auth key signed the message.
  • For a login key transaction, two signatures are required. One signature is identical to the one mentioned above, except it is signed by the login key instead of the auth key. The second piece of the login key transaction is a signature of the login key (and some data) signed by the auth key. This can be thought of as authKey.sign(loginKey, data). Both pieces of data and both signatures are sent to the transaction. The login key and auth key are recovered on-chain, and the contract verifies that these addresses are correct.

More information can be found here.


The account directory contains the logic contract for an Authereum Account. It is a single contract with AuthereumAccount.sol being the bottom-most contract on an inheritance tree. A user's proxy will point to this deployed contract and will use it for its logic.

This contract is upgradeable. Because of this, it is designed in such a way as to avoid overwriting any state variables. accounts/state/, accounts/initializer/, and accounts/event/ have been separated out into subdirectories that each have the contract's state, initializers, and events, respectively. Any upgrades to the contract will create a new version (e.g. AccountStateV2.sol) that gets inherited, in order, as to completely avoid overwriting any state. The initializer functions are meant to be called when upgrading a contract and are protected from being called multiple times with the lastInitializedVersion state variable. Technically the contract events are able to be upgraded/overwritten without causing problems, but we put them in their own directory and will treat them similar to state upgrades. This is for cleanliness of code and so that the initializers can emit events.

In normal circumstances, transactions are meant to be sent by a relayer to one of two functions: executeMultipleAuthKeyMetaTransactions() and executeMultipleLoginKeyMetaTransactions(). See Top Level Design Decisions for more information about the different keys. These transactions perform the following functions:

  • perform an atomic transaction with itself
  • verify that the signers of the data are the expected addresses (login key and auth key)
  • execute each of the batched transactions sent in the transactions
  • refund the relayer with ETH or tokens (if necessary - certain auth key transactions are not required to do this)

The following section will break down each point above.

Atomic Transactions - The Authereum contracts perform atomic transactions within their own transaction. In the context of an Authereum transaction, this means that transactions sent to an Authereum contract perform a call back to itself. The reason for this is to be able to revert within a transaction without reverting the entire transaction. This allows for the unwinding of state if a transaction fails while still allowing a relayer to be refunded.

Verify Signatures - See Top Level Design Decisions for more information about the signing. In short, signatures are created off-chain that are verified on-chain. This was done for efficiency and to minimize the number of on-chain transactions.

Execute Transactions - Authereum users can send batched transactions. These are multiple transactions that are all batched into one, single on-chain transaction. See here for more information. The Authereum contracts loop through each passed-in transaction and executes them with a call.

Refunds - Most Authereum transactions should be sent by a relayer. Because of this, Authereum transactions refund the relayer who broadcasts the transaction at the conclusion of their transaction based on the amount of gas that was used. Refunds can be paid in ETH or tokens. It is expected that the relayer will not broadcast transactions that will be detrimental to themselves. The feeTokenRate is passed in by the user and is used to calculate the number of tokens that are paid to the relayer in a refund. It is expected that a relayer will not send a transaction with a token rate that they do not agree with.

There is a gasOverhead parameter that is passed into these functions as well. The value of this parameter is meant to be calculated off-chain and passed into the transaction. It represents the gas overhead that is not taken into account when calculating a refund. This may include the gas cost of the calldata, as well as any additional logic that is not captured by the gas calculations.

Upgradeability logic lives within this contract as well. In order to perform an upgrade, a user must send a transaction to executeMultipleAuthKeyMetaTransactions() that, in turn, calls its own upgradeToAndCall() function.

Finally, 721 and 1125 hooks are used in order to receive those types of tokens in the Authereum contracts.


Authereum's contracts are upgradeable. Each Authereum user owns a proxy (AuthereumProxy.sol) that points to their desired logic contract. This contract's sole function is to provide a fallback function that delegates calls to the proxy's logic contract. All Authereum user transactions go through this fallback.

Each proxy is created by the Authereum proxy factory (AuthereumProxyFactory.sol). The Authereum proxy factory creates an account when createProxy() is called. This function creates a proxy with create2, initializes it, and registers a subdomain for the proxy. When a user creates an account on a later version of the Authereum contracts, they will have to iterate through each previous version's initializer. Because of this, the createProxy() function loops through each piece of the initialize data.

The AuthereumEnsResolverProxy.sol is nearly identical to the AuthereumProxy.sol contract and is used for upgrading the Authereum ENS Resolver Proxy.


The Authereum contracts support "module" contracts that can be used to introduce additional functionality to an Authereum account. A module contract is added to an Authereum account by adding its address as an Auth Key. Because modules may contain critical functionality (e.g. the RecoveryModule), Login Keys should not be able to interact with modules. To prevent this, a check in LoginKeyMetaTxAccount.sol will revert the transaction if a Login Key's transaction's destination is an Auth Key, which may be a module. In addition, when designing modules, care should be taken to ensure Login Key's cannot interact with a module before it's added to an account as an Auth Key. Both the RecoverModule and DelegateKeyModule prevent this with the onlyWhenRegisteredModule modifier.

Additional Notes

Known Issues

  • A user can break their upgradeability on the Authereum system by upgrading their account to a logic address outside of the Authereum ecosystem.
  • It is expected that a relayer will not broadcast a transaction that contains any data that would be detrimental to themselves. This includes:
    • Transactions that will revert (because of gas, bad data, or improperly signed data)
    • Transactions that contain a feeTokenRate that the relayer does not accept as a true rate
  • The DelegateKeyModule does not enforce that the length of _lockedParameters and _lockedParameterValues are equal to the actual number of parameters taken by the function being registered. In addition, dynamically-sized parameters cannot be locked but this is not enforced on-chain. When registering a Delegate Key, care should be taken to ensure that _lockedParameters and _lockedParameterValues equal the number of parameters in the function being registered and that none of the parameters being locked are dynamically-sized.


  • An attacker cannot spend the account contract's funds, freeze the funds, or participate in account management.
  • Transactions from the account contract can only be authorized by an Auth Key or Login Key either directly or through a meta transaction.
  • Login Keys cannot participate in account management including adding and removing auth keys and upgrading the account. Anything marked as onlySelf or onlyAuthKeySenderOrSelf should not be accessible by a Login Key.
  • Login Keys should not be able to interact with the RecoveryModule or the DelegateKeyModule in a meaningful way. Modules should prevent certain interactions when the module is not registered to the account contract and the account contract should not let Login Keys invoke functionality on Auth Keys which includes any modules registered to the account contract.
  • Login Keys should only be able to interact with Auth Keys and with self in a limited capacity. Transactions from Login Keys to either an Auth Key or to self should be bounded by both data and gas values.
  • Login Keys can bypass restrictions by setting the validationContract to address(0). It is expected that relayers who process transactions validate these restrictions off-chain, if desired.


Environment variables:


You may also set the config by invoking the setConfig(config) static method.


All the versioning in the Authereum system will use Unix timestamps. A dictionary will be kept that maps version numbers to human-readable names.

Advantage of Unix Timestamp:

  • Consistent versioning
  • Easy file/variable naming
  • Infinitely scalable

Design Decisions:

  • Semantic versioning is hard to do on file names and variables
  • Sequential may cause issues down the road (ie renaming files/contracts to have more left padding)



IndexContract NameContract VersionAddress
01Authereum Account20200701000xe45a5176bC0F2c1198E2451C4e4501D4eD9B65a6
02Authereum Account20200601000x237EDCDd43349227ef511581Cc834962ECf23076
03Authereum Account20200217000x20AF9E54a3670EF6a601bcA1f1EC22b1f93CBE23
04Authereum Account20200202000x2e1723d1DFa2947f0d08D5c5D214b71deF4f951F
05Authereum Account20200109000x79fEe076B1BcD4054DFF0B4364C26899492198dc
06Authereum Account20191220000x211deB5c0a28A213FcF5976Ac22c70fF96b9004C
07Authereum Account20191115000x185c46c8d3EF5155F3678e69c827dB7a2116a6Cd
08Authereum Account20191025000xD8CaB604BDd8cBb7c3eb0c26f7DC3AbFfb005A92
09Authereum ENS Manager20200701000xcB586eA6F8804003e8B51832c8789B5aC9720d24
10Authereum ENS Manager20200202000xd2dF497A03A67ebcF9c0Cf62E9165d52f634A2ae
11Authereum ENS Manager20191115000x9442A2Eff399a9e97BCC6B2a4194399496F76e59
12Authereum ENS Manager20191025000x6DCC6577650BBF5B70E9EeE7Cfd1364410867206
13Authereum ENS Resolver20191115000xA42D000187bd8d997df54267e4b27c08329fDFe1
14Authereum ENS Resolver20191025000xd54FFAb6df175a7751e6E50373d213242DE938c3
15Authereum ENS Resolver Proxy20191115000x4DA86a24e30a188608E1364A2D262166a87fCB7C
16Authereum Proxy Factory20200701000x260BA21bC0aE8DF6495FB0BC6de5d4d9B2814a1a
17Authereum Proxy Factory20191115000x69c0047531FD1cc24dAa9Eccd221Cb66b53c63f8
18Authereum Proxy Factory20191025000x0D54d0F1C1F5FE7a525713B85F36dE8fB6014046
19Authereum Delegate Key Module20200701000xCCfe999a3Bb7922A5F4595e5d5F95C43FFf0692E
20Authereum Recovery Module20200701000x891c1A794164C0DDaB3182c2b1b436b51B1F8B64
21Authereum Login Key Validator20200701000x4Af9d139B2E6739fd05fc5b9a06FA8B4df0A8d20
22ENS RegistryPublic0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e
23ENS Reverse RegistrarPublic0x9062C0A6Dbd6108336BcBe4593a3D1cE05512069


IndexContract NameContract VersionAddress
01Authereum Account20200701000x5bD8b14f5F95b3f85Dab33e2281e936DDB5947a7
02Authereum Account20200601000x2072694ce1C8352FEa2FBA5CbA54839a4b62cF87
03Authereum Account20200217000xD6A8E40C149aEA415DdC7a7F7743737Cd73e75a3
04Authereum Account20200202000x090D1E26170e5Db316B9a86b0d61601285f463A3
05Authereum Account20200109000x024B110390FE302f6Ce1A2d81B9F3595B44179f4
06Authereum Account20191220000xF29a9ACE9820dB1E0C92AAE20D9e32C7ce34D6E6
07Authereum Account20191115000x8bb37aE005ADa8f7c1033843A7c7eB3004c64888
08Authereum Account20191025000xFF8C7Ed14a7D3c3Cb0d62Ef001cAD39746642B33
09Authereum ENS Manager20200701000xAAb616857bB081006AE2C5E2C66e5422962F4FFF
10Authereum ENS Manager20191115000x907925001C35431b154CE607E16e10Da309861A4
11Authereum ENS Manager20191025000x1e397332f1e171CE06F37184f545Ef6B948278d5
12Authereum ENS Resolver20191115000x05d104DA15491946c304987964D9B6bab6e38a12
13Authereum ENS Resolver20191025000xb2eb9eb62C741f7Ee17f022A1132394ba5002e02
14Authereum Proxy Factory20200701000x36eD94B328F583639dB3114b2fDa23f99C38a9A5
15Authereum Proxy Factory20191115000x8C88C40bDEb6ad9cB5f1Fcc9B7e7C7Dc575bA1AB
16Authereum Proxy Factory20191025000xef6738bDe15085294edACd337F616F7Bc6adCD73
17Authereum Delegate Key Module20200701000x3306adF7DD266FBadADE35380DD2e884A5ccE344
18Authereum Recovery Module20200701000x03D038BFD70af73496A6DD7631cC39f2183A383F
19Authereum Login Key Validator20200701000x50a600111AFf466E96B280F04d8107F1E0cC8BF8
20ENS RegistryPublic0xb794A9c50a132f3Eb3Cee5f5e927f6F4D1420B70
21ENS Reverse RegistrarPublic0xB84F94d5bf1ef3a117bA3B00F53f9b546E1f3baa


IndexContract NameContract VersionAddress
01Authereum Account20200701000x5D2fE97854770739e3e1F26CdE234Ac0EEF2f8C9
02Authereum Account20200601000x7141C7C9aAA6BdDa07a646E446461c2D32907B46
03Authereum Account20200217000xD6A8E40C149aEA415DdC7a7F7743737Cd73e75a3
04Authereum Account20200202000xc023d33c49c5BF521fd24Ea3cd43563335813b9C
05Authereum Account20200109000x7E4624F2E1C365F0f800F46c2DBfE6b62F2f4383
06Authereum Account20191220000x41FeB8e32C07d83FcCe95cc03e77Fb0938006E1E
07Authereum Account20191115000x16766E4a74433c359D8d2F31F84a6eB6d3F4d7B3
08Authereum Account20191025000x1d445c2B2F78e81B62bec0793D9823B462858651
09Authereum ENS Manager20200701000x1Deb8B4354415C763a6ade1CEe8cDA92d2E434e9
10Authereum ENS Manager20191115000xFf04927cab4a86a459A9D619FA5BF1B8a7015256
11Authereum ENS Manager20191025000xbCB45bC4E0Ec6363B78CF28Eb60D06B2e94B7206
12Authereum ENS Resolver20191115000x796E0bcA1E75A23bc01CC714c7B67f12B945Dc0f
13Authereum ENS Resolver20191025000xb4D7b5c4f6A6d335876aE3df4C80e0E3B78462D6
14Authereum Proxy Factory20200701000x4636e9dc617D132596634f07Ec17EeB662b1dF00
15Authereum Proxy Factory20191115000xd6FA6Bea6950288710101090b625a1d3b33a73c3
16Authereum Proxy Factory20191025000x5C9E807Cbd3430d64C2e23f51eC8CF4b65aa3805
17Authereum Delegate Key Module20200701000x907925001C35431b154CE607E16e10Da309861A4
18Authereum Recovery Module20200701000x90A56F8921954119b1a84FEC14577D8285500cE1
19Authereum Login Key Validator20200701000x50a600111AFf466E96B280F04d8107F1E0cC8BF8
20ENS RegistryPublic0xFe25cd5cDFbb8d031Df5b6Ba97365b3A125ca504
21ENS Reverse RegistrarPublic0x5728ABcBaf1B94E1a89C2a5403B179ee6A0F51f6


IndexContract NameContract VersionAddress
01Authereum Account20200701000xE222D26708c646991Dc8685f5EDc62643514Efc4
02Authereum Account20200601000x05a17e0aD6238c6fB0bB08Aa6a7e5AFC7A9266e9
03Authereum Account20200217000x4636e9dc617D132596634f07Ec17EeB662b1dF00
04Authereum Account20200202000x679785fA2fB8A71206A161D1DA79Dbf762332019
05Authereum Account20200109000x7F9E8B9203cb2718F38Ac61109DC63C68986084E
06Authereum Account20191220000xCC44F31717aE06390Eefe6320D05bcf1d95E15CE
07Authereum Account20191115000xC157873c86D78b7151670fbaB4C163383a164355
08Authereum Account20191025000x0f95c1bfD98FeB165ab3B018d5DC770c27a3346e
09Authereum ENS Manager20200701000x89aB9fEBF7D9b3cc55d36b8616994B5cC8C20832
10Authereum ENS Manager20191115000x4C37952d749948B6F4C8A135EFfa4d5038b62577
11Authereum ENS Manager20191025000x86Ae991f87a5d0C132C5A222117b6B19eAf67967
12Authereum ENS Resolver20191115000x690a5BbF31657f7713f4c25B1b5f5c57E2B5fEFF
13Authereum ENS Resolver20191025000x2268C358fb636896913ADc2187BEb054C2E66199
14Authereum Proxy Factory20200701000x4Dad098187ec81dDebB9BD3f7FbE10408e32F292
15Authereum Proxy Factory20191115000x82931636003B155b7e08aD9519DCec0280FBe4C5
16Authereum Proxy Factory20191025000xb05e3F5DdECABAadc3b02A9259DB0CBD9656aFbB
17Authereum Delegate Key Module20200701000x03D038BFD70af73496A6DD7631cC39f2183A383F
18Authereum Recovery Module20200701000x04C47f60AA9b4F69b054cAF57D673D1697375282
19Authereum Login Key Validator20200701000x7141C7C9aAA6BdDa07a646E446461c2D32907B46
20ENS RegistryPublic0x5Ed073f8669Ea5145D43B199F59c4CB44acBBAd1
21ENS Reverse RegistrarPublic0xd860Da7b9600f4A24eE7228260744D385e22B389


IndexContract NameContract VersionAddress
01Authereum Account20200701000x5bD8b14f5F95b3f85Dab33e2281e936DDB5947a7
02Authereum Account20200601000x3ADc2cF2354380CBe022BcE532A14c78EAcae6bA
03Authereum Account20200217000x4636e9dc617D132596634f07Ec17EeB662b1dF00
04Authereum Account20200202000x87413A03aa58635530990fBB5ea4D0E1818D2328
05Authereum Account20200109000x8A5580515fe1413e08a71D87eEB70C037972363b
06Authereum Account20191220000x13A56BdF8EdCB80a8995BF8B50F248429Eb4179f
07Authereum Account20191115000x5811DD6b41942b7B6c9C65887a80214203f23Ed3
08Authereum Account20191025000x3D1F792509293abCb451316C9f52dDA6482604e4
09Authereum ENS Manager20200701000x36eD94B328F583639dB3114b2fDa23f99C38a9A5
10Authereum ENS Manager20191115000x37F6c27C72819Cf800A75F3f3FC0cf3BA719Bf40
11Authereum ENS Manager20191025000x5dafd0015D8E2583FFB5262b1537f614AD8c07A0
12Authereum ENS Resolver20191115000x82957328C8518eBf930101E8e6611c137F985B3B
13Authereum ENS Resolver20191025000x9205a60C0A930311C3aF1c7738180706B5609CD9
14Authereum Proxy Factory20200701000x90A56F8921954119b1a84FEC14577D8285500cE1
15Authereum Proxy Factory20191115000x01068575e9796e680913401B5a72b24E9e1d7ba2
16Authereum Proxy Factory20191025000x601581e5C007fA944c3B53124B2E3de466d2D768
17Authereum Delegate Key Module20200701000x3306adF7DD266FBadADE35380DD2e884A5ccE344
18Authereum Recovery Module20200701000x03D038BFD70af73496A6DD7631cC39f2183A383F
19Authereum Login Key Validator20200701000x932EC02d2ADB59B9ad705019098966Dd6DA20fF0
20ENS RegistryPublic0xc84E335bB9F3c097D67d7AE3f10C16c0A171aD26
21ENS Reverse RegistrarPublic0x4dcAcb91D04cA0f1FF1FE0eE321bd4582d674e40


Note: this requires a ganache-cli version with the muirGlacier compiler. Please use ganache-cli@6.9.0 or greater.

# In terminal 1
npm run ganache

# In terminal 2
npm run test


Authereum Account


This update introduces a number of new features and cleans up existing code. It was audited by G0 Group.


  • Update contract to Solidity 0.5.17
  • Normalize loginKeyRestrictionData to loginKeyRestrictionsData
  • Fix spelling issues
  • Remove 0 fee payments (don't transfer 0 tokens/ETH)
  • Remove refund check (now done by relayer)
  • Change all instances of authereum.eth to auth.eth
  • Update to Truffle istanbul compiler
  • Remove unnecessary return of the message hash from _atomicExecuteMultipleMetaTransactions
  • Add ERC777 support
  • Allow for limited sending of transactions from a login key to an auth key or self
  • Disallow auth keys from being self
  • Remove unused onlyAuthKeySender modifier
  • Add pre- and post-hooks to login key transactions
  • Add name variable to contracts
  • Convert authereumVersion to version
  • Add implementation()
  • Add implementation() and upgradeToAndCall() to IAuthereumAccount.sol
  • Add executeMultipleTransactions() function and scope it to auth keys
  • Update executeMultipleMetaTransactions() function scope to self
  • Update ERC1271 logic to reflect newly finalized specification
  • Add initialization v2 contract that registers the contract with the 1820 registry


  • Add tests

This update adds the ability to pay for contract deployments:


  • Add logic to allow users to pay for deployments of their contracts

This update is in response to samczsun's disclosure:


  • Validate both auth key and login key tx prior to execution

This update is in response to our Quantstamp audit.


  • Require that initialization data has a length of > 0. Prior to this version, it simply did nothing if the length was 0.
  • Fix typos


  • Return the appropriate data from executeMultipleMetaTransactions()


  • Fee token rate calculation


  • Major refactor
  • Introduce fee toke


  • Architecture upgrade
  • Introduce _feeTokenAddress and _feeTokenRate


  • General bug fixes


  • Original contract

Authereum Proxy Factory



  • Update contract to Solidity 0.5.17
  • Add name
  • Add version
  • Pass initCode directly into the constructor
  • Hash initData in the create2 salt to validate auth key
  • Update salt naming convention to be more explicit
  • Pass _implementation into the createProxy() function
  • Add _implementation to the salt hash


  • Add initCode setter and change event
  • Add authereumEnsManager setter and change event


  • Original contract

Authereum ENS Manager



  • Update contract to Solidity 0.5.17
  • Add name
  • Add version
  • Update internal variable from name to _name


  • Add ability to change rootnode text
  • Add ability to change rootnode contenthash


  • Original contract

Authereum ENS Resolver



  • Update contract to Solidity 0.5.17
  • Add version


  • Update contract to Solidity 0.5.12
  • Add text and contenthash to interface
  • Add text and contenthash as setter and getter


  • Original contract

Authereum Delegate Key Module



  • Original contract

Authereum Recovery Module



  • Original contract

Authereum Login Key Validator



  • Original contract


  • Why am I getting the following when I run a test?

    connection not open on send()
    connection not open
    • Try restarting ganache and running npm run truffle-reset
    • Try running ganache-cli on a different port (either 8545 or 9545)

    Update: 11/19/19 - This error is related to using WebSockets. If this error persists, try using https instead, if possible.

  • Why is my test failing on a simple test? It seemingly reverts even when it shouldn't.

    • It is because you are running out of gas. There is an issue with zos (<2.4.0) and ganache (>= 6.4.0) where gas estimation does not work. You must manually set the gasLimit in the transaction, for now. See here for the proposed fix in 2.4.0rc2.
  • Why are my tests not running with Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?

    • You are trying to deploy on a different network. Try changing the .env file to reflect the network you are trying to deploy on.

    • Delete the build folder and run truffle compile && truffle migrate --reset

  • Why am I getting the following error when running tests?

Error: EnsRegistry error: contract binary not set. Can't deploy new instance.
This contract may be abstract, not implement an abstract parent's methods completely
or not invoke an inherited contract's constructor correctly
  • Delete the build folder and run truffle compile && truffle migrate --reset

  • Why are my tests not running at all (and the output says 0 passing)

    • This happens because there are no actual tests (i.e. there is no it(){}). It is likely that you only have describe(){} and/or context(){}.
  • What are the event topics for each of the events in AuthereumAccount.sol?

    • event Upgraded(address indexed implementation);: 0xbc7cd75a20ee27fd9adebab32041f755214dbc6bffa90cc0225b39da2e5c2d3b
    • event CallFailed(string reason);: 0xb5e1dc2ddc0e1a0221e00b3c0446f36b707001d3ac7cfb494259863fdef7ccd7
    • event AuthKeyAdded(address indexed authKey): 0xb020719d16d3c4de45a91f9c329aa61d5bad3f44f760840c8d5d82d4cd3bcc33
    • event AuthKeyRemoved(address indexed authKey): 0xbe55f9add9abe657e689a4a84a31854310f260c7e2610bcd22440e3ec3a836a4
  • What is the best way to verify my contract on Etherscan?

    • Run the following command: truffle run verify xxx@yyy --network zzz
      • xxx = contract name (per the ABI)
      • yyy = contract address
      • zzz = network name
        • truffle run verify AuthereumAccount@0x2e1723d1DFa2947f0d08D5c5D214b71deF4f951F --network mainnet
  • How can I retroactively verify my contract on Etherscan if it has been a while since I deployed it.

    • The best way to do this is to find the commit where the contract was deployed using git blame. Once the commit is found, do the following:
      • git checkout <commit>
      • Update truffle.js to include the truffle-plugin-verify plugin
      • npm run ganache
      • rm -rf build && truffle compile && truffle migrate
      • truffle run verify xxx@yyy --network zzz
  • Why does my deployed address not match my calculated address?

    • It is probably the bytecode
      • One thing to look at is src/constants. If you updated the compiler, this will need changed, along with the code that uses that data elsewhere.
  • Why do I keep getting "Error: Returned error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 1 tx has nonce of: 0" when I run tests

    • This is due to a snapshot issue we have. Because we must deploy the 1820 contract with a specific nonce, this error may occur if things get out of order (transactions fail un-gracefully, stopping tests between snapshots, etc.)
      • To resolve this, simply restart ganache.




Package last updated on 02 Oct 2020

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