Calendar picker
We have an issue with the styling of react-dates and our selected method based on MUI.
MUI styles are defined in runtime (hooks/context) while this library expects a compilation time theme.
To maintain some flexibility we require libraries to explicitly require the CSS needed,
which opens a window to extend the theme (CSS only)
import '@autocloud/calendar-picker/initialize'
// import './projectOverrides.css'
import calendarPicker from '@autocloud/calendar-picker'
Local Dev note
Material-UI has some issues with instantiating being included multiple times as a dependency (ie. hence it needs to be a peerDependency). But for local
development we need a mui as a devDependency in order to build the project. So, you'll see some issues locally like MUI not picking up the right theme (you can manually remove the node-modules dependency to try it out).