What is @aws-amplify/api-graphql?
@aws-amplify/api-graphql is a package that allows developers to interact with GraphQL APIs in a seamless manner. It is part of the AWS Amplify framework, which provides a set of tools and services to build secure, scalable mobile and web applications. This package specifically focuses on enabling GraphQL operations such as queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
What are @aws-amplify/api-graphql's main functionalities?
GraphQL Queries
This feature allows you to perform GraphQL queries to fetch data from your API. The code sample demonstrates how to define a query to list todos and execute it using the API.graphql method.
const query = `query ListTodos { listTodos { items { id name description } } }`;
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(query)).then(response => {
GraphQL Mutations
This feature allows you to perform GraphQL mutations to modify data in your API. The code sample shows how to define a mutation to create a new todo item and execute it using the API.graphql method.
const mutation = `mutation CreateTodo { createTodo(input: { name: "New Todo", description: "This is a new todo" }) { id name description } }`;
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(mutation)).then(response => {
GraphQL Subscriptions
This feature allows you to subscribe to real-time updates from your GraphQL API. The code sample demonstrates how to define a subscription to listen for new todo items being created and handle the incoming data.
const subscription = `subscription OnCreateTodo { onCreateTodo { id name description } }`;
const subscriptionClient = API.graphql(graphqlOperation(subscription)).subscribe({
next: (response) => {
Other packages similar to @aws-amplify/api-graphql
Apollo Client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. It offers advanced features like caching, optimistic UI updates, and more. Compared to @aws-amplify/api-graphql, Apollo Client provides a more extensive set of features for managing GraphQL data but requires more setup and configuration.
urql is a highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client for React and other frameworks. It focuses on simplicity and extensibility, making it easier to integrate into various projects. While @aws-amplify/api-graphql is tightly integrated with AWS services, urql offers more flexibility in terms of customization and can be used with any GraphQL endpoint.
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications powered by GraphQL. It emphasizes performance and scalability, making it suitable for large applications. Compared to @aws-amplify/api-graphql, Relay requires a more complex setup but offers advanced features like data normalization and efficient data fetching strategies.