What is @aws-sdk/client-codepipeline?
@aws-sdk/client-codepipeline is a part of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, which allows developers to interact with AWS CodePipeline, a continuous integration and continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. This package provides methods to create, update, delete, and manage pipelines, as well as to retrieve information about pipeline executions and artifacts.
What are @aws-sdk/client-codepipeline's main functionalities?
Create a Pipeline
This feature allows you to create a new pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. You need to provide the pipeline configuration, which includes stages, actions, and other settings.
{"import":"import { CodePipelineClient, CreatePipelineCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-codepipeline';","client":"const client = new CodePipelineClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });","command":"const command = new CreatePipelineCommand({ /* pipeline configuration */ });","execute":"const response = await client.send(command);","example":"const pipelineConfig = { /* your pipeline configuration here */ }; const command = new CreatePipelineCommand(pipelineConfig); const response = await client.send(command);"}
Get Pipeline State
This feature allows you to retrieve the current state of a specified pipeline, including the status of stages and actions.
{"import":"import { CodePipelineClient, GetPipelineStateCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-codepipeline';","client":"const client = new CodePipelineClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });","command":"const command = new GetPipelineStateCommand({ name: 'my-pipeline' });","execute":"const response = await client.send(command);","example":"const command = new GetPipelineStateCommand({ name: 'my-pipeline' }); const response = await client.send(command);"}
Start Pipeline Execution
This feature allows you to manually start the execution of a specified pipeline.
{"import":"import { CodePipelineClient, StartPipelineExecutionCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-codepipeline';","client":"const client = new CodePipelineClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });","command":"const command = new StartPipelineExecutionCommand({ name: 'my-pipeline' });","execute":"const response = await client.send(command);","example":"const command = new StartPipelineExecutionCommand({ name: 'my-pipeline' }); const response = await client.send(command);"}
List Pipelines
This feature allows you to list all the pipelines in your AWS account.
{"import":"import { CodePipelineClient, ListPipelinesCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-codepipeline';","client":"const client = new CodePipelineClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });","command":"const command = new ListPipelinesCommand({});","execute":"const response = await client.send(command);","example":"const command = new ListPipelinesCommand({}); const response = await client.send(command);"}
Other packages similar to @aws-sdk/client-codepipeline
The 'aws-sdk' package is the official AWS SDK for JavaScript, which includes support for all AWS services, including CodePipeline. It is a more comprehensive package compared to @aws-sdk/client-codepipeline, which is focused solely on CodePipeline.
The 'serverless' framework allows you to build and deploy serverless applications on AWS and other cloud providers. It includes plugins and integrations for CI/CD pipelines, but it is more focused on serverless architecture rather than providing direct API access to AWS services like CodePipeline.
The 'aws-cdk' (AWS Cloud Development Kit) allows you to define cloud infrastructure using code and provides higher-level abstractions for AWS services, including CodePipeline. It is more focused on infrastructure as code (IaC) and less on direct API interactions.