util-endpoints: call multi-level functions from callFunction (#3929) (1209cb1)
util-endpoints: escape tilde when evaluating template (#3934) (5d7ef10)
util-endpoints: export parseArn from lib/aws (#3931) (1cee1f4)
util-endpoints: populate default params before checking for required values (#3928) (2561f60)
util-endpoints: return null in parseArn for some empty elements (#3935) (f8bc8b3)
util-endpoints: skip evaluation for arg of type number (#3936) (aecd894)
client-customer-profiles: Added isUnstructured in response for Customer Profiles Integration APIs (a6fb5eb)
client-drs: Fixed the data type of lagDuration that is returned in Describe Source Server API (2a8f5f8)
client-ec2: Two new features for local gateway route tables: support for static routes targeting Elastic Network Interfaces and direct VPC routing. (9346a11)
client-evidently: This release adds support for the client-side evaluation - powered by AWS AppConfig feature. (a7d2b0e)
client-kendra: This release enables our customer to choose the option of Sharepoint 2019 for the on-premise Sharepoint connector. (a3f73d2)
client-transfer: This release introduces the ability to have multiple server host keys for any of your Transfer Family servers that use the SFTP protocol. (e09e302)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-13 (c90906b)
e2e: fix "eventually" helper in e2e tests (#3917) (fac9c18)
client-cloudtrail: This release adds CloudTrail getChannel and listChannels APIs to allow customer to view the ServiceLinkedChannel configurations. (3c7cfa2)
client-lex-models-v2: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. (b45fc65)
client-lex-runtime-v2: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. (e01fa5e)
client-pi: Increases the maximum values of two RDS Performance Insights APIs. The maximum value of the Limit parameter of DimensionGroup is 25. The MaxResult maximum is now 25 for the following APIs: DescribeDimensionKeys, GetResourceMetrics, ListAvailableResourceDimensions, and ListAvailableResourceMetrics. (2f5c346)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-09 (a5dc90b)
client-controltower: This release contains the first SDK for AWS Control Tower. It introduces a new set of APIs: EnableControl, DisableControl, GetControlOperation, and ListEnabledControls. (855863c)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-01 (48701ed)
signature-v4: validate credential is valid before signing (#3892) (065eb7f)