What is @aws-sdk/client-ecr?
@aws-sdk/client-ecr is an AWS SDK for JavaScript package that allows developers to interact with Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). ECR is a fully managed Docker container registry that makes it easy to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.
What are @aws-sdk/client-ecr's main functionalities?
Create Repository
This feature allows you to create a new repository in Amazon ECR. The code sample demonstrates how to create a repository named 'my-repo' using the ECRClient and CreateRepositoryCommand.
const { ECRClient, CreateRepositoryCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-ecr');
const client = new ECRClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });
const command = new CreateRepositoryCommand({ repositoryName: 'my-repo' });
(data) => console.log(data),
(error) => console.error(error)
List Repositories
This feature allows you to list all repositories in your Amazon ECR. The code sample demonstrates how to use the DescribeRepositoriesCommand to retrieve and log the list of repositories.
const { ECRClient, DescribeRepositoriesCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-ecr');
const client = new ECRClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });
const command = new DescribeRepositoriesCommand({});
(data) => console.log(data.repositories),
(error) => console.error(error)
Delete Repository
This feature allows you to delete a repository from Amazon ECR. The code sample demonstrates how to delete a repository named 'my-repo' using the DeleteRepositoryCommand.
const { ECRClient, DeleteRepositoryCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-ecr');
const client = new ECRClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });
const command = new DeleteRepositoryCommand({ repositoryName: 'my-repo', force: true });
(data) => console.log(data),
(error) => console.error(error)
Push Image
This feature allows you to push a Docker image to an Amazon ECR repository. The code sample demonstrates how to get an authorization token, log in to the ECR registry using Docker, and push an image named 'my-repo:latest'.
const { ECRClient, GetAuthorizationTokenCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-ecr');
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const client = new ECRClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });
const command = new GetAuthorizationTokenCommand({});
(data) => {
const authData = data.authorizationData[0];
const authToken = Buffer.from(authData.authorizationToken, 'base64').toString('utf-8').split(':')[1];
const proxyEndpoint = authData.proxyEndpoint;
exec(`docker login -u AWS -p ${authToken} ${proxyEndpoint}`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Login failed:', stderr);
console.log('Login successful:', stdout);
exec('docker push my-repo:latest', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Push failed:', stderr);
console.log('Push successful:', stdout);
(error) => console.error(error)
Other packages similar to @aws-sdk/client-ecr
Dockerode is a Node.js module that provides a Docker Remote API client. It allows you to manage Docker containers, images, and networks. Unlike @aws-sdk/client-ecr, which is specific to Amazon ECR, Dockerode provides a more general interface for interacting with Docker.
Node-docker-api is another Node.js client for the Docker Remote API. It offers a promise-based interface for managing Docker containers, images, volumes, and networks. Similar to Dockerode, it is not specific to Amazon ECR but provides broader Docker management capabilities.
The aws-sdk package is the older, monolithic AWS SDK for JavaScript. It includes support for all AWS services, including ECR. However, it is larger and less modular compared to the newer, service-specific packages like @aws-sdk/client-ecr.