credential-provider-ini: pass clientConfig to sso and sso-oidc inner clients (#6688) (0ca3da3)
client-auto-scaling: Now, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling customers can enable target tracking policies to take quicker scaling decisions, enhancing their application performance and EC2 utilization. To get started, specify target tracking to monitor a metric that is available on Amazon CloudWatch at seconds-level interval. (26d5f85)
client-bcm-pricing-calculator: Initial release of the AWS Billing and Cost Management Pricing Calculator API. (13fd8a4)
client-bedrock-agent-runtime: InvokeInlineAgent API release to help invoke runtime agents without any dependency on preconfigured agents. (372482a)
client-chatbot: Adds support for programmatic management of custom actions and aliases which can be associated with channel configurations. (acdb624)
client-codepipeline: AWS CodePipeline V2 type pipelines now support ECRBuildAndPublish and InspectorScan actions. (cce4188)
client-cognito-identity-provider: Add support for users to sign up and sign in without passwords, using email and SMS OTPs and Passkeys. Add support for Passkeys based on WebAuthn. Add support for enhanced branding customization for hosted authentication pages with Amazon Cognito Managed Login. Add feature tiers with new pricing. (3ef966f)
client-connect: Amazon Connect Service Feature: Add APIs for Amazon Connect Email Channel (a83926c)
client-cost-explorer: This release adds the Impact field(contains Contribution field) to the GetAnomalies API response under RootCause (af7c9b2)
client-elastic-load-balancing-v2: This release adds support for advertising trusted CA certificate names in associated trust stores. (5e46efc)
client-emr: Advanced Scaling in Amazon EMR Managed Scaling (4092279)
client-inspector2: Extend inspector2 service model to include ServiceQuotaExceededException. (dc13e07)
client-lambda: Add ProvisionedPollerConfig to Lambda event-source-mapping API. (511ab41)
client-mailmanager: Added new "DeliverToQBusiness" rule action to MailManager RulesSet for ingesting email data into Amazon Q Business customer applications (048d165)
client-neptune-graph: Add 4 new APIs to support new Export features, allowing Parquet and CSV formats. Add new arguments in Import APIs to support Parquet import. Add a new query "" to run algorithms without loading data into database (48054dc)
client-omics: This release adds support for resource policy based cross account S3 access to sequence store read sets. (dbe3f07)
client-quicksight: This release includes: Update APIs to support Image, Layer Map, font customization, and Plugin Visual. Add Identity center related information in ListNamsespace API. Update API for restrictedFolder support in topics and add API for SearchTopics, Describe/Update DashboardsQA Configration. (df75ca5)
client-sagemaker: This release adds APIs for new features for SageMaker endpoint to scale down to zero instances, native support for multi-adapter inference, and endpoint scaling improvements. (f082da5)
client-ses: This release adds support for starting email contacts in your Amazon Connect instance as an email receiving action. (14fc94c)
client-sfn: Add support for variables and JSONata in TestState, GetExecutionHistory, DescribeStateMachine, and DescribeStateMachineForExecution (c9c278a)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-11-22 (bcd27a2)
lib-dynamodb: input types conflicts with client-dynamodb (#6683) (fb0e14e), closes #6654#6668
client-api-gateway: Added support for custom domain names for private APIs. (47f4d7f)
client-application-auto-scaling: Application Auto Scaling now supports Predictive Scaling to proactively increase the desired capacity ahead of predicted demand, ensuring improved availability and responsiveness for customers' applications. This feature is currently only made available for Amazon ECS Service scalable targets. (d8a4d0b)
client-appsync: Add support for the Amazon Bedrock Runtime. (dc03b5b)
client-cloudfront: Adds support for Origin Selection between EMPv2 origins based on media quality score. (2d9bc39)
client-cloudtrail: This release introduces new APIs for creating and managing CloudTrail Lake dashboards. It also adds support for resource-based policies on CloudTrail EventDataStore and Dashboard resource. (72fc499)
client-cloudwatch-logs: Adds "Create field indexes to improve query performance and reduce scan volume" and "Transform logs during ingestion". Updates documentation for "PutLogEvents with Entity". (33993c9)
client-cost-explorer: This release introduces three new APIs that enable you to estimate the cost, coverage, and utilization impact of Savings Plans you plan to purchase. The three APIs are StartCommitmentPurchaseAnalysis, GetCommitmentPurchaseAnalysis, and ListCommitmentPurchaseAnalyses. (1a8d64c)
client-ec2: Adds support for requesting future-dated Capacity Reservations with a minimum commitment duration, enabling IPAM for organizational units within AWS Organizations, reserving EC2 Capacity Blocks that start in 30 minutes, and extending the end date of existing Capacity Blocks. (074cf4e)
client-elasticache: Added support to modify the engine type for existing ElastiCache Users and User Groups. Customers can now modify the engine type from redis to valkey. (217c2b5)
client-health: Adds metadata property to an AffectedEntity. (b98d358)
client-iot-jobs-data-plane: General Availability (GA) release of AWS IoT Device Management - Commands, to trigger light-weight remote actions on targeted devices (b203a9c)
client-iotfleetwise: AWS IoT FleetWise now includes campaign parameters to store and forward data, configure MQTT topic as a data destination, and collect diagnostic trouble code data. It includes APIs for network agnostic data collection using custom decoding interfaces, and monitoring the last known state of vehicles. (5d2c0b1)
client-iot: General Availability (GA) release of AWS IoT Device Management - Commands, to trigger light-weight remote actions on targeted devices (e47c526)
client-lambda: Adds support for metrics for event source mappings for AWS Lambda (fb9ea84)
client-notificationscontacts: This release adds support for AWS User Notifications Contacts. You can now configure and view email contacts for AWS User Notifications using the AWS SDK. (6eede48)
client-notifications: This release adds support for AWS User Notifications. You can now configure and view notifications from AWS services in a central location using the AWS SDK. (a404f1b)
client-resiliencehub: AWS Resilience Hub's new summary view visually represents applications' resilience through charts, enabling efficient resilience management. It provides a consolidated view of the app portfolio's resilience state and allows data export for custom stakeholder reporting. (415d379)
client-s3: Add support for conditional deletes for the S3 DeleteObject and DeleteObjects APIs. Add support for write offset bytes option used to append to objects with the S3 PutObject API. (d5b27f3)
client-ssm-quicksetup: Add methods that retrieve details about deployed configurations: ListConfigurations, GetConfiguration (1681d8f)
client-ssm: Added support for providing high-level overviews of managed nodes and previewing the potential impact of a runbook execution. (0f45892)
client-xray: AWS X-Ray introduces Transaction Search APIs, enabling span ingestion into CloudWatch Logs for high-scale trace data indexing. These APIs support span-level queries, trace graph generation, and metric correlation for deeper application insights. (576ea4e)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-11-21 (010e6f3)