aws-dynamodbstreams-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana module
All classes are under active development and subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any
future version. These are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model.
This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.
Language | Package |
Python | aws_solutions_constructs.aws_dynamodbstreams_elasticsearch_kibana |
Typescript | @aws-solutions-constructs/aws-dynamodbstreams-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana |
Java | |
This AWS Solutions Construct implements Amazon DynamoDB table with stream, AWS Lambda function and Amazon Elasticsearch Service with the least privileged permissions.
Some cluster configurations (e.g VPC access) require the existence of the AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService
Service-Linked Role in your account.
You will need to create the service-linked role using the AWS CLI once in any account using this construct (it may have already been run to support other stacks):
aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
Here is a minimal deployable pattern definition:
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Stack, StackProps, Aws } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibana, DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibanaProps } from '@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-dynamodbstreams-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
const constructProps: DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibanaProps = {
lambdaFunctionProps: {
code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(`lambda`),
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,
handler: 'index.handler'
domainName: 'test-domain',
cognitoDomainName: 'globallyuniquedomain' + Aws.ACCOUNT_ID
new DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibana(this, 'test-dynamodbstreams-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana', constructProps);
from aws_solutions_constructs.aws_dynamodbstreams_lambda_elasticsearch_kibana import DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibana, DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibanaProps
from aws_cdk import (
aws_lambda as _lambda,
from constructs import Construct
self, 'test-dynamodbstreams-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana',
cognito_domain_name='globallyuniquedomain' + Aws.ACCOUNT_ID)
import software.constructs.Construct;
new DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibana(this, "test-dynamodb-stream-lambda-elasticsearch-kibana",
new DynamoDBStreamsToLambdaToElasticSearchAndKibanaProps.Builder()
.lambdaFunctionProps(new FunctionProps.Builder()
.cognitoDomainName("globallyuniquedomain" + Aws.ACCOUNT_ID)
Pattern Construct Props
Name | Type | Description |
existingLambdaObj? | lambda.Function | Existing instance of Lambda Function object, providing both this and lambdaFunctionProps will cause an error. |
lambdaFunctionProps? | lambda.FunctionProps | User provided props to override the default props for the Lambda function. |
dynamoTableProps? | dynamodb.TableProps | Optional user provided props to override the default props for DynamoDB Table |
existingTableInterface? | dynamodb.ITable | Existing instance of DynamoDB table object or interface, providing both this and dynamoTableProps will cause an error. |
dynamoEventSourceProps? | aws-lambda-event-sources.DynamoEventSourceProps | Optional user provided props to override the default props for DynamoDB Event Source |
esDomainProps? | elasticsearch.CfnDomainProps | Optional user provided props to override the default props for the Elasticsearch Service |
domainName | string | Domain name for the Cognito and the Elasticsearch Service |
cognitoDomainName? | string | Optional Cognito Domain Name, if provided it will be used for Cognito Domain, and domainName will be used for the Elasticsearch Domain. |
deploySqsDlqQueue? | boolean | Whether to deploy a SQS dead letter queue when a data record reaches the Maximum Retry Attempts or Maximum Record Age, its metadata like shard ID and stream ARN will be sent to an SQS queue. |
sqsDlqQueueProps? | sqs.QueueProps | Optional user provided properties for the SQS dead letter queue |
createCloudWatchAlarms? | boolean | Whether to create recommended CloudWatch alarms |
existingVpc? | ec2.IVpc | An existing VPC in which to deploy the construct. Providing both this and vpcProps is an error. |
deployVpc? | boolean | Whether to create a new VPC based on vpcProps into which to deploy this pattern. Setting this to true will deploy the minimal, most private VPC to run the pattern:- One isolated subnet in each Availability Zone used by the CDK program
enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport will both be set to true If this property is true then existingVpc cannot be specified. Defaults to false . |
vpcProps? | ec2.VpcProps | Optional user-provided properties to override the default properties for the new VPC. enableDnsHostnames , enableDnsSupport , natGateways and subnetConfiguration are set by the Construct, so any values for those properties supplied here will be overridden. If deployVpc? is not true then this property will be ignored. |
Pattern Properties
Name | Type | Description |
dynamoTableInterface | dynamodb.ITable | Returns an instance of dynamodb.ITable created by the construct |
dynamoTable? | dynamodb.Table | Returns an instance of dynamodb.Table created by the construct. IMPORTANT: If existingTableInterface was provided in Pattern Construct Props, this property will be undefined |
lambdaFunction | lambda.Function | Returns an instance of lambda.Function created by the construct |
userPool | cognito.UserPool | Returns an instance of cognito.UserPool created by the construct |
userPoolClient | cognito.UserPoolClient | Returns an instance of cognito.UserPoolClient created by the construct |
identityPool | cognito.CfnIdentityPool | Returns an instance of cognito.CfnIdentityPool created by the construct |
elasticsearchDomain | elasticsearch.CfnDomain | Returns an instance of elasticsearch.CfnDomain created by the construct |
elasticsearchDomain | iam.Role | Returns an instance of iam.Role created by the construct for elasticsearch.CfnDomain |
cloudwatchAlarms? | cloudwatch.Alarm[] | Returns a list of cloudwatch.Alarm created by the construct |
vpc? | ec2.IVpc | Returns an instance of the VPC created by the pattern, if deployVpc? is true , or existingVpc? is provided. |
Lambda Function
This pattern requires a lambda function that can post data into the Elasticsearch from DynamoDB stream. A sample function is provided here.
Default settings
Out of the box implementation of the Construct without any override will set the following defaults:
Amazon DynamoDB Table
- Set the billing mode for DynamoDB Table to On-Demand (Pay per request)
- Enable server-side encryption for DynamoDB Table using AWS managed KMS Key
- Creates a partition key called 'id' for DynamoDB Table
- Retain the Table when deleting the CloudFormation stack
- Enable continuous backups and point-in-time recovery
AWS Lambda Function
- Configure limited privilege access IAM role for Lambda function
- Enable reusing connections with Keep-Alive for NodeJs Lambda function
- Enable X-Ray Tracing
- Enable Failure-Handling features like enable bisect on function Error, set defaults for Maximum Record Age (24 hours) & Maximum Retry Attempts (500) and deploy SQS dead-letter queue as destination on failure
- Set Environment Variables
- AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED (for Node 10.x and higher functions)
Amazon Cognito
- Set password policy for User Pools
- Enforce the advanced security mode for User Pools
Amazon Elasticsearch Service
- Deploy best practices CloudWatch Alarms for the Elasticsearch Domain
- Secure the Kibana dashboard access with Cognito User Pools
- Enable server-side encryption for Elasticsearch Domain using AWS managed KMS Key
- Enable node-to-node encryption for Elasticsearch Domain
- Configure the cluster for the Amazon ES domain
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