API-Builder AWS-Lambda Flow-Node
If you would like to integrate AWS Lambda functions into your API-Builder flow use this flow node.
It allows you to easily call your Lambda-Functions and merge, transform or use the returned data in any way you want.
Watch this video to see the AWS-Lambda connector in action:
After installation and restarting your API-Builder project you get the following new flow-node:
Before you can make use it in your flow you have to configure your AWS-Credentials allowed to invoke Lambda functions.
During installation a new config file has been automatically created which must be completed with your AWS Credentials. You can do that directly from within the API-Builder UI:
We recommend to setup your configuration in a environmentalized way keeping sensitive information away from the source-code repository.
Invoke Lambda functions
To invoke a Lambda function, just drag & drop the Flow-Node into your flow and set it up as described here.
Input parameters
Param | Type | Required | Description |
func | string | y | The name of the AWS-Lambda-Function to call. |
payload | JSON or Object | n | Input information required by the Lambda-Function. Example: {"key1":"value1"} |
asynchronous | boolean | n | If enabled the Lambda function is invoked asyncronously and no data is returned. Read more here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invocation-async.html. |
logResult | boolean | n | If enabled, the Tail option is used when invoking the Lambda function and logged in the API Builder Console. |
If the function wasn't invoked asynchronously you get back the data.Payload
into attribute configured with next. By default: $.result
. For example, having the following AWS-Lambda function:
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: "Hello from " + event.key1 + " from AWS-Lambda!"
return response;
Using the payload: {"key1":"Chris"}
the attribute $.result
will contain the following: Howdy Hello from Chris from AWS-Lambda!
In case of an error the attribute: $.error
contains the error returned by AWS or by the Lambda-Fow-Node.
If the function is invoked asynchronously no data is returned. The attribute: $.result
just contains the value: Accepted
Tested with AWS Lambda Q1/2020
Requires API-Builder Independence or higher
See Change-Log
Nothing known
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Axway Team