Welcome to the events-backend backend plugin!
This package is based on events-node and its eventsServiceRef
that is at the core of the event support.
It provides an eventsPlugin
(exported as default
By default, the plugin ships with support to receive events via HTTP endpoints
POST /api/events/http/{topic}
and will publish these to the EventsService
HTTP ingresses can be enabled by config, or using the extension point
of the eventsPlugin
Additionally, the latter allows to add a request validator
(e.g., signature verification).
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage/plugin-events-backend
Legacy Backend System
import { HttpPostIngressEventPublisher } from '@backstage/plugin-events-backend';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const eventsRouter = Router();
const http = HttpPostIngressEventPublisher.fromConfig({
config: env.config,
events: env.events,
logger: env.logger,
return eventsRouter;
Event-based Entity Providers
You can implement the EventSubscriber
interface on an EntityProviders
to allow it to handle events from other plugins e.g. the event backend plugin
mentioned above.
Assuming you have configured the eventBroker
into the PluginEnvironment
you can pass the broker to the entity provider for it to subscribe.
// packages/backend/src/plugins/catalog.ts
import { CatalogBuilder } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend';
+import { DemoEventBasedEntityProvider } from './DemoEventBasedEntityProvider';
import { ScaffolderEntitiesProcessor } from '@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const builder = await CatalogBuilder.create(env);
builder.addProcessor(new ScaffolderEntitiesProcessor());
+ const demoProvider = new DemoEventBasedEntityProvider({ logger: env.logger, topics: ['example'], eventBroker: env.eventBroker });
+ builder.addEntityProvider(demoProvider);
const { processingEngine, router } = await builder.build();
await processingEngine.start();
return router;
In order to create HTTP endpoints to receive events for a certain
topic, you need to add them at your configuration:
- bitbucketCloud
- github
- whatever
Only those topics added to the configuration will result in
available endpoints.
The example above would result in the following endpoints:
POST /api/events/http/bitbucketCloud
POST /api/events/http/github
POST /api/events/http/whatever
You may want to use these for webhooks by SCM providers
in combination with suitable event subscribers.
However, it is not limited to these use cases.
Use Cases
Request Validator
import { eventsExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-events-node/alpha';
export const eventsModuleYourFeature = createBackendModule({
pluginId: 'events',
moduleId: 'your-feature',
register(env) {
deps: {
events: eventsExtensionPoint,
async init({ /* ... */ events /*, ... */ }) {
topic: 'your-topic',
validator: yourValidator,
Legacy Backend System
const http = HttpPostIngressEventPublisher.fromConfig({
config: env.config,
events: env.events,
ingresses: {
yourTopic: {
validator: yourValidator,
logger: env.logger,