Simple CHANGELOG generator by @chengpeiquan , based on conventional-changelog-cli.
This is a CLI tool, so you can use it with npx in your project root path.
npx @bassist/changelog
You can also install it locally and run it through commands such as pnpm exec.
pnpm add -D @bassist/changelog
In your package.json
"scripts": {
"gen:changelog": "pnpm exec changelog"
On the command line, options can be passed to the program, e.g. --preset angular
Option | Default Value | Description |
preset | angular | Name of the preset you want to use. Must be one of the following: angular , atom , codemirror , conventionalcommits , ember , eslint , express , jquery or jshint |
infile | CHANGELOG.md | Read the CHANGELOG from this file, and outputting to the same file |
path | ./src | Generate a changelog scoped to a specific directory |
Release Notes
Please refer to CHANGELOG for details.
MIT License © 2023-PRESENT chengpeiquan