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frontend web stuff

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๐Ÿชจ @benev/slate

๐Ÿšง prerelease wip under constructon subject to change

  • frontend ui framework, built on lit
  • wonderful web components
  • versatile views
  • hipster hooks syntax
  • satisfying state management
  • useful utilities
  • top-tier typescript typings

๐Ÿ‘ท quick start

  • install slate
    npm i @benev/slate
  • prepare your app's frontend and context
    import {prepare_frontend, Context} from "@benev/slate"
    export const {carbon, oxygen, obsidian, quartz} = (
      prepare_frontend(new class extends Context {
        theme = css`
          * {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            box-sizing: border-box;
  • import html and css template functions
    import {html, css} from "@benev/slate"

โš™๏ธ components

you can create custom html elements that work in plain html or any web framework.

carbon โ€” shadow-dom component

const styles = css`span {color: yellow}`

export const MyCarbon = carbon({styles}, use => {
  const count = use.signal(0)
  const increment = () => count.value++

  return html`
    <button @click=${increment}>increment</button>

oxygen โ€” light-dom component

export const MyOxygen = oxygen(use => {
  const count = use.signal(0)
  const increment = () => count.value++

  return html`
    <button @click=${increment}>increment</button>

using your components

  • register components to the dom
    import {register_to_dom} from "@benev/slate"
  • now use your components via html

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ views

views are just like components, but are not registered to the dom as custom html elements.
instead, they are used via javascript.
you import them, and inject them into your lit-html templates.
they accept js parameters called props, and are fully typescript-typed.

obsidian โ€” shadow-dom view

const styles = css`span {color: yellow}`

export const MyObsidian = obsidian({styles}, use => (start: number) => {
  const count = use.signal(start)
  const increment = () => count.value++

  return html`
    <button @click=${increment}>increment</button>
  • auto_exportparts is enabled by default.
    • auto exportparts is an obsidian feature that makes it bearable to use the shadow dom extensively.
    • if auto_exportparts is enabled, and you provide the view a part attribute, then it will automatically re-export all internal parts, using the part as a prefix.
    • thus, parts can bubble up: each auto_exportparts shadow boundary adds a new hyphenated prefix, so you can do css like ::part(search-input-icon).

quartz โ€” light-dom view

export const MyQuartz = quartz(use => (start: number) => {
  const count = use.signal(start)
  const increment = () => count.value++

  return html`
    <button @click=${increment}>increment</button>

using your views

  • use a quartz view
    • quartz views are beautifully simple
    • without any shadow-dom, they have no stylesheet, and without a wrapping element, they have no attributes
  • use an obsidian view
    • obsidian views need their props wrapped in an array
    • when rendered, obsidian views are wrapped in a <obsidian-view> component, which is where the shadow root is attached
    • obsidian views will accept a settings object
          ${MyObsidian([123], {
            content: html`<p>slotted content</p>`,
            auto_exportparts: true,
            attrs: {
              part: "cool",
              "data-whatever": true,

๐Ÿช use hooks

universal hooks for all views and components

  • use.state
    works like react useState hook
    const [count, setCount] = use.state(0)
    const increment = () => setCount(count + 1)
  • use.signal
    create a reactive container for a value (inspired by preact signals)
    const count = use.signal(0)
    const increment = () => count.value++
    you can directly inject the whole signal into html
  • use.computed create a signal that is derived from other signals
    const count = use.signal(2)
    const tripled = use.computed(() => count.value * 3)
    console.log(tripled.value) //> 6
  • use.op
    create an OpSignal in a loading/error/ready state, and it can hold a result value
    const count = use.op() => fetchCount("/count"))
  • use.flatstate
    create a reactive object (inspired by mobx and snapstate)
    const state = use.flatstate({count: 0})
    const increment = () => state.count++
  • use.setup
    perform setup/cleanup on dom connected/disconnected
    use.setup(() => {
      const interval = setInterval(increment, 1000)
      return () => clearInterval(interval)
  • use.prepare
    initialize a value once
    const random_number = use.prepare(() => Math.random())
  • use.context
    access to your app's context, for whatever reason
    // wait for all flatstate reactions to complete
    await use.context.flat.wait
    // wait for all signal tower reactons to complete
    await use.context.tower.wait
    by default, context has theme, tower, and flat, but you specify your own context in prepare_frontend, so you can put any app-level state in there that you might want

special use access

  • use.element ~ carbon, oxygen, obsidian
    access the underlying html element
  • use.shadow ~ carbon, obsidian
    access to the shadow root
  • use.attrs ~ carbon, oxygen
    declare accessors for html attributes
    const attrs = use.attrs({
      start: Number,
      label: String,
      ["data-active"]: Boolean,
    set them like normal js properties
    attrs.start = 123
    attrs.label = "hello"
    attrs["data-active"] = true
    get them like normal js properties
    console.log(attrs.start) // 123
    console.log(attrs.label) // "hello"
    console.log(attrs["data-active"]) // true
    components rerender when any attributes change from outside

๐Ÿ”ฎ advanced stuff

gold and silver elements

export const MyGold = component(context => class extends GoldElement {
  static styles = css`span {color: blue}`

  #state = context.flat.state({
    count: 0,

  render() {
    return html`
      <button @click=${() => this.#state.count++}>gold</button>
  • non-hooks class-based LitElement-alternative components
  • GoldElement is a shadow-dom component base class
  • SilverElement is a light-dom component base class
  • these are used as primitives underlying carbon/oxygen components
  • they do not have context, theme, or any state management reactivity applied
    • you can apply those with the mixins found by importing mixins
    • you can use Attributes.base(this as BaseElement, {label: String}) to create attribute accessors
    • you can wrap your GoldElement/SilverElement in component from prepare_frontend to mixin the theme and state management reactivity

prepare_frontend vs deferred_frontend

  • prepare_frontend "bakes" your app context into the component and view functions at import-time, "before" your components and views are defined. this makes your developer experience simple and pleasant for most cases.
  • however, if you want to accept the context object later for some reason, this can create a bit of an awkward chicken-vs-egg timing situation.
  • deferred_frontend is an alternative designed to solve this problem by deferring the passing of context to each individual component and view.
  • deferred makes your experience more cumbersome, because you have to pass the context into every view before you can use them. deferred_frontend gives you a provide function which makes it easy to pass context to a group of views for that purpose.
  • you might be better of using prepare_frontend and modifying your context at runtime, but before you register_to_dom your components
    • eg, you can set context.theme at runtime before register_to_dom

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ standalone utilities

if you're using slate's frontend components and views, you'll probably be using these utilities via the use hooks, which will provide a better developer experience.

however, the following utilities are little libraries in their own right, and can be used in a standalone capacity.

๐Ÿ›Ž๏ธ signals

signals are a simple form of state management.

this implementation is inspired by preact signals.

  • signal tower
    import {SignalTower} from "@benev/slate"
    const tower = new SignalTower()
    • signal towers are completely separated from one another
    • you probably only want one in your app, except for special testing situations where isolated signal contexts may be desirable
    • you could export this tower from a module that you import all over your app
  • signals โ€” they hold values
    const count = tower.signal(0)
    const greeting = tower.signal("hello")
    greeting.value = "bonjour"
    console.log(count.value) //> 1
    console.log(greeting.value) //> "bonjour"
  • track โ€” react when signals change
    tower.track(() => console.log("doubled", count.value * 2))
    //> doubled 2
    count.value = 2
    //> doubled 4
  • html templating โ€” you can omit .value
    html`<p>count is ${count}</p>`
  • op signal โ€” to represent async operations
    const json = tower.op<MyJson>()
    console.log(json.loading) //> true
    await => {
      const data = await fetch_remote_data()
      return JSON.parse(data)
    console.log(json.ready) //> true
    console.log(json.payload) //> {"your": "json data"}
  • computed โ€” signal derived from other signals
    count.value = 1
    const tripled = tower.computed(() => count.value * 3)
    console.log(tripled.value) //> 3
  • wait โ€” for debounced tracking
    const tripled = tower.computed(() => count.value * 3)
    console.log(tripled.value) //> 3
    count.value = 10
    console.log(tripled.value) //> 3 (too soon!)
    await tower.wait
    console.log(tripled.value) //> 30 (there we go)

๐Ÿฅž flatstate

flatstate help you create state objects and react when properties change.

flatstate is inspired by mobx and snapstate, but designed to be super simple: flatstate only works on flat state objects, only the direct properties of state objects are tracked for reactivity.

flatstate basics

  • create a flatstate tracking context
    import {Flat} from "@benev/slate"
    const flat = new Flat()
      // what happens in this flat, stays in this flat.
      // you probably only want one for your whole app.
  • make a flat state object
    const state = flat.state({count: 0})
  • setup a reaction
    flat.reaction(() => console.log(state.count))
      //> 0
      //> 1
    • flatstate records which state properties your reaction reads
    • flatstate calls your reaction whenever those specific properties change
    • your reaction can listen to more than one state object

flatstate details

  • reactions are debounced -- so you may have to wait to see state changes
    const flat = new Flat()
    const state = flat.state({amount: 100})
    state.amount = 101
    console.log(state.amount) //> 100 (old value)
    await flat.wait
    console.log(state.amount) //> 101 (now it's ready)
  • you can stop a reaction
    const stop = flat.reaction(() => console.log(state.count))
    stop() // end this particular reaction
  • clear all reactions on a flatstate instance
    // clear all reactions on this flat instance

flatstate reactions

  • so first, there's a simple one-function reaction:
    flat.reaction(() => console.log(state.count))
    • flatstate immediately runs the function, and records which properties it reads
    • then, anytime one of those properties changes, it runs your function again
  • you can also do a two-function reaction:
      () => ({count: state.count}),
      ({count}) => console.log(count),
    • now there's a separation between your "collector" and your "responder"
    • the collector "passes" relevant data to the responder function
    • flatstate calls the responder whenever that data changes
  • there's also something called "deepReaction"
    flat.deepReaction(() => console.log(state.count))
    • it's the same as "reaction", but it has "discovery" enabled
    • discovery means the collector is checked again for every responder call
    • it's less efficient, but allows you to respond to deeply nested recursive structures
  • there's also .auto and .manual reactions
    • these allow you to set options like discovery and debounce (you can turn off the debouncer)
    • but that's bigbrain stuff that you'll have to read the sourcecode about

flatstate advanced

  • multiple flatstate instances are totally isolated from each other
    const flat1 = new Flat()
    const flat2 = new Flat()
  • create readonly access to a state object
    const state = flat.state({count: 0})
    const rstate = Flat.readonly(state)
    state.count = 1
    await flat.wait
    console.log(rstate.count) //> 1
    rstate.count = 2 // !! ReadonlyError !!
    • btw, you can use readonly on anything, not just flatstate

flatstate integration with frontend elements

  • let your components rerender on flat state changes
    import {apply} from "@benev/slate"
    const MyElement2 = mixin.flat(flat)(MyElement)
      // can also be a class decorator
    const elements2 = apply.flat(flat)(elements)
    • this works on any BaseElement, which includes LitElement, GoldElement, SilverElement, carbon, and oxygen

๐Ÿ’ซ op

utility for ui loading/error/ready states.

useful for implementing async operations that involve loading indicators.

you get a better dev-experience if you use ops via signals, but here is the documentation for plain ops on their own, without signals.

  • create some ops
    import {Op} from "@benev/slate"
      //= {mode: "loading"}
    Op.error("a fail occurred")
      //= {mode: "error", reason: "a fail occurred"}
      //= {mode: "ready", payload: 123}
  • you can run an async operation and keep things synchronized
    let my_op = Op.loading()
    await => my_op = op, async() => {
      await nap(1000)
      return 123
  • you can create op signals that have op functionality built in
    const count = use.op() => {
      await sleep(1000)
      return 123
  • functions to interrogate an op
      //        type for op in any mode
      //                 v
    function example(op: Op.Any<number>) {
      // branching based on the op's mode, {
        loading: () => console.log("op is loading"),
        error: reason => console.log("op is error", reason),
        ready: payload => console.log("op is ready", payload)
      const payload = Op.payload(op)
        // if the mode=ready, return the payload
        // otherwise, return undefined

๐Ÿชˆ pipe

  • pipe data through a series of functions
  • maybe you've done silly nesting like this:
    // bad
  • now you can do this instead:
    import {Pipe} from "@benev/slate"
    // good




Package last updated on 17 Oct 2023

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