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JSON listing of all the Bevry managed GitHub organisations
Complete API Documentation.
import list, { is, isnt } from '@bevry/github-orgs'
console.log(is('bevry'), is('google'))
console.log(isnt('bevry'), isnt('google'))
const list = require('@bevry/github-orgs').default
JSON also available via @bevry/github-orgs/list.json
CDN access available via https://unpkg.com/@bevry/github-orgs/list.json
- Install:
npm install --save @bevry/github-orgs
- Import:
import pkg from ('@bevry/github-orgs')
- Require:
const pkg = require('@bevry/github-orgs').default
import pkg from 'https://unpkg.com/@bevry/github-orgs@^3.4.0/edition-deno/index.ts'
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//cdn.skypack.dev/@bevry/github-orgs@^3.4.0'
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//unpkg.com/@bevry/github-orgs@^3.4.0'
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/@bevry/github-orgs@3.4.0'
This package is published with the following editions:
aliases @bevry/github-orgs/index.cjs
which uses the Editions Autoloader to automatically select the correct edition for the consumer's environment@bevry/github-orgs/source/index.ts
is TypeScript source code with Import for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-browsers/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for web browsers with Import for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-es2022/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 21 with Require for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-es5/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES5 for Node.js 4 with Require for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-es2022-esm/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 21 with Import for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-types/index.d.ts
is TypeScript compiled Types with Import for modules@bevry/github-orgs/edition-deno/index.ts
is TypeScript source code made to be compatible with Deno
Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md
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