Data Services
In order to communicate with external data sources, the framework will provide a single interface to interact with any
external data source called a data service.
The responsibility of each data service implementation is to act as the interface for interacting with data coming from
a specific data source.
Additional documentation can be found here
export interface DataServiceConfig {
[key: string]: any;
export interface Payload {
[key: string]: any;
export type ResourceKind = string;
export type ResourceId = string;
export interface URI {
resource: ResourceKind;
id: ResourceId;
export interface DataService<T = any> {
get(target: URI, config: DataServiceConfig): Promise<T>;
post(target: URI, payload: Payload, config: DataServiceConfig): Promise<any>;
put(target: URI, payload: Payload, config: DataServiceConfig): Promise<any>;
delete(target: URI, config: DataServiceConfig): Promise<any>;
Currently these are the data service implementations we provide and will maintain. More data services to come.