Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators.
Documentation is available at Crank.js is in a beta phase, and some APIs may change. To read more about the motivations for this library, you can read the introductory blog post.
Declarative components
Crank uses the same JSX syntax and diffing algorithm popularized by React, allowing you to write HTML-like code directly in your JavaScript.
Just JavaScript™
All components in Crank are just functions or generator functions. No classes, hooks, proxies or template languages are needed.
Promises today
Crank provides first-class support for promises. You can use async/await directly in components, and race components to display fallback UIs.
Crank is available on NPM in the ESModule and CommonJS formats.
$ npm install @bikeshaving/crank
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";
renderer.render(<div id="hello">Hello world</div>, document.body);
If your environment does not support ESModules (you’ll probably see a message like SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
), you can import the CommonJS versions of the library under the cjs
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/dom";
renderer.render(<div id="hello">Hello world</div>, document.body);
Key Examples
A Simple Component
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";
function Greeting({name = "World"}) {
return (
<div>Hello {name}</div>
renderer.render(<Greeting />, document.body);
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A Stateful Component
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";
function *Timer() {
let seconds = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
try {
while (true) {
yield <div>Seconds: {seconds}</div>;
} finally {
renderer.render(<Timer />, document.body);
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An Async Component
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";
async function QuoteOfTheDay() {
const res = await fetch("");
const {quote} = await res.json();
return (
“{quote.body}” – <a href={quote.url}>{}</a>
renderer.render(<QuoteOfTheDay />, document.body);
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A Loading Component
import {createElement, Fragment} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";
async function LoadingIndicator() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
return <div>Fetching a good boy...</div>;
async function RandomDog({throttle = false}) {
const res = await fetch("");
const data = await res.json();
if (throttle) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
return (
<a href={data.message}>
<img src={data.message} alt="A Random Dog" width="300" />
async function *RandomDogLoader({throttle}) {
for await ({throttle} of this) {
yield <LoadingIndicator />;
yield <RandomDog throttle={throttle} />;
function *RandomDogApp() {
let throttle = false;
this.addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
if ( === "BUTTON") {
throttle = !throttle;
while (true) {
yield (
<button>Show me another dog.</button>
<RandomDogLoader throttle={throttle} />
renderer.render(<RandomDogApp />, document.body);
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