This package publishes via CICD to the public npm component: @biom3/design-tokens
What's inside?
Through this component we expose our complete library of BIOME design tokens. They are made available for use as both:
- exported typescript consts, and
- css variable definitions inside of importable css files
Using the ts const design tokens:
To use the typescript design tokens, simply import them from the root of the pacakge. For example:
import { base, ui } from "@biom3/design-tokens";
Using the css variable design tokens:
All the BIOME design tokens can be imported and used as simple css variables, by importing css files from your App code. For example:
import "@biom3/design-tokens/css/base.css";
import "@biom3/design-tokens/css/theme-light.css";
*@NOTE All css variable declarations are scoped to the body selector and will overwrite each other, so you should only use 1 theme css file at a time. Choose the theme css file based on whether you are planning to display UI in "onDark" or "onLight" (or add your own!).