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@blackbox-vision/react-qr-reader - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0-0 to 4.0.0-1



@@ -8,50 +8,29 @@ 'use strict';

const getDeviceId = async (videoInputDevices, facingMode) => {
const devices = [];
const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
const isMediaDevicesSupported = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;
for (let videoInputDevice of videoInputDevices) {
try {
var _settings;
if (!isMediaDevicesSupported) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"`);
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: {
exact: videoInputDevice.deviceId
const [track] = stream.getVideoTracks();
let settings = null;
return isMediaDevicesSupported;
const isValidType = (value, name, type) => {
const isValid = typeof value === type;
if (!!track) {
settings = track.getSettings();
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: ((_settings = settings) === null || _settings === void 0 ? void 0 : _settings.facingMode) || facingMode,
hasStreamingSupport: true
} catch (err) {
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: null,
hasStreamingSupport: false
if (!isValid) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to be a of type "${type}".`);
const [device] = devices.filter(device => device.hasStreamingSupport && device.facingMode === facingMode);
return isValid;
const isValidValue = (value, name, values) => {
const hasValue = values.find(v => v === value);
if (!device) {
throw new Error('No video input devices found');
if (!hasValue) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to have one of the following values: "${JSON.stringify(values)}".`);
return device.deviceId;
return hasValue;
const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
return typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;

@@ -70,19 +49,25 @@ const useQrReader = ({

if (!isMediaDevicesSupported()) {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, 'NoMediaDevicesSupportException');
if (!isMediaDevicesSupported() && isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
const message = 'MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"';
onResult(null, new Error(message), codeReader);
browser.BrowserQRCodeReader.listVideoInputDevices().then(videoInputDevices => getDeviceId(videoInputDevices, facingMode)).then(deviceId => codeReader.decodeFromVideoDevice(deviceId, videoId, (result, error) => {
const exception = error && ||;
if (isValidType(facingMode, 'facingMode', 'string') && isValidValue(facingMode, 'facingMode', ['user', 'left', 'right', 'environment'])) {
// TODO: add support for passing additional props to constraints
const constraints = {
video: {
codeReader.decodeFromConstraints(constraints, videoId, (result, error) => {
if (isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(result, error, codeReader);
}).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(error => {
if (isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(null, error, codeReader);
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(result, exception, codeReader);
})).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(err => {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, err, codeReader);
return () => {

@@ -89,0 +74,0 @@ var _controlsRef$current;

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { BrowserQRCodeReader } from '@zxing/browser';
import * as BrowserHelpers from "./utils.js";
import * as Helpers from "./utils.js"; // TODO: add support for debug logs
export const useQrReader = ({

@@ -16,19 +17,25 @@ facingMode,

if (!BrowserHelpers.isMediaDevicesSupported()) {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, 'NoMediaDevicesSupportException');
if (!Helpers.isMediaDevicesSupported() && Helpers.isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
const message = 'MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"';
onResult(null, new Error(message), codeReader);
BrowserQRCodeReader.listVideoInputDevices().then(videoInputDevices => BrowserHelpers.getDeviceId(videoInputDevices, facingMode)).then(deviceId => codeReader.decodeFromVideoDevice(deviceId, videoId, (result, error) => {
const exception = error && ||;
if (Helpers.isValidType(facingMode, 'facingMode', 'string') && Helpers.isValidValue(facingMode, 'facingMode', ['user', 'left', 'right', 'environment'])) {
// TODO: add support for passing additional props to constraints
const constraints = {
video: {
codeReader.decodeFromConstraints(constraints, videoId, (result, error) => {
if (Helpers.isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(result, error, codeReader);
}).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(error => {
if (Helpers.isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(null, error, codeReader);
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(result, exception, codeReader);
})).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(err => {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, err, codeReader);
return () => {

@@ -35,0 +42,0 @@ var _controlsRef$current;

@@ -1,48 +0,27 @@

export const getDeviceId = async (videoInputDevices, facingMode) => {
const devices = [];
export const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
const isMediaDevicesSupported = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;
for (let videoInputDevice of videoInputDevices) {
try {
var _settings;
if (!isMediaDevicesSupported) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"`);
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: {
exact: videoInputDevice.deviceId
const [track] = stream.getVideoTracks();
let settings = null;
return isMediaDevicesSupported;
export const isValidType = (value, name, type) => {
const isValid = typeof value === type;
if (!!track) {
settings = track.getSettings();
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: ((_settings = settings) === null || _settings === void 0 ? void 0 : _settings.facingMode) || facingMode,
hasStreamingSupport: true
} catch (err) {
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: null,
hasStreamingSupport: false
if (!isValid) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to be a of type "${type}".`);
const [device] = devices.filter(device => device.hasStreamingSupport && device.facingMode === facingMode);
return isValid;
export const isValidValue = (value, name, values) => {
const hasValue = values.find(v => v === value);
if (!device) {
throw new Error('No video input devices found');
if (!hasValue) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to have one of the following values: "${JSON.stringify(values)}".`);
return device.deviceId;
export const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
return typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;
return hasValue;

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export declare const getDeviceId: (videoInputDevices: MediaDeviceInfo[], facingMode: VideoFacingModeEnum) => Promise<string>;
export declare const isMediaDevicesSupported: () => boolean;
export declare const isValidType: (value: any, name: string, type: string) => boolean;
export declare const isValidValue: (value: any, name: string, values: any[]) => any;

@@ -34,4 +34,2 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

export declare type CodeReaderError = 'FormatException' | 'NotFoundException' | 'ChecksumException' | 'NoDeviceFoundException' | 'NoMediaDevicesSupportException' | string | Error;
export declare type UseQrReaderHook = (props: UseQrReaderHookProps) => void;
export declare type OnResultFunction = (

@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ /**

result?: Result,
result?: Result | undefined | null,
* The name of the exceptions thrown while reading the QR
error?: CodeReaderError,
error?: Error | undefined | null,

@@ -69,15 +67,2 @@ * The instance of the QR browser reader

export declare type Device = {
* Property that represents the ID from video device
deviceId: string;
* Property that represents which kind of camera is the device
facingMode: 'user' | 'environment' | string | null;
* Property that represents if the camera supports streaming video
hasStreamingSupport: boolean;
export declare type UseQrReaderHook = (props: UseQrReaderHookProps) => void;
import { useRef, useEffect, createElement } from 'react';
import { BrowserQRCodeReader } from '@zxing/browser';
const getDeviceId = async (videoInputDevices, facingMode) => {
const devices = [];
const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
const isMediaDevicesSupported = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;
for (let videoInputDevice of videoInputDevices) {
try {
var _settings;
if (!isMediaDevicesSupported) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"`);
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: {
exact: videoInputDevice.deviceId
const [track] = stream.getVideoTracks();
let settings = null;
return isMediaDevicesSupported;
const isValidType = (value, name, type) => {
const isValid = typeof value === type;
if (!!track) {
settings = track.getSettings();
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: ((_settings = settings) === null || _settings === void 0 ? void 0 : _settings.facingMode) || facingMode,
hasStreamingSupport: true
} catch (err) {
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId,
facingMode: null,
hasStreamingSupport: false
if (!isValid) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to be a of type "${type}".`);
const [device] = devices.filter(device => device.hasStreamingSupport && device.facingMode === facingMode);
return isValid;
const isValidValue = (value, name, values) => {
const hasValue = values.find(v => v === value);
if (!device) {
throw new Error('No video input devices found');
if (!hasValue) {
console.warn(`[ReactQrReader]: Expected "${name}" to have one of the following values: "${JSON.stringify(values)}".`);
return device.deviceId;
return hasValue;
const isMediaDevicesSupported = () => {
return typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && !!navigator.mediaDevices;

@@ -65,19 +44,25 @@ const useQrReader = ({

if (!isMediaDevicesSupported()) {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, 'NoMediaDevicesSupportException');
if (!isMediaDevicesSupported() && isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
const message = 'MediaDevices API has no support for your browser. You can fix this by running "npm i webrtc-adapter"';
onResult(null, new Error(message), codeReader);
BrowserQRCodeReader.listVideoInputDevices().then(videoInputDevices => getDeviceId(videoInputDevices, facingMode)).then(deviceId => codeReader.decodeFromVideoDevice(deviceId, videoId, (result, error) => {
const exception = error && ||;
if (isValidType(facingMode, 'facingMode', 'string') && isValidValue(facingMode, 'facingMode', ['user', 'left', 'right', 'environment'])) {
// TODO: add support for passing additional props to constraints
const constraints = {
video: {
codeReader.decodeFromConstraints(constraints, videoId, (result, error) => {
if (isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(result, error, codeReader);
}).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(error => {
if (isValidType(onResult, 'onResult', 'function')) {
onResult(null, error, codeReader);
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(result, exception, codeReader);
})).then(controls => controlsRef.current = controls).catch(err => {
if (typeof onResult === 'function') {
onResult(null, err, codeReader);
return () => {

@@ -84,0 +69,0 @@ var _controlsRef$current;

"name": "@blackbox-vision/react-qr-reader",
"description": "A React Component for reading QR codes from the webcam",
"version": "4.0.0-0",
"version": "4.0.0-1",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "files": [

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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