Microservices Toolkit
Little library with a few "common" functionality that we use in our microservices.
npm i @bluealba/microservices-toolkit
Use Cases
Pool is a wrapper on pg-pool that provides the possibility to query centralizing error handling
using retries and mapping responses
Pool provides:
- getPool: returns the pg-pool object for direct use.
- query: queries the database with the given statement and parameters logging any possible error before rethrowing the exception.
- recoverQuery: same as query but with retries (configured by maxQueryRetries).
- mappedQuery: same as recoverQuery but adding a mapping parameter that is used to map each value of the result set.
Code example
In order to create a connection pool you should use the following code.
const config = ...;
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const pgPool = toolkit.buildPGClient(config);
We use the config object to configure the pool expecting the following attributes.
host: config.host,
database: config.dbName,
user: config.user,
password: config.password,
port: config.port,
max: config.maxPoolSize,
idleTimeoutMillis: config.idleTimeout,
connectionTimeoutMillis: config.dbTimeout,
maxUses: config.maxUses,
Also, the configuration should have the following value to specify the amount of retries
Is a custom error handler for graphql that allows the user to provide errors with extensions that
Configure the custom error handling using:
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const graphqlCustomErrorFn = toolkit.graphqlCustomErrorFn;
pretty: true,
graphiql: true,
customFormatErrorFn: graphqlCustomErrorFn(),
Errors should be created adding an extension field like in this example:
class StatusCodeError extends Error {
constructor(statusCode, errorCode, message) {
this.extensions = { errorCode: errorCode, statusCode: statusCode, message: message };
Simple error handler for express that catches any loose error and turns it into a well-formed JSON error with a 500 status code.
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const errorHandler = toolkit.errorHandler;
Filter that adds an auth object to the request using the x-forwarded-user-* headers added by the proxy
this object provides:
- username:
- displayName:
- operations:
- can: method that check if the user has the given operation
- matchesLoggedUser: checks if the parameter is the username
Code example
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const gatewayAuth = toolkit.gatewayAuth;
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const getAuthHeaders = toolkit.getAuthHeaders;
const authHeaders = getAuthHeaders(req);
wraps any give call with a method that logs the time the method takes to run when called
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const run = toolkit.run;
module.exports = run(getSegments, "getSegments");
Util class that provides methods to generate sql parts.
- formatDate,
- escapeQuotes,
- wrapInQuotes,
- wrapInDoublesQuotes,
- generateAnyClause,
- generateInClause,
Code example
const toolkit = require("@bluealba/microservices-toolkit");
const { generateAnyClause } = toolkit.sqlUtils;