What is @braintree/browser-detection?
@braintree/browser-detection is a utility library for detecting various browser features and characteristics. It helps developers to identify the browser type, version, and specific capabilities, allowing for more tailored and compatible web experiences.
What are @braintree/browser-detection's main functionalities?
Detect if the browser is Internet Explorer
This feature allows you to check if the current browser is Internet Explorer. It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of IE.
const browserDetection = require('@braintree/browser-detection');
const isIE = browserDetection.isIe();
console.log(isIE); // true or false
Detect if the browser is Edge
This feature allows you to check if the current browser is Microsoft Edge. It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of Edge.
const browserDetection = require('@braintree/browser-detection');
const isEdge = browserDetection.isEdge();
console.log(isEdge); // true or false
Detect if the browser is Chrome
This feature allows you to check if the current browser is Google Chrome. It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of Chrome.
const browserDetection = require('@braintree/browser-detection');
const isChrome = browserDetection.isChrome();
console.log(isChrome); // true or false
Detect if the browser is Safari
This feature allows you to check if the current browser is Safari. It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of Safari.
const browserDetection = require('@braintree/browser-detection');
const isSafari = browserDetection.isSafari();
console.log(isSafari); // true or false
Detect if the browser is Firefox
This feature allows you to check if the current browser is Mozilla Firefox. It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of Firefox.
const browserDetection = require('@braintree/browser-detection');
const isFirefox = browserDetection.isFirefox();
console.log(isFirefox); // true or false
Other packages similar to @braintree/browser-detection
Bowser is a small, fast, and rich-API browser detector library. It provides detailed information about the browser, including the name, version, and platform. Compared to @braintree/browser-detection, Bowser offers more granular details and a wider range of detected browsers and platforms.
Detect-browser is a lightweight library for detecting browser details. It provides information about the browser name, version, and operating system. It is similar to @braintree/browser-detection but focuses on simplicity and ease of use.
UA-Parser-JS is a comprehensive user-agent string parser that can detect browser, engine, OS, CPU, and device type. It offers more detailed detection capabilities compared to @braintree/browser-detection, making it suitable for more complex use cases.
Browser Detection
A utility for detecting browser support for Braintree libs.
var browserDetection = require('browser-detection');
To reduce build sizes, you can require just the modules you need:
var isAndroid = require('browser-detection/is-android');
var isChrome = require('browser-detection/is-chrome');
var isEdge = require('browser-detection/is-edge');
var isIe = require('browser-detection/is-ie');
var isIe9 = require('browser-detection/is-ie9');
var isIe10 = require('browser-detection/is-ie10');
var isIe11 = require('browser-detection/is-ie11');
var isIos = require('browser-detection/is-ios');
var isIosFirefox = require('browser-detection/is-ios-firefox');
var isIosSafari = require('browser-detection/is-ios-safari');
var isIosWebview = require('browser-detection/is-ios-webview');
var isIosUIWebview = require('browser-detection/is-ios-uiwebview');
var isIosWKWebview = require('browser-detection/is-ios-wkwebview');
var isMobileFirefox = require('browser-detection/is-mobile-firefox');
var isSamsungBrowser = require('browser-detection/is-samsung');
var supportsPopups = require('browser-detection/supports-popups');
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