
A React component that displays console logs from the current page, an iframe or transported across a server.

Who's using it
- Console formatting - style and give your logs color, and makes links clickable
- DOM nodes - easily inspect & expand HTML elements, with syntax highlighting
- view your logs in a table format- Other console methods:
- view the time in milliseconds it takes to complete eventsconsole.assert
- assert that a statement is truthyconsole.count
- count how many times something occurs
- Inbuilt JSON serialization - Objects, Functions & DOM elements can be encoded / decoded to and from JSON
yarn add console-feed
npm install console-feed
Basic usage
import React from 'react'
import { Hook, Console, Decode } from 'console-feed'
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
logs: []
componentDidMount() {
Hook(window.console, log => {
this.setState(({ logs }) => ({ logs: [...logs, Decode(log)] }))
console.log(`Hello world!`)
render() {
return (
<div style={{ backgroundColor: '#242424' }}>
<Console logs={this.state.logs} variant="dark" />
Props for <Console />
logs: Log[]
An array consisting of Log objects. Required
filter?: Methods[]
Filter the logs, only displaying messages of certain methods.
variant?: 'light' | 'dark'
Sets the font color for the component. Default - light
style?: Styles
Defines the custom styles to use on the component - see Styles.d.ts
searchKeywords?: string
A string value to filter logs
logFilter?: Function
If you want to use a custom log filter function, you can provide your own implementation
Log methods
Each log has a method assigned to it. The method is used to determine the style of the message and for the filter
type Methods =
| 'log'
| 'warn'
| 'error'
| 'info'
| 'debug'
| 'command'
| 'result'
A log object consists of the following:
type Logs = Log[]
interface Log {
method: Methods
data: any[]
By default when you use the Hook()
API, logs are serialized so that they will safely work with JSON.stringify
. In order to restore a log back to format compatible with the <Console />
component, you need to call the Decode()
Disabling serialization
If the Hook
function and the <Console />
component are on the same origin, you can disable serialization to increase performance.
log => {
this.setState(({ logs }) => ({ logs: [...logs, log] }))
To run console-feed
locally, simply run:
yarn start
yarn test:watch
Head over to http://localhost:3000
in your browser, and you'll see the demo page come up. After you make changes you'll need to reload, but the jest tests will automatically restart.