BullhornJS is a micro-library that makes it easy to use the Bullhorn REST APIs in JavaScript applications.
BullhornJS allows you to easily login into Bullhorn using OAuth, and to manipulate your Bullhorn data using a simple
This is an early version. I appreciate any feedback, comments, and help if you think this library is useful.
Key Characteristics
- No jQuery dependency
- Plain JavaScript
- Works transparently in the browser
- Simple API to manipulate data (create, update, delete, upsert)
- CommonJS format
npm install --save @bullhorn/bullhornjs
bower install --save bullhornjs
- Initialize
var bullhorn = new Bullhorn({
- Check if logged in:
alert('Login success: ' + success);
alert('Error: ' + error.message);
- Invoke a function: Search(), Query(), Entity(), Meta():
// Most functions are all fluent (ie. they return 'this')
var job = new Entity('entity/JobOrder').fields('title');
// the 'fields' function created a getter and setter for 'title'
job.title = 'My New Job';
job.save(); //returns a promise
- Use a convenience method: CandidateSearch(), JobOrder(), ContactMeta(), etc...:
// This command creates the convenience functions
// Now you can use them
var job = new Job().fields('title'); //works the same as above
console.log('Job Title is ', job.title);
Sample App
Check out the demo in the demo
folder. To run the demo:
> git clone https://github.com/bullhorn/bullhornjs.git
> cd bullhornjs
> npm install
> npm run bundle
> npm install -g http-server
> http-server
open http://localhost:8080/demo/index.html
in your browser
Because the browser should not know your CLIENT_ID
your will need to handle the OAuth flow separately then have the server provide the BhRestToken
and restUrl
to the client.
We build two versions of the source, 1) we create a bundle using rollup and 2) we compile all the sources separately with babel. All transpiled files are stored in the lib
Rollup Bundle
This uses `rollup.config.js` to determine how to rollup the source. The bundle is located in `lib/bundle.js`. Configuration options are available [here](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Command-Line-Interface). To create a new bundle:
npm run bundle
Babel Compile
This uses `.babelrc` to determine how to babel compiles the source. The files are transpiled to the `lib/` directory. Other configuration options are available [here](http://babeljs.io/docs/usage/babelrc/). To rebuild these:
npm run compile
We use Jest to run all of our unit test. To run the tests, in the working directory:
npm test