This package is used for editing content in the frontend.
This package assumes the preview mode module is already installed and working.
First you need to install the package, you do this by running the following command:
npm install @burst/frontend-editing
You can use this module in the paragraphmapper
import { PreviewData } from '@misc/preview'
import Editable from '@burst/frontend-editing'
interface props {
paragraph: ParagraphsFragment
preview: PreviewData | null
export default function ParagraphMapper (props: Props): JSX.Element | null {
const component = (): JSX.Element | null => {
if (props.preview == null) return component()
return previewModeEnabled(props.preview)
? (
id = {props.paragraph.id.toString()}
type = 'paragraph'
cmsUrl = {getCmsUrl()}
token = {props.preview?.token ?? null}
color = '#000' //defaults to gray, overwrite it with this value.
To send these props to the paragraphmapper you need to import the preview data in the [...slug].tsx
import { PreviewData } from '@misc/preview'
interface props{
preview: PreviewData | null
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<Props, { slug: string }, PreviewData> = async (ctx) => {
return {
props: {
preview: ctx.preview ?? null
function BasicPage ({ basicPage, preview }: Props): JSX.Element | null {
return (
<ParagraphMapper preview={preview} />
the function getCmsUrl is placed in environment.ts.
export function getCmsUrl (): string {
return (
process.env.CMS_URL ??
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CMS_URL ??
the function previewModeEnabled is placed in helper.ts.
export function previewModeEnabled (preview?: PreviewData): boolean {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return (
window.location === window.parent.location && hasValue(preview)
return false
import Editable from "@components/frontendEditing/Editable";
import {getCmsUrl} from "@misc/environments";
import {PreviewData} from "@misc/preview";
import {previewModeEnabled} from "@misc/helpers";