Google Cloud API tools for Node.js
Various helpers for Google Calendar, Drive and Sheets.
This module authorizes with a service account only, as opposite to google user delegation in most Google's examples.
Create a service account in cloud console and save it as service-account.json
Enable the APIs (Calendar, Drive and/or Sheets).
const key = require('./service-account-key.json')
Google Drive
API reference.
The drive client is a helper that can list meta data about files in a folder:
const {DriveClient} = require('@cag-group/google-api-tools')
const client = new DriveClient(key.client_email, key.private_key)
const response = await client.getFilesInFolder(folderId)
Get meta data for a named file in a specific folder:
const file = await client.getFileMetaData(folderId, 'Walt Disney characters')
Google Calendar
API reference.
Read calendar items within a time interval.
The calendar shall be public or shared with the service account.
const {CalendarClient} = require('@cag-group/google-api-tools')
const client = new CalendarClient(key.client_email, key.private_key)
const items = await client.getAllItems(calendarId, new Date('2017-09-15T00:00'), new Date('2017-09-16T00:00'))
Google Sheets
API reference.
Read cell values
const {SheetsClient} = require('@cag-group/google-api-tools')
const client = new SheetsClient(key.client_email, key.private_key)
Read cell values given a cell range:
const rows = await client.readSheetCellRange(sheetId, 'A1:K')
It returns a two-dimensional array of values.
Object creation from spreadsheet cells
Given an example spreadsheet:
ID Förnamn Efternamn Unused Förmögenhet Först sedd
1 Kalle Anka foo 1 1934-06-09
2 Alexander Lukas bar 1000000 1948-12-01
3 Joakim von Anka zoo 1×10^+30 1947-12-01
the SheetsTableReader
is used to read each row into objects.
A field mapping is specified, mapping column headers to object property names and
optional cell value conversions:
const {SheetsAPIUtil} = require('@cag-group/google-api-tools')
const fieldMapping = [
{property: 'id', header: 'ID'},
{property: 'firstName', header: 'Förnamn'},
{property: 'lastName', header: 'efternamn'},
{property: 'balance', header: 'förmögenhet', convert: v => v / 100},
{property: 'firstSeen', header: 'Först sedd'}
Specifying this columns can change order and place in the spreadsheet without affecting the code reading it.
New columns can also be added - they will be ignored.
In order to match column headers with field mapping, common human errors are addressed by relaxed string
comparisions: Headers in code and in sheet are converted to lower case and all
spaces are removed before comparision.
example usage:
const {SheetsTableReader} = require('@cag-group/google-api-tools')
const reader = new SheetsTableReader(rows[0], fieldMapping)
const rowObjects = rows.slice(1).map(r => reader.createObject(r))
Outputted rowObjects
[ { id: 1,
firstName: 'Kalle',
lastName: 'Anka',
balance: 0.01,
firstSeen: 1934-06-09T00:00:00.000Z },
{ id: 2,
firstName: 'Alexander',
lastName: 'Lukas',
balance: 10000,
firstSeen: 1948-12-01T00:00:00.000Z },
{ id: 3,
firstName: 'Joakim',
lastName: 'von Anka',
balance: 1e+28,
firstSeen: 1947-12-01T00:00:00.000Z } ]