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WebSocket adapter for CDS

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WebSocket adapter for CDS

Exposes a WebSocket protocol via WebSocket standard or Socket.IO for CDS services. Runs in context of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) using @sap/cds (CDS Node.js).

Getting Started

  • Run npm add @cap-js-community/websocket in @sap/cds project
  • Annotate a service, that shall be exposed via WebSocket using one of the following annotations:
    @protocol: 'ws'
    @protocol: 'websocket'
    @protocol: [{ kind: 'websocket', path: 'chat' }]
    @protocol: [{ kind: 'ws', path: 'chat' }]
  • Execute cds-serve to start server
  • Access the service endpoint via WebSocket



  • Run npm add @cap-js-community/websocket in @sap/cds project
  • Create a service to be exposed as websocket protocol: srv/chat-service.cds
    @protocol: 'websocket'
    service ChatService {
      function message(text: String) returns String;
      event received {
        text: String;
  • Implement CDS websocket service: srv/chat-service.js
    module.exports = (srv) => {
      srv.on("message", async (req) => {
        await srv.emit("received",;


In browser environment implement the websocket client: index.html

WebSocket Standard
  • Connect with WebSocket
    const protocol = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://";
    const socket = new WebSocket(protocol + + "/ws/chat");
  • Emit event
        event: "message",
        data: { text: input.value },
  • Listen to event
    socket.addEventListener("message", (message) => {
      const payload = JSON.parse(;
      switch (payload.event) {
        case "received":
Socket.IO (kind:
  • Connect with Socket.IO client
    const socket = io("/chat", { path: "/ws" });
  • Emit event
    socket.emit("message", { text: "Hello World" });
  • Listen to event
    socket.on("received", (message) => {


Architecture Overview

WebSocket Overview

The CDS Websocket module supports the following use-cases:

  • Connect multiple websocket clients (browser and non-browser) to CAP server websockets
  • Process websockets messages as CDS entity CRUD, action and function calls
  • Broadcast CDS events across local server websockets and multi-instance server websockets (via Redis)
  • Broadcast CDS events across multiple CAP server applications and application instances (via Redis)
  • Tenant-ware emit/broadcast CDS events from server websockets to websocket clients (browser and non-browser)
  • Emit/Broadcast CDS events to a subset of websocket clients leveraging event contexts

WebSocket Server

The CDS websocket server is exposed on cds object implementation-independent at and implementation-specific at cds.wss for WebSocket Standard or for Socket.IO. Additional listeners can be registered bypassing CDS definitions and runtime. WebSocket server options can be provided via cds.websocket.options.

Default protocol path is /ws and can be overwritten via cds.env.protocols.websocket.path resp.;

WebSocket Implementation

The CDS websocket server supports the following two websocket implementations:

  • WebSocket Standard (via Node.js ws package): cds.websocket.kind: "ws" (default)
  • Socket.IO: cds.websocket.kind: ""
  • Custom Server: A custom websocket server implementation can be provided via cds.websocket.impl

The server implementation abstracts from the concrete websocket implementation. The websocket client still needs to be implemented websocket implementation specific.

WebSocket Service

Annotated services with websocket protocol are exposed at endpoint: /ws/<service-path>:

Websocket client connection happens as follows for exposed endpoints:

  • WS: const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4004/ws/chat");
  • Socket.IO: const socket = io("/chat", { path: "/ws" })
WebSocket Event

Non-websocket services can contain events that are exposed as websocket events:

  @protocol: 'odata'
  @path: 'chat'
  service ChatService {
    entity Chat as projection on chat.Chat;
    function message(text: String) returns String;
    event received {
      text: String;

Although the service is exposed as an OData protocol at /odata/v4/chat, the service events annotated with @websocket or @ws are exposed as websocket events under the websocket protocol path as follows: /ws/chat. Entities and operations are not exposed, as the service itself is not marked as websocket protocol.

Non-websocket service events are only active when at least one websocket enabled service is available (i.e. websocket protocol adapter is active).

Server Socket

Each CDS handler request context is extended to hold the current server socket instance of the event. It can be accessed via the service websocket facade via or In addition the native websocket server socket can be accessed via or Events can be directly emitted via the native socket, bypassing CDS runtime, if necessary.


For each server websocket connection the standard CDS middlewares are applied. That means, that especially the correct CDS context is set up and the configured authorization strategy is applied.

Tenant Isolation

WebSockets are processed tenant aware. Especially for broadcasting events tenant isolation is ensured, that only websocket clients connected for the same tenant are notified in tenant context. Tenant isolation is also ensured over remote distribution via Redis.

Authentication & Authorization

Authentication only works via AppRouter (e.g. using a UAA configuration), as the auth token is forwarded via authorization header bearer token by AppRouter to backend instance. CDS middlewares process the auth token and set the auth info accordingly. Authorization scopes are checked as defined in the CDS services @requires annotations and authorization restrictions are checked as defined in the CDS services @restrict annotations.

Event Contexts

It is possible to broadcast events to a subset of clients. By entering or existing contexts, the server can be instructed to determined based on the event data, to which subset of clients the event shall be emitted. To specify which data parts of the event are leveraged for setting up the context, the annotation @websocket.context or @ws.context is available on event data element level (alternatives include @websocket.broadcast.context or @ws.broadcast.context):

event received {
  text: String;

This sets up the event context based on the unique ID of the event data.

The annotation can be used on multiple event data elements setting up different event contexts in parallel, if event shall be broadcast/emitted into multiple contexts at the same time.

event received {
  name: String;
  text: String;

Event contexts can also be established via event type elements of many or array of type:

event received {
  ID: many UUID;
  text: String;

This allows setting up an unspecified number of different event contexts in parallel during runtime.

Event contexts support all CDS/JS types. The serialization is performed as follows:

  • Date: context.toISOString()
  • Object: JSON.stringify(context)
  • other: String(context)

To manage event contexts the following options exist:

  • Server side: Call websocket service facade
    • CDS context object req exposes the websocket facade via providing the following context functions
      • Enter Context: enter(context) - Enter the current server socket into the passed context
      • Exit Context: exit(context) - Exit the current server socket from the passed context
  • Client side: Emit wsContext event from client socket
    • Enter Context:
      • WS Standard:
        socket.send(JSON.stringify({ event: "wsContext", data: { context: "..." } }));
      • Socket.IO:
        socket.emit("wsContext", { context: "..." });
    • Exit:
      • WS Standard:
        socket.send(JSON.stringify({ event: "wsContext", data: { context: "...", exit: true } }));
      • Socket.IO:
        socket.emit("wsContext", { context: "...", exit: true });

Multiple contexts can be entered for the same server socket at the same time. Furthermore, a service operation named wsContext is invoked, if existing on the websocket enabled CDS service. Event context isolation is also ensured over remote distribution via Redis.

For Socket.IO (kind: contexts are implemented leveraging Socket.IO rooms.

Connect & Disconnect

Every time a server socket is connected via websocket client, the CDS service is notified by calling the corresponding service operation:

  • Connect: Invoke service operation wsConnect, if available
  • Disconnect: Invoke service operation wsDisconnect, if available

Authorization in provided in production by approuter component (e.g. via XSUAA auth). Valid UAA bindings for approuter and backend are necessary, so that the authorization flow is working. Locally, the following default environment files need to exist:

  • test/_env/default-env.json
      "VCAP_SERVICES": {
        "xsuaa": [{}]
  • test/_env/approuter/default-services.json
      "uaa": {}

Approuter is configured to support websockets in xs-app.json according to @sap/approuter - websockets property:

  "websockets": {
    "enabled": true

For local testing a mocked basic authorization is hardcoded in flp.html/index.html.


Operations comprise actions and function in the CDS service that are exposed by CDS service either unbound (static level) or bound (entity instance level). Operations are exposed as part of the websocket protocol as described below. Operation results will be provided via optional websocket acknowledgement callback.

Operation results are only supported with Socket.IO (kind: using acknowledgement callbacks.


Each unbound function and action is exposed as websocket event. The signature (parameters and return type) is passed through without additional modification. Operation result will be provided as part of acknowledgment callback.

Special operations

The websocket adapter tries to call the following special operations on the CDS service, if available:

  • wsConnect: Callback to notify that a socket was connected
  • wsDisconnect: Callback to notify that a socket was disconnected
  • wsContext: Callback to notify that a socket changed the event context (details see section Event Contexts)

Each service entity is exposed as CRUD interface via as special events as proposed here. The event is prefixed with the entity name and has the CRUD operation as suffix, e.g. Books:create. In addition, also bound functions and actions are included into these schema, e.g. Books:sell. The signature (parameters and return type) is passed through without additional modification. It is expected, that the event payload contains the primary key information. CRUD/action/function result will be provided as part of acknowledgment callback.


Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) actions are mapped to websocket events as follows:

  • <entity>:create: Create an entity instance
  • <entity>:read: Read an entity instance by key
  • <entity>:readDeep: Read an entity instance deep (incl. deep compositions) by key
  • <entity>:update: Update an entity instance by key
  • <entity>:delete: Delete an entity instance by key
  • <entity>:list: List all entity instances
  • <entity>:<operation>: Call a bound entity operation (action/function)

Events can be emitted and the response can be retrieved via acknowledgment callback.

CRUD Broadcast Events

CRUD events that modify entities automatically emit another event after successful processing:

  • <entity>:create => <entity>:created: Entity instance has been updated
  • <entity>:update => <entity>:updated: Entity instance has been created
  • <entity>:delete => <entity>:deleted: Entity instance has been deleted

Because of security concerns, it can be controlled which data of those events is broadcast, via annotations @websocket.broadcast or @ws.broadcast on entity level.

  • Propagate only key via one of the following options (default, if no annotation is present):
    • @websocket.broadcast = 'key'
    • @websocket.broadcast.content = 'key'
    • @ws.broadcast = 'key'
    • @ws.broadcast.content = 'key'
  • Propagate complete entity data via one of the following options:
    • @websocket.broadcast = 'data'
    • @websocket.broadcast.content = 'data'
    • @ws.broadcast = 'data'
    • @ws.broadcast.content = 'data'

Per default, this event is broadcast to every connected socket, expect the socket, that was called with the CRUD event. To also include the triggering socket within the broadcast, this can be controlled via annotations @websocket.broadcast.all or @ws.broadcast.all on entity level.


Todo (UI5)

The example UI5 todo application using Socket.IO can be found at test/_env/app/todo.

Example application can be started by:

Chat (HTML)

An example chat application using Socket.IO can be found at test/_env/app/chat.

Example application can be started by:


Unit-test can be found in folder test and can be executed via npm test; The basic unit-test setup for WebSockets in CDS context looks as follows:

"use strict";

const cds = require("@sap/cds");
const WebSocket = require("ws");

cds.test(__dirname + "/..");

const authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from("alice:alice").toString("base64")}`;

describe("WebSocket", () => {
  let socket;

  beforeAll((done) => {
    const port =;
    socket = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${port}/ws/chat`, {
      headers: {

  afterAll(() => {;

  test("Test", (done) => {
        event: "event",
        data: {},
"use strict";

const cds = require("@sap/cds");
const ioc = require("");

cds.test(__dirname + "/..");

cds.env.websocket = {
  kind: "",

const authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from("alice:alice").toString("base64")}`;

describe("WebSocket", () => {
  let socket;

  beforeAll((done) => {
    const port =;
    socket = ioc(`http://localhost:${port}/chat`, {
      path: "/ws",
      extraHeaders: {
    socket.on("connect", done);

  afterAll(() => {;

  test("Test", (done) => {
    socket.emit("event", {}, (result) => {

Adapters (Socket.IO)

An Adapter is a server-side component which is responsible for broadcasting events to all or a subset of clients.


Every event that is sent to multiple clients is sent to all matching clients connected to the current server and published in a Redis channel, and received by the other websocket servers of the cluster. The app needs to be bound to a Redis service instance to set up and connect Redis client.

WS Standard

The following adapters for WS Standard are supported out-of-the-box.


To use the Redis Adapter (basic publish/subscribe), the following steps have to be performed:

  • Set cds.websocket.adapter.impl: "redis"
  • Application needs to be bound to a Redis instance
    • Cloud Foundry: Redis automatically active
    • Local (or other):
      • Option cds.websocket.adapter.local: true needs to be set
      • File default-env.json need to exist with Redis configuration
  • Redis Adapter options can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options
  • Redis channel key can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options.key. Default value is websocket.
Custom Adapter

A custom websocket adapter implementation can be provided via relative path set configuration of cds.websocket.adapter.impl.


The following adapters for Socket.IO are supported out-of-the-box.

Redis Adapter

To use the Redis Adapter, the following steps have to be performed:

  • Install Redis Adapter dependency: npm install
  • Set cds.websocket.adapter.impl: ""
  • Application needs to be bound to a Redis instance
    • Locally a default-env.json file need to exist with index configuration
  • Redis Adapter options can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options
  • Redis channel key can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options.key. Default value is


Redis Streams Adapter

To use the Redis Stream Adapter, the following steps have to be performed:

  • Install Redis Streams Adapter dependency: npm install
  • Set cds.websocket.adapter.impl: ""
  • Application needs to be bound to a Redis instance
    • Locally a default-env.json file need to exist with index configuration
  • Redis Streams Adapter options can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options
  • Redis channel key can be specified via cds.websocket.adapter.options.streamName. Default value is



This module also works on a deployed infrastructure like Cloud Foundry (CF) or Kubernetes (K8s).

An example Cloud Foundry deployment can be found in test/_env:

  • cd test/_env
  • npm run cf:push
    • Prepares modules approuter and backend in test/_env and pushes to Cloud Foundry
      • Approuter performs authentication flow with XSUAA and forwards to backend
      • Backend serves endpoints (websocket, odata) and UI apps (runs on an in-memory SQLite3 database)

In deployed infrastructure, websocket protocol is exposed via Web Socket Secure (WSS) at wss:// over an encrypted TLS connection. For WebSocket standard the following setup in browser environment is recommended to cover deployed and local use-case:

const protocol = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://";
const socket = new WebSocket(protocol + + "/ws/chat");

Support, Feedback, Contributing

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Copyright 2023 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and websocket contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.



Package last updated on 09 Feb 2024

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