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@cardano-ogmios/client - npm Package Versions






[5.5.3] - 2022-07-31



  • Bumped cardano-node's version (continuous integration & docker image) to 1.35.2.

  • ⚠️ Fixed Plutus' data / datum serialization function. See 3f614c3c for details. As a consequence, some datums (either inline or in the witness set) that have been reported in the past (since v5.5.0) may have been wrong. Note that the datum hashes were however correct, so it is possible to identify the "corrupted" ones by trying to re-hash (blake2b-256) them and see whether they match their associated hash digest.

  • Changed the Docker image tagging's scheme of cardano-node-ogmios to now include the cardano-node's version. This allows to more easily bundle more recent version of cardano-node with old versions of Ogmios without the need to make a whole new release. This is in effect from v5.5.2 and onwards.

    | image | repository | tags | | --- | --- | --- | | cardano-node-ogmios | cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios | latest<br/>latest-{NETWORK}<br/>v*.*.*_{CARDANO_NODE_VERSION}<br/>v*.*.*_{CARDANO_NODE_VERSION}-{NETWORK} | | ogmios | cardanosolutions/ogmios | latest<br/>latest-{NETWORK}<br/>v*.*.*<br/>v*.*.*-{NETWORK} |

  • Fixed incongruous error message from the command-line when failing to parse protocol parameters from genesis files. The error reporting has been slightly improved to give a more fine-grained error per invalid parameter. See #242.



published 5.5.2 •



[5.5.2] - 2022-07-11



  • Bumped cardano-node's version (continuous integration & docker image) to 1.35.1.

  • ![TypeScript][] Remove superfluous string concatenation in UnknownResultError's message. See #236.



published 5.5.1 •



[5.5.1] - 2022-07-05

  • ![TypeScript][] New isBabbageProtocolParameters helper function, and extended support of the existing ones to Babbage. See #234.
  • Fixed Health endpoint wrongly reporting 'Alonzo' while in the 'Babbage era'. See #233.


published 5.5.0 •



[5.5.0] - 2022-06-29

  • Added Vasil/Babbage support, including:
    • A new block type babbage with:
      • New (optional) transaction fields references, collateralReturn, totalCollateral;
      • New (optional) transaction output's fields datum and script;
    • A new plutus:v2 script language;
  • New transaction error submission failures in the Babbage era:
    • mirNegativeTransfer: return when attempting to perform a negative MIR transfer from a reward pot to another;
    • totalCollateralMismatch: returned when totalCollateral is set but does not match what is actually computed by the ledger (i.e. sum of collateral inputs minus collateral return);
    • malformedReferenceScripts: returned when the script specified in an output isn't actually a well-formed Plutus script;
    • malformedScriptWitnesses, occurs when a script witness specified in the transaction does not properly deserialize to a Plutus script.
  • New script evaluation failures in the Babbage era:
    • corruptCostModelForLanguage: An artifact from a distant past. This is unused but somehow still present in the ledger internal definitions. Should be removed eventually.
  • New server evaluation failures:
    • NotEnoughSynced: Happens when attempting to evaluate execution units on a node that isn't enough synchronized. This is, if the node is still in an era prior to Alonzo, evaluation of execution units won't be possible.
    • CannotCreateEvaluationContext: Happens when the ledger fails to create an evaluation context from a given transaction. This is mostly due to the transaction being malformed (e.g. wrong redeemer pointer, missing UTxO).
<p align="right">See the <a href="">📘 API reference</a> for more details.</p>
  • Updated cardano-configurations to include the vasil-dev network and switch to cardano-world as a source instead of Hydra artifacts -- now being deprecated.

  • Partially fixed an issue causing websocket connection to be terminated by the server when p2p is enabled on the underlying node. Ogmios now has a workaround which makes the issue less likely, but the real fix belongs in the upstream networking stack. See #230, #208.

  • The missingRequiredScripts error now contains an extra field resolved that is a map of (pointer → script hash) that have been correctly resolved by said pointers.

  • The introduction of the Babbage era comes with some minor (albeit possibly breaking) changes and deprecations:

    • ⚠️ datums, redeemerData and plutus:v1 scripts are no longer encoded as base64 strings, but are encoded as base16 strings. The data payload remains however identical. This change is meant for more compatibility across the API since those data-types can now also be submitted to the server when evaluating execution units for transactions. Using base64 for input data here is a bit awkward since most existing interfaces in the ecosystem favor base16;

    • ⚠️ When passing transaction outputs to the server (e.g. when providing an additional UTxO for script evaluation), datum hashes in output must now be specified as datumHash (instead of datum). However, the server does a best-effort for the sake of backward compatibility and should still work if provided with a valid hash under datum. However, after the Vasil hard-fork, it'll be possible to also pass inline-datums using datum, while datum hash digest are expected to be specified as datumHash. Said differently, existing applications relying on this functionality will keep working without a change on this release, but applications willing to make use of the new inline-datum functionality coming in Vasil must abide by the new notation;

    • ⚠️ Similarly, Alonzo transaction outputs will now contain a datumHash field, carrying the datum hash digest. However, they will also contain a datum field with the exact same value for backward compatibility reason. In Babbage however, transaction outputs will carry either datum or datumHash depending on the case; and datum will only contain inline datums;

    • ⚠️ The outputTooSmall errors from transaction submission will slightly change format for transactions submitted during the Babbage era. Instead of an array of outputs, it is an array of objects with output and minimumRequiredValue fields;

    • ⚠️ A slightly modified block header: leaderValue and nounce fields are gone and replaced by a single inputVrf field;

    • ⚠️ Few protocol parameters changes:

      • A new protocol parameter coinsPerUTxOByte comes to replace coinsPerUtxoWord with a slightly different semantic. coinsPerUTxOByte is meant to compute the minimum Lovelace requirement on transaction outputs, and is simply a coefficient in a linear function of the serialized (CBOR) output:

        minUTxOValue(output) =  |serialise(output)| * coinsPerUTxOByte
      • The decentralizationParameter no longer exists.<br/> The block production is forever decentralized :tada:!

      • The extraEntropy no longer exists.

<p align="right">See the <a href="">📘 API reference</a> for more details.</p>
  • UnknownInputs and UncomputableSlotArithmetic errors have been removed from the top-level possible cases of EvaluationFailure. Instead, those errors are now comprised in the CannotCreateEvaluationContext case.

  • The corruptCostModelForLanguage error has been removed from the top-level possible cases of ScriptFailure. This one was effectively dead-code that couldn't be reached and was there for completeness. The code has now been removed upstream.

published 5.5.0-rc.3 •

published 5.5.0-rc.1 •

published 5.4.0 •



[5.4.0] - 2022-05-22

  • ![TypeScript][] TypeScript client for the 'TxMonitor' mini-protocol. Documentation available at
  • The server now returns slightly better faults when detecting a misuse of the TxMonitor protocol (e.g. when sending a HasTx before an AwaitAcquire).

  • The server now fails with an explicit error when given a Request containing a reflection field; reflection are only used in responses, while requests use mirror. See #217.

published 5.3.0 •



[5.3.0] - 2022-05-07

  • In the Local-Tx-Monitor protocol, NextTx can now take an (optional) extra argument { "fields": "all" } to instrument the server in returning not only a transaction id in NextTxResponse, but a full transaction object. See #190.

  • Transaction JSON objects from all eras now contains an extra field raw, which represents the raw serialized transaction (CBOR) as a base64-encoded text string. This is the case of the chain-sync protocol, but also for the tx-monitor protocol. The field is however absent in the ogmios.v1:compact mode. See #190.

  • Transaction JSON objects from the Alonzo era now contains an extra field inputSource which a string set to either inputs or collaterals. This captures the fact that since the introduction of Plutus scripts in Alonzo, some transactions may be recorded as failed transactions in the ledger. Those transactions do not successfully spend their inputs but instead, consume their collaterals as an input source to compensate block validators for their work.

  • The complete [API reference][] for the server is available in a new form at: This should make the various protocol messages easier to explore and provide a less awkward visualization of the server API than the previous TypeScript documentation. The old TypeScript documentation remains however available at:

  • Upgrade internal dependencies to cardano-node@1.34.1

  • Fixed the supervisor script for the cardano-node-ogmios Docker image, which would wrongly ignore signals sent from the Docker daemon (e.g. docker container stop ...). See #168

  • ![TypeScript][] The tx-submission client now only creates a single event listener to interact with the server. This solves the Node.js warning "possible memory leak detected" when firing many submission requests at once (and going beyond the internal default maxNumberOfListeners set by node.js on event emitters). See #197.

  • ![TypeScript][] The options passed to the WebSocket constructors are now ignored on the browser, since they aren't supported and were causing the constructor to "crash". See #194.

  • ![TypeScript][] ⚠️ Some schema type interface renaming:

    • TxTxByron
    • BlockBodyShelleyTxShelley
    • BlockBodyAllegraTxAllegra
    • BlockBodyMaryTxMary
    • BlockBodyAlonzoTxAlonzo


published 5.2.0 •



[5.2.0] - 2022-02-15

  • Extended the local-tx-submission protocol with a new EvaluateTx query which evaluates execution units of scripts present in a transaction. This effectively piggybacks on the Alonzo's tools from the cardano-ledger while providing a more user-friendly interface regarding network parameters. The API offers well-detailed errors and an interface similar to the SubmitTx. See discussion on #172.
  • New rewardsProvenance' query coming as a replacement for the now-deprecated rewardsProvenance query. See discussion on #171.
  • ![TypeScript][] Support for the new evaluateTx query in the TxSubmissionClient & repl.

  • ![TypeScript][] Support for the new rewardsProvenance' query as rewardsProvenanceNew in the StateQueryClient & repl.

  • Added transaction id as part of the successful response to a SubmitTx. While this is technically a breaking-change, it was introduced in a backward-compatible way. Existing applications using the existing SubmitTx query will see no change and will keep receiving successes as "SubmitSuccessful" text responses. However, queries which pass transactions using the submit field (instead of the currently expected bytes field) will receive, on success, an augmented response which contains a transaction id "SubmitSuccessful": { "txId": "..." }. See discussion on #174.
  • Improved error reporting for the SubmitTx protocol which should gives a little clearer errors for ill-formed transactions.
  • ![TypeScript][] ⚠️ Renamed client's TxSubmission/errors.ts into TxSubmission/submissionErrors.ts. Similarly, the submission are also now nested under a submissionErrors field in the TxSubmission top-level object.


published 5.1.0 •



[5.1.0] - 2022-01-24

  • New LocalTxMonitor support in Ogmios. See The user guide for more details.

⚠️ This new protocol is NOT enabled in cardano-node@1.33.*. Until its inclusion in a next release, a custom build of cardano-node is required to include a more recent version of ouroboros-network which adds support for that protocol to the Ouroboros' mini-protocols; namely: 32af9168.

A version of cardano-node@1.33.0 patched with the necessary commits can be found at CardanoSolutions/cardano-node@1.33.0+local-tx-monitor.

  • New fields in the health object:
    • connectionStatus"connected" or "disconnected", to reflect status with the node. #154
    • currentEpoch → which returns the current known epoch of the linked node #164
    • slotInEpoch → which returns the relative number of slots elapsed in the current epoch #164
  • New ogmios health-check command, useful to perform simple health check on a running server. For example, to monitor a container via Docker health check mechanism:
    HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=5s --retries=1 CMD /bin/ogmios health-check
  • Bumped internal dependencies to Cardano's 1.33.* eco-system.
  • networkSynchronization and currentEra can be null when the server isn't connected to a node. #154
  • The Metrics trace is now correctly tagged with MetricsRuntimeStatsDisabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the Docker monitoring scripts of cardano-node-ogmios, causing issues on restart. #159
  • ![TypeScript][] Relax upper-bound constraint on required node.js engine. This should make it possible to install the TypeScript packages on more recent versions on node.js than the one specified on the repository.


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