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@casual-simulation/aux-vm - npm Package Versions







Date: 4/12/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Improved the handling of setTimeout() and setInterval() to support creating, updating, and deleting bots while in a callback.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue that prevented events produced while in a task from being dispatched.
published 1.0.22 •




Date: 4/11/2020


  • :boom: Breaking Changes

    • The player.inSheet() function has been changed to return whether the player bot has a dimension in their auxSheetPortal.
      • Previously, it was used to determine if the player was inside auxBuilder (which no longer exists).
    • Removed assignment formulas.
      • Assignment formulas were a special kind of formula where the tag value would be replaced with the result of the formula.
      • They were removed due to lack of use in addition to other means of achieving the same result being available.
    • Semantics of @onUniverseAction have changed.
      • Previously, @onUniverseAction was run before any particular action was executed but the actions that were dispatched from @onUniverseAction were run after the evaluated actions. This led to a scenario in which a @onUniverseAction call could overwrite values that were updated by an action that had not been checked yet.
      • Now, all actions dispatched by @onUniverseAction are executed before the action that is being evaluated. This makes the behavior of the data produced by @onUniverseAction mirror the runtime behavior of @onUniverseAction.
  • :rocket: Features

    • Added a new runtime for scripts and formulas.
      • This new runtime is much faster than the previous system and lets us provide features that were not possible before.
      • Should work exactly the same as the previous system. (There might be a couple of tricky-to-reproduce bugs)
      • Now supports setTimeout() and setInterval().
        • This lets you write your own custom game loop if you want.
        • Note that the script energy will only be restored if a user action triggers a shout.
      • Paves the way for future functionality (not guarenteed):
        • Change notifications (@onBotChanged, @onBotTagChanged(), etc.)
        • Asynchronous functions instead of responseShout. (e.g. const response = await"", data))
    • Added the error space.
      • The error space contains bots that represent errors that have occurred scripts in a universe.
      • Unlike other spaces, the error space does not load all of its bots into the universe automatically.
      • Instead, they have to be requested via a search query. These queries filter bots by tag/value pairs.
      • Currently, error space is only used for storing errors and there is no way to load bots from the space.
      • In the future, we will add the ability to load errors via scripts as well as display them in the sheet.
    • Changed the renderer to output colors in the sRGB color space instead of linear.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where a shout argument might be recognized as a bot even though it isn't.
    • Fixed an issue where a shout argument with a custom prototype would be overridden.
    • Fixed a bug in three.js's LegacyGLTFLoader where it was using an old API.
published 1.0.20 •




Date: 3/20/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the #auxPointable tag to determine whether a bot can interact with pointers.
      • Defaults to true.
      • When false, the bot won't be clickable or hoverable and will not receive drop events.
      • Depending on the #auxPositioningMode it is still possible to stack bots on top of it though.
    • Added the @onFocusEnter, @onFocusExit, @onAnyFocusEnter and @onAnyFocusExit listen tags.
      • These are triggered when a bot is directly in the center of the screen.
      • Uses the #auxFocusable tag to determine whether a bot is focusable.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • dimension - The dimension that the the bot was (un)focused in.
        • bot - The bot that was (un)focused.
    • Added the nothing aux form.
      • Does exactly what it seems. A bot with the nothing form has no shape and is unable to be clicked, hovered, or focused.
      • Labels still work though which makes it convienent for adding extra labels around the dimension.
    • Added the #auxPortalShowFocusPoint tag.
      • Shows a small sphere in the portal where the portal camera will orbit around.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where LODs would flicker upon changing the bot form by ensuring consistent sizing for the related bounding boxes.
    • Fixed an issue with panning that would cause the camera orbiting position to be moved off the ground.
published 1.0.19 •




Date: 3/19/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the ability to modify tags directly on bots in that/data values in listeners.
      • Allows doing = 123 instead of setTag(, "abc", 123).
    • Added the @onGridUp and @onGridDown listeners.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • dimension - The dimension that the grid was clicked in.
        • position - The X and Y position that was clicked.
    • Changed the Level-Of-Detail calculations to use the apparent size of a bot instead of its on-screen size.
      • Apparent size is the size the bot would appear if it was fully on screen.
      • Under the new system, the LOD of a that is on screen bot will only change due to zooming the camera. Bots that are fully off screen will always have the minimum LOD.
    • Added the @onFileUpload listener.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • file is an object with the following properties:
          • name - The name of the file.
          • size - The size of the file in bytes.
          • data - The data contained in the file.
      • See the documentation for more information.
    • Improved the player.importAux() function to support importing directly from JSON.
      • If given a URL, then player.importAux() will behave the same as before (download and import).
      • If given JSON, then player.importAux() will simply import it directly.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where the camera matrix was being used before it was updated.
published 1.0.18 •




Date: 3/18/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added LOD triggers based on virtual distance.
      • @onMaxLODEnter, @onMinLODEnter, @onMaxLODExit, @onMinLODExit are new listeners that are called when the Max and Min Level-Of-Detail states are entered and exited. There are also "any" versions of these listeners.
        • that is an object with the following properties:
          • bot - The bot that entered/exited the LOD.
          • dimension - The dimension that the LOD was entered/exited in.
      • The #auxMaxLODThreshold and #auxMinLODThreshold tags can be used to control when the LODs are entered/exited.
        • They are numbers between 0 and 1 representing the percentage of the screen that the bot needs to occupy.
        • The Max LOD is entered when the bot occupies a larger percentage of the screen than the max threshold value.
        • The Min LOD is entered when the bot occupies a smaller percentage of the screen than the min threshold value.
      • Only active on bots that specify a listener or threshold value for LODs.
  • :robot: Builder Improvements

    • Changed the labeling and ordering of several menu items in the menus.
    • Removed tips from the chat bar.
    • Removed the "Apply Hover Mod" and "Apply Click Mod" menu items.
    • Changed Builder to not move when clicking the grid to clear the menu.
    • Added a "Clear Universe" option to the Builder Egg. Selecting this will create a history mark and then delete every bot in the universe. (it will even delete bots that are marked as not destroyable)
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with hovering billboarded bots where their rotation would sometimes be reset which would cause the hover exit and enter events to be continually triggered.
    • Fixed an issue where creating a history mark would clear changes that were made during the history mark creation.
published 1.0.17 •




Date: 3/17/2020


  • :boom: Breaking Changes

    • Renamed and removed several auxAnchorPoint values.
      • Renamed centerFront to front.
      • Renamed centerBack to back.
      • Removed bottomFront, bottomBack, topFront, and topBack.
  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the ability to specify an array of 3 numbers as the #auxAnchorPoint to use a custom offset.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed billboardZ to rotate with the Y axis of the bot facing upwards.
published 1.0.16 •




Date: 3/16/2020


  • :boom: Breaking Changes

    • Both sprites and iframes now face upwards by default.
    • #auxAnchorPoint has been changed to move the bot form inside of its virtual spacing box.
      • Previously, both the virtual box and the bot form was moved to try and preserve the absolute positioning of the bot form when changing anchor points.
      • Now, only the bot form is moved to ensure the correctness of the resulting scale and rotation calculations.
    • #auxOrientationMode
      • Renamed the billboardX option to billboardZ.
    • Changed iframes forms to not support strokes.
  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the following options for #auxAnchorPoint
      • centerFront - Positions the bot form such that the center of the form's front face is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • centerBack - Positions the bot form such that the center of the form's back face is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • bottomFront - Positions the bot form such that the bottom of the form's front face is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • bottomBack - Positions the bot form such that the bottom of the form's back face is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • top - Positions the bot form such that the top of the form is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • topFront - Positions the bot form such that the top of the form's front face is at the center of the virtual bot.
      • topBack - Positions the bot form such that the top of the form's back face is at the center of the virtual bot.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issues with scale and rotation when #auxAnchorPoint is set to center.
    • Fixed sprite billboarding issues when looking straight down at them.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong Z position tag of a bot was used for calculating how bots stack.
    • Fixed an issue where the bot stroke was being considered for collision detection. This caused bots with strokes to have a much larger hit box than they should have had.
published 1.0.15 •




Date: 3/13/2020


  • :boom: Breaking Changes

    • Replaced all of the experimental iframe tags with the iframe #auxForm.
      • auxIframe
      • auxIframeX
      • auxIframeY
      • auxIframeZ
      • auxIframeSizeX
      • auxIframeSizeY
      • auxIframeRotationX
      • auxIframeRotationY
      • auxIframeRotationZ
      • auxIframeElementWidth
      • auxIframeScale
    • Sprites no longer automatically rotate to face the player. You instead have to set #auxOrientationMode to billboard.
  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Improved @onPlayerPortalChanged to support auxLeftWristPortal and auxRightWristPortal.
    • Moved the left and right wrist portals to the top of the wrist instead of the bottom.
    • Added the iframe option for #auxForm.
      • iframe has two subtypes:
        • html - This #auxFormSubtype displays the HTML in #auxFormAddress in the iframe. (Default)
        • src - This #auxFormSubtype displays the URL in #auxFormAddress in the iframe.
      • In order to enable interactivity with the loaded website, the bot will only be draggable at the very bottom of the panel.
    • Added the #auxAnchorPoint and #auxOrientationMode tags.
      • Works on all bot forms.
      • #auxAnchorPoint determines the point that the bot scales and rotates around.
        • Possible values are:
          • bottom - The bot rotates and scales around its bottom point. (Default)
          • center - The bot rotates and scales around its center point.
      • #auxOrientationMode determines how the bot rotates.
        • Possible values are:
          • absolute - Rotation is taken from the dimension rotation values. (Default)
          • billboard - The bot rotates automatically to face the player.
          • billboardX - The bot rotates left and right automatically to face the player.
          • billboardZ - The bot rotates up and down automatically to face the player.
    • Improved drag and drop interactions to calculate intersections with other bots instead of just using grid positioning.
      • This makes it easier drop a bot onto another specific bot.
      • Can be controlled with the #auxPortalPointerCollisionMode tag on a portal config.
        • Possible values are:
          • world - The mouse pointer collides with other bots in the world when being dragged. (Default)
          • grid - The mouse pointer ignores other bots in the world when being dragged.
    • Added the ability to animate meshes.
      • By default the first animation will play if available.
      • You can control which animation is played using the #auxFormAnimation tag.
        • Set to a string to play an animation by name. (Case sensitive)
        • Set to a number to play an animation by index.
        • Set to false to stop animating.
  • :robot: Builder Improvements

    • Added a "Scan" menu item to the builder menu that opens the QR Code scanner to let you import an AUX or mod.
      • Scanning a URL that ends with .aux will try to download the file at the URL and import it as an AUX file.
      • Scanning some JSON will put Builder into clone mode with the JSON as a mod.
    • Added a hover state to Builder that changes its label to "menu".
    • Changed the label of the Builder Egg to "ab-1 config".
  • :book: Documentation

    • Added documentation for the wrist portals and their related config bot tags.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed player.downloadUniverse() to only include bots from the shared space.
    • Fixed an issue where sprites were not clickable or draggable in VR.
published 1.0.14 •




Date: 3/6/2020


  • :rocket: Features

    • Added wrist portals for WebXR
      • #auxLeftWristPortal is attached to the left controller and #auxRightWristPortal is attached to the right controller.
      • You can configure these portals using the #auxLeftWristPortalConfigBot and #auxRightWristPortalConfigBot tags.
      • The portals are hidden until you look at them. They are placed underneath your wrist like a wristwatch.
      • The following tags are available for configuration:
        • #auxPortalGridScale - Changes the size of the grid for the portal. (Defaults to 0.025 for wrist portals)
        • #auxWristPortalHeight - The height of the portal in grid elements. (Defaults to 6)
        • #auxWristPortalWidth - The width of the portal in grid elements. (Defaults to 6)
      • There are a couple of known issues with wrist portals:
        • 3D Text is sometimes improperly aligned.
        • Lines/Arrows/Walls also have alignment issues.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue that caused the inventory to not appear if it was changed multiple times during the same frame.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the #auxPortalGridScale tag to function improperly.
published 1.0.12 •




Date: 3/2/2020


  • :bug: Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue with loading skinned meshes.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented VR from working when sprites were in the scene.
    • Fixed an issue where an error in one script would cause other scripts to be skipped.
    • Fixed an issue where invisible bots are excluded from the colliders list.
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