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@casual-simulation/causal-tree-client-socketio - npm Package Versions







Date: 1/25/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Updated the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy documents.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where animations would not run while in VR/AR.
published 1.3.0 •




Date: 11/11/2020

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added multi-user text editing.
    • Work on shared bots when editing a tag value with the multi-line editor.
  • Added the cursor bot form.
    • Used to add a cursor indicator to the multi-line editor.
    • Works by setting the form tag to "cursor" and placing the bot in the corresponding tag portal dimension.
      • For example, to put a cursor in the multi-line editor for the test tag on a bot you would set {}.test to true.
    • Supported tags are:
      • color - Specifies the color of the cursor.
      • label - Specifies a label that should appear on the cursor when the mouse is hovering over it.
      • labelColor - Specifies the color of the text in the cursor label.
      • {dimension}Start - Specifies the index at which the cursor selection starts (Mirrors cursorStartIndex from the player bot).
      • {dimension}End - Specifies the index at which the cursor selection ends (Mirrors cursorEndIndex from the player bot).
  • Added the pageTitle, cursorStartIndex, and cursorEndIndex tags to the player bot.
    • pageTitle is used to set the title of the current browser tab.
    • cursorStartIndex contains the starting index of the player's text selection inside the multi-line editor.
    • cursorEndIndex contains the ending index of the player's text selection inside the multi-line editor.
    • Note that when cursorStartIndex is larger than cursorEndIndex it means that the player has selected text from the right to the left. This is important because text will always be inserted at cursorEndIndex.
  • Added the insertTagText(), deleteTagText(), insertTagMaskText(), and deleteTagMaskText() functions to allow scripts to work with multi-user text editing.
    • insertTagText(bot, tag, index, text) inserts the given text at the index into the given tag on the given bot.
    • insertTagMaskText(bot, tag, index, text, space?) inserts the given text at the index into the tag and bot. Optionally accepts the space of the tag mask.
    • deleteTagText(bot, tag, index, deleteCount) deletes the given number of characters at the index from the tag and bot.
    • deleteTagMaskText(bot, tag, index, deleteCount, space?) deletes the given number of characters at the index from the tag and bot. Optionally accepts the space of the tag mask.
  • Added the ability to use the transformer tag on the player bot to parent the player to a bot.
  • Added the ability to edit tag masks in the tag portal by setting the tagPortalSpace tag on the player bot.
published 1.3.0-alpha.9 •

published 1.3.0-alpha.7 •

published 1.3.0-alpha.6 •

published 1.3.0-alpha.5 •

published 1.2.12 •




Date: 9/22/2020

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the helix form.
    • Displays a DNA strand mesh whose color can be customized.
  • Added tag masks.
    • Tag masks are special tags that can live in a separate space from their bot.
    • This makes it possible to create a temporary tag on a shared bot.
    • Tag masks do not replace tags. Instead, they exist in addition to normal tags and can be used to temporarily hide a normal tag value.
    • Like bots, tag masks live in a space. This means that a bot can have multiple masks for a particular tag. Currently the supported spaces are:
      • tempLocal
      • local
      • player/otherPlayers
      • shared
    • New scripting features:
      • All bots now have a masks property which works like tags except that it creates tag masks in the tempLocal space.
      • All scripts also have a masks property which is a shortcut for bot.masks.
      • setTagMask(bot, tag, value, space?) is a new function that is able to set the value of a tag mask on the given bot and in the given space. See the documentation for more info.
      • clearTagMasks(bot, space?) is a new function that is able to clear all the tag masks in the given space from a given bot. See the documentation for more info.
    • Example use cases:
      • Local click/hover states.
      • Animations.
      • Storing decrypted data.

:100: Other Changes

  • Pinned the Deno version to v1.4 so that we can decide when to adopt future Deno updates.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where server.setupStory() would load a simulation and never dispose it.
  • Fixed an issue where wrist portals were not being anchored properly.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing enter to make a new tag would put a new line in the current tag value.
published 1.2.2 •




Date: 11/5/2020

:rocket: Improvements

  • Updated the MongoDB driver to v3.6.2 and added the MONGO_USE_UNIFIED_TOPOLOGY environment variable to control whether the driver uses the new unified topology layer.
published 1.2.1 •




Date: 10/22/2020

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the egg form for bots.
    • Displays the bot as an egg like how ab-1 appears as an egg before being activated.
  • Added the hex form for bots.
    • Displays the bot as a hexagon.
  • Added the pagePixelWidth and pagePixelHeight tags to the player bot.
    • These indicate the size of the image rendered to the page portal in pixels.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Draco compression support.
published 1.2.0 •




Date: 7/17/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the MONGO_USE_NEW_URL_PARSER environment variable parameter to control whether CasualOS uses the new MongoDB URL Parser. (Defaults to false)
    • Added a popup to notify the user that data might be lost if they attempt to close the tab while not connected to the server.
    • Added the following cryptographic functions:
      • crypto.sha256(data)
        • Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given data.
        • data is the data to calculate the hash of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.sha512(data)
        • Calculates the SHA-512 hash of the given data.
        • data is the data to calculate the hash of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.hmacSha256(key, data)
        • Calculates the HMAC SHA-256 hash of the given data.
        • key is the password that should be used for the message authentication code.
        • data is the data to calculate the HMAC of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.encrypt(password, data)
        • Encrypts the given data with the given password and returns the result as a promise.
        • password is the password to use for encrypting the data.
        • data is the data that should be encrypted.
      • crypto.decrypt(password, data)
        • Decrypts the given data with the given password and returns the result as a promise.
        • Only works if the given data is the output of crypto.encrypt().
        • password is the password that was used to encrypt the data.
        • data is the data that should be decrypted.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a race condition where concurrently updating a tag in a script and triggering a dependency update on that same tag could cause the runtime to crash.
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