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@casual-simulation/causal-tree-store-browser - npm Package Versions







Date: 4/14/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added a button on the sheet code editor to show errors that the script has run into.
      • It is very basic at the moment. There are no line/column numbers, no timestamps, and no way to clear the errors.
      • Errors are automatically pulled from error space and queried based on the following tags:
        • auxError must be true
        • auxErrorBot must be the ID of the bot whose script is in the editor.
        • auxErrorTag must be the name of the tag that is being edited.
      • The following tags are displayed for each error:
        • auxErrorName is the name of the error that occurred.
        • auxErrorMessage is the message that the error contained.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the color encoding of sprites to use sRGB instead of linear.
    • Fixed an issue where atoms would be sorted improperly because their causes were improperly treated as different.
published 1.0.22 •




Date: 4/11/2020


  • :boom: Breaking Changes

    • The player.inSheet() function has been changed to return whether the player bot has a dimension in their auxSheetPortal.
      • Previously, it was used to determine if the player was inside auxBuilder (which no longer exists).
    • Removed assignment formulas.
      • Assignment formulas were a special kind of formula where the tag value would be replaced with the result of the formula.
      • They were removed due to lack of use in addition to other means of achieving the same result being available.
    • Semantics of @onUniverseAction have changed.
      • Previously, @onUniverseAction was run before any particular action was executed but the actions that were dispatched from @onUniverseAction were run after the evaluated actions. This led to a scenario in which a @onUniverseAction call could overwrite values that were updated by an action that had not been checked yet.
      • Now, all actions dispatched by @onUniverseAction are executed before the action that is being evaluated. This makes the behavior of the data produced by @onUniverseAction mirror the runtime behavior of @onUniverseAction.
  • :rocket: Features

    • Added a new runtime for scripts and formulas.
      • This new runtime is much faster than the previous system and lets us provide features that were not possible before.
      • Should work exactly the same as the previous system. (There might be a couple of tricky-to-reproduce bugs)
      • Now supports setTimeout() and setInterval().
        • This lets you write your own custom game loop if you want.
        • Note that the script energy will only be restored if a user action triggers a shout.
      • Paves the way for future functionality (not guarenteed):
        • Change notifications (@onBotChanged, @onBotTagChanged(), etc.)
        • Asynchronous functions instead of responseShout. (e.g. const response = await"", data))
    • Added the error space.
      • The error space contains bots that represent errors that have occurred scripts in a universe.
      • Unlike other spaces, the error space does not load all of its bots into the universe automatically.
      • Instead, they have to be requested via a search query. These queries filter bots by tag/value pairs.
      • Currently, error space is only used for storing errors and there is no way to load bots from the space.
      • In the future, we will add the ability to load errors via scripts as well as display them in the sheet.
    • Changed the renderer to output colors in the sRGB color space instead of linear.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where a shout argument might be recognized as a bot even though it isn't.
    • Fixed an issue where a shout argument with a custom prototype would be overridden.
    • Fixed a bug in three.js's LegacyGLTFLoader where it was using an old API.
published 1.0.18 •




Date: 3/18/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added LOD triggers based on virtual distance.
      • @onMaxLODEnter, @onMinLODEnter, @onMaxLODExit, @onMinLODExit are new listeners that are called when the Max and Min Level-Of-Detail states are entered and exited. There are also "any" versions of these listeners.
        • that is an object with the following properties:
          • bot - The bot that entered/exited the LOD.
          • dimension - The dimension that the LOD was entered/exited in.
      • The #auxMaxLODThreshold and #auxMinLODThreshold tags can be used to control when the LODs are entered/exited.
        • They are numbers between 0 and 1 representing the percentage of the screen that the bot needs to occupy.
        • The Max LOD is entered when the bot occupies a larger percentage of the screen than the max threshold value.
        • The Min LOD is entered when the bot occupies a smaller percentage of the screen than the min threshold value.
      • Only active on bots that specify a listener or threshold value for LODs.
  • :robot: Builder Improvements

    • Changed the labeling and ordering of several menu items in the menus.
    • Removed tips from the chat bar.
    • Removed the "Apply Hover Mod" and "Apply Click Mod" menu items.
    • Changed Builder to not move when clicking the grid to clear the menu.
    • Added a "Clear Universe" option to the Builder Egg. Selecting this will create a history mark and then delete every bot in the universe. (it will even delete bots that are marked as not destroyable)
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with hovering billboarded bots where their rotation would sometimes be reset which would cause the hover exit and enter events to be continually triggered.
    • Fixed an issue where creating a history mark would clear changes that were made during the history mark creation.
published 1.0.10 •




Date: 2/27/2020


:rocket: Improvements
  • Added Basic WebXR Support

    • This replaces the original WebVR and WebXR support.
    • Supports both the Oculus Quest and Chrome 80+ on Android.
    • Supports all pointer events (click, drag, hover).
    • The player.device() function returns whether AR/VR are supported.
    • The player.enableAR() and player.enableVR() functions are used to jump into AR/VR.
    • The world is placed on the ground (if supported by the device) and bots are 1 meter cubed by default.
    • When using a controller, dragging a bot with #auxPositioningMode set to absolute will move it in free space.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed several issues with using numbers for the auxUniverse and auxPagePortal query parameters.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause a service worker to fail to update because an external resource could not be fetched.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause a stack overflow error when too many uncommitted atoms are loaded.
published 1.0.6 •




Date: 2/19/2020


:boom: Breaking Changes
  • Renamed auxLabelAnchor to auxLabelPosition.
  • Renamed auxProgressBarAnchor to auxProgressBarPosition.
  • Removed the config bot.
  • Moved the #stripePublishableKey and #stripeSecretKey tags from the config bot to the player.checkout() and server.finishCheckout() function options.
  • @onUniverseAction is now a shout.
  • Removed support.
    • To load meshes from, you must make the API requests manually.
    • See for an example.
:rocket: Improvements
  • Added the config, configTag, and tagName variables.
    • These variables are useful for creating values and scripts that are shared across multiple bots.
    • The config variable is a shortcut for getBot("#id", tags.auxConfigBot).
    • The tagName variable is the name of the tag that the script is running in.
    • The configTag variable is a shortcut for config.tags[tagName].
  • Made the player menu full width on mobile devices.
  • Improved the sheet portal to load all bots when set to true, id, or space.
:bug: Bug Fixes
  • Made bots be hidden while their images are loading.
  • Improved the image loading logic to cache requests for the same URL.
published 1.0.0 •




Date: 2/7/2020


:robot: Builder Improvements
  • Renamed the .summon command to ..
  • Renamed the .new builder command to .clone builder
  • The Builder menu will now close automatically in the following scenarios:
    • Any bot is clicked
    • The grid is clicked
    • A menu item is selected
    • A chat command is sent
  • The Builder's cursor is now perfectly flat and is the same color as the Builder.
  • Renamed the default Builder to ab-1
  • Dragging a bot into Builder will cause Builder to expand to contain the bot and make Builder produce additional copies of the bot when dragged.
  • Added the .list commands command to show a HTML popup with a list of available commands.
  • Added the ability to change the color of the Builder.
  • Updated how hints are displayed in the chat bar.
  • Renamed several labels.
:rocket: Other Improvements
  • Moved the "Exit Sheet" button from the bottom of the sheet the top of the sheet. (next to the "Create Bot" button)
  • Added the ability to click a bot in the sheet to hide the sheet and warp to the clicked bot.
  • Added a notification that pops up when a bot ID is copied from the sheet.
:bug: Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where destroying a bot during a shout would error if the destroyed bot also had a listener for the same shout.
published 0.11.22 •




Date: 1/16/2020


  • Breaking Changes
    • Changed player bots to use the tempLocal space.
      • This means that refreshing the page won't pollute the universe with a ton of extra bots.
    • player.loadUniverse() will now create bots in the tempLocal space.
      • Previously they were created in the shared space.
  • Improvements
    • Added the ability to create, load, and restore version marks.
      • The player.markHistory(options) function creates a history mark for the current version.
        • options is an object with the following properties:
          • message - The message that the new mark should have.
      • The player.browseHistory() function loads the history space with all the marks that the universe has.
      • The player.restoreHistoryMark(mark) function restores the state in the given mark to the universe.
        • mark - The bot or bot ID of the mark that should be restored.
      • The player.restoreHistoryMarkToUniverse(mark, universe) function restores the state in the given mark to the given universe.
        • mark - The bot or bot ID of the mark that should be restored.
        • universe - The universe that the mark should be restored to.
    • Changed the CORS settings to allow access from any origin.
published 0.11.20 •




Date: 1/13/2020


  • Breaking Changes
    • Renamed context to dimension.
      • All the auxContext* tags have been renamed to auxDimension*.
      • Listeners like @onDrop, @onModDrop, @onClick, etc. now have a dimension property in the data argument instead of context.
      • The @onPlayerEnterContext listener has been renamed to @onPlayerEnterDimension.
      • The _auxUserContext, _auxUserMenuContext, _auxUserInventoryContext, and _auxUserChannelsContext have been renamed to use dimension instead of context.
    • Renamed channel to universe.
      • All the auxChannel* tags have been renamed to auxUniverse*.
      • The _auxUserChannelsContext tag has been renamed to _auxUserUniversesDimension.
      • The _auxUserChannel tag has been renamed to _auxUserUniverse.
      • The player.setupChannel() function has been renamed to player.setupUniverse().
      • The player.loadChannel() and player.unloadChannel() functions have been renamed to player.loadUniverse() and player.unloadUniverse().
      • The player.getCurrentChannel() function has been renamed to player.getCurrentUniverse().
      • The setup_channel action type has been renamed to setup_universe.
      • The @onChannel* listen tags have been renamed to @onUniverse*.
        • Also the channel property in the data argument has been renamed to universe.
    • Renamed the auxDimensionRotation (auxContextRotation) tags to auxDimensionOrientation.
    • You no longer need to define a dimension bot (context bot) in order to view a dimension in auxPlayer.
      • You can still configure a dimension using the auxDimensionConfig tag (renamed from auxContext).
    • Channel Designer is no more!
      • It has been replaced with the "sheet dimension" (bot table).
      • You can show any dimension in the sheet by putting a * in front of the dimension name in the URL.
        • e.g.*home/example if you wanted to view the home dimension in the sheet from the example universe.
        • Going to just * will show all bots in the universe in the sheet. (which is very slow at the moment)
      • You can also jump directly into auxPlayer by using the "Open dimension in auxPlayer" button that is next to the tag filters.
    • Removed the player.isDesigner() function.
    • Renamed auxShape to auxForm.
    • Renamed auxImage to auxFormAddress.
  • Improvements
    • Added the player.showChat() and player.hideChat() functions.
      • These show/hide the chat bar in auxPlayer.
      • Typing in the chat bar will trigger a @onChatUpdated shout with the text in the chat bar.
      • Pressing Enter or clicking the send button on the chat bar will trigger a @onChatEnter shout with the text in the chat bar.
    • Added the @onChat shout listener.
      • Triggered when the user sends a message using the chat bar.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • message - The message that was sent.
    • Added the @onChatTyping shout listener.
      • Triggered when the user edits the text in the chat bar.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • message - The message that is in the chat bar after the user edited it.
    • Added the function.
      • script is the script text that should be executed.
      • Works by sending a run_script action. This allows @onUniverseAction() listener to intercept and prevent scripts.
    • Added the ability to click a tag in the bot table to teleport to that dimension.
    • Added a play button to the right side of the code editor to run scripts for quick debugging.
    • Added the player.downloadBots(bots, filename) function.
      • The first parameter is an array of bots that should be downloaded.
      • The second parameter is the name of the file that is downloaded.
    • Added the player.showUploadUniverse() function.
      • Shows a dialog that lets the user upload .aux files.
  • Other Changes
    • Changed the "AUX Player" and "Channel Designer" tab titles to "auxPlayer".
    • Removed the colored dots from tag labels in the bot table.
  • Bug Fixes
    • auxIframe now supports URLs with * characters in them.
    • Fixed an issue with the menu dimension that would cause items to remain even though a different dimension should be visible.
published 0.11.8 •




Date: 12/3/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added a new system for managing causal trees.
      • This new system has improvements for performance and reliability.
      • It also adds support for revision history. (The controls will be coming in a future update)
      • Every new channel will use the new system while old channels will continue to use the old one.
      • Everything should function exactly the same as before.
    • Changed the .aux file format.
      • The new format is based on the bots state and is easily human readable/writable.
      • This is different from the old format where a list of atoms was stored.
      • Downloading a channel will give you a .aux file with the new format.
      • Uploading a channel supports both the old format and the new format.
published 0.11.3 •




Date: 10/28/2019


  • Improvements
    • Improved the vendor JavaScript bundle size by removing unused code.
      • Refactored three-vrcontroller-module to use the three package instead of three-full so we don't duplicate Three.js.
      • Removed unused shims (PEP.js, webrtc-adapter).
      • Refactored lodash imports to directly import the modules that are used.
        • This helps with dead code eliminiation.
    • Added the ability to save and load files.
      • New functions:
        • server.saveFile(filename, data, options)
          • filename is a string and should start with /drives/.
          • data is a string of the data to store.
          • options is an object with the following properties:
            • callbackShout A shout that should happen on the server when the file is done saving.
            • overwriteExistingFile A boolean that indicates if existing files should be overwritten. (defaults to false)
        • server.loadFile(filename, options)
          • filename is a string and should start with /drives/.
          • options is an object with the following properties:
            • callbackShout A shout that should happen on the server when the file is done loading.
      • Note that the save file and load file tasks must be enabled via the onAnyAction() listener.
        • You can enable it via using this code:
        if (that.action.type === 'device') {
            if (
                ['save_file', 'load_file'].indexOf(
                ) >= 0
            ) {
      • All files from USB drives are stored under the /drives directory and the USB drives themselves are numbered starting with 0.
        • To load a file from USB drive #1, use server.loadFile("/drives/0/myFile").
        • To save a file to USB drive #2, use server.saveFile("/drives/1/myFile", data).
    • Removed several options from the side menu:
      • Removed the channel name from the top of the menu.
      • Removed the login status from the top of the menu.
      • Removed the login/logout options from the menu.
        • The "Logout" option will still be available if you are logged in as a non-guest.
        • Once you are logged out, then the option will dissapear.
      • Removed the "Add Channel" option from the menu in AUXPlayer.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the removeTags() function from working when given an array of bots.
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