This folder contains a ready-to-use Javascript library featuring French public
algorithms coded up in Catala and the corresponding ReScript wrapper.
Generating the source files
The JS code is extracted from OCaml using
. See the
dedicated README of the OCaml library for more precisions
about the OCaml code.
The wrapping between OCaml and JS is done by the generated
You can generate the french_law.js
source JS module by invoking this command
from the root of the repository:
make build_french_law_library_js
API description
The ./src/french_law.js
library exposes:
The ReScript API is essentialy the same that the JS one within the
top module.
Example of project using the ReScript wrapper:
The event manager
A JavaScript object eventsManager
is exposed with three callable methods:
var frenchLaw = require("french_law.js");
let rawEvents = frenchLaw.eventsManager.retrieveRawEvents(0)
let events = frenchLaw.eventsManager.retrieveEvents(0)
Important: you need to give an arbitrary value as argument.
Date and time
Date values are encoded to JS string according the ISO8601
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
API functions
The french_law.js
library exposes for each Catala program available in
a function to call in order to run the corresponding
encoded algorithm.
Available algorithms
Allocations familiales
The function is computeAllocationsFamiliales
. This computation
returns the amount of allocations familiales for one household described
by the input. More precisely, the result returned is the sum of:
- la base des allocations familiales
- l'allocation forfaitaire relai pour dépassement de l'âge limite
- la majoration pour âge
- le complément dégressif en cas de dépassement du plafond de revenus
An example of use:
var frenchLaw = require("french_law.js");
let amount = frenchLaw.computeAllocationsFamiliales({
iDateCouranteIn: "2020-04-20",
iEnfantsIn: [
dIdentifiant: 0,
dRemunerationMensuelle: 0,
dDateDeNaissance: "2003-02-02",
dPriseEnCharge: { kind: "EffectiveEtPermanente", payload: null },
dADejaOuvertDroitAuxAllocationsFamiliales: true,
dBeneficieTitrePersonnelAidePersonnelleLogement: false,
dIdentifiant: 1,
dRemunerationMensuelle: 300,
dDateDeNaissance: "2013-09-30",
dPriseEnCharge: {
kind: "GardeAlterneePartageAllocations",
payload: null,
dADejaOuvertDroitAuxAllocationsFamiliales: true,
dBeneficieTitrePersonnelAidePersonnelleLogement: false,
iRessourcesMenageIn: 30000,
iResidenceIn: { kind: "Metropole", payload: null },
iPersonneChargeEffectivePermanenteEstParentIn: true,
iPersonneChargeEffectivePermanenteRemplitTitreIIn: true,
iAvaitEnfantAChargeAvant1erJanvier2012In: false,
Notably, the dPriseEnCharge
variable for each child expects a value among:
- "GardeAlterneePartageAllocations"
- "GardeAlterneeAllocataireUnique"
- "EffectiveEtPermanente"
- "ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeALaFamille"
- "ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeAuxServicesSociaux"
See ../ocaml/law_source/
for more
information about data types.
Aides logement
TODO: add information about
Sub libraries
All declared types and scopes of a Catala program are available in JavaScript
via the following sub libs:
var frenchLaw = require("french_law.js");
var allocationsFamiliales = frenchLaw.AllocationsFamilialesLib
var aidesLogement = frenchLaw.AidesLogementLib