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CSS Styles can be applied to components by writing css styles as props or themeing

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Library for styling React components using css-in-js and theming.

npm install @cbryant24/styled-react

Getting Started

The following html elements are exported for use in component rendering and styling

  • Box - Default Div type which can be set to any html type see isA attribute
  • Div
  • FlexDiv - Div with the flex type set
  • GridDiv - Div with the grid type set
  • Form
  • FlexForm - Form with the flex type set
  • GridForm - Form with the grid type set
  • Button
  • FlexButton - Button with the flex type set
  • GridButton - Button with the grid type set
  • Li
  • FlexLi - Li with the flex type set
  • GridLi - Li with the grid type set
  • Ul
  • FlexUl - Ul with the flex type set
  • GridUl - Ul with the grid type set
  • Field - See Field instructions here
  • StyledModal - see Modal instructions here

Styles can be applied to components by writing css styles directly as props

import { Div } from '@cbryant24/styled-react';

function App() {
  return (
    <Div display="block" color="red">
      Im a Div

Optionally styles can be defined and spread onto the component to provide reusability for styles

  const styles = {
    width: [1, 2],
    fontSize: [1, 2],
    color: 'black',
    border: '1px solid black'
    I'm a styled div


Theming allow for consistent styling by providing preset scales for various css properites. Theming provides quick responsive design by providing array values that correspond to specified breakpoints.

See table for theming properties

See default theming option for explanations on theme properties and reference here

For detailed guide and philosophy behind theming see styled-system theming guide

*animations currently are not able be included in themeing

Global Style

Global styling can be done by importing the createGlobalStyle function and using tagged template literals to set global css values.

import { createGlobalStyle } from '@cbryant24/styled-react';

const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
  *::before {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: inherit;

function App() {
  return (
      <GlobalStyle />
      <Div>Hello World</Div>

To learn more about the global styling see styled-components api

A default global styling with the most common global styling is also exported as DefaultGlobalStyle.


An a tag is currently exported for general linking.

Currently Styled-React is setup to use react-router. To create a link provide the exported react-router-dom Link to the createLink function exported from the Styled-React library. The createLink function returns a react-router-dom Link that can now be styled as normal with themeing included

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Div, createLink } from '@cbryant24/styled-react';

const App = () => {
  const StyledLink = createLink(Link);

  return (
    <Div width="20rem" height="20rem" backgroundColor="black" fontSize={[1]}>


The field component creates a group of elements containing label, input, and errors. The element takes the following props for the data props to set the label, placeholder, name attribute, and any data for the input to prefill or autoselect.

namestringused for name attribute on input and for attribute on label
typestringdetermine which input type. _ email _ text _ password _ textarea * select
placeholderstringtext to be used in the input for placeholder text
labelstringtext to be used for the label text value
inputDatavariessee list of options available for inputData

The select input type inputData takes the properties listed below

optionsarrayarray of objects with the property id
valuestringused to set value field with the provided option object id
displaystringused to display the text in the provided option field
Styling The Field

The Field component takes a fieldStyle object with css list properties

The Field component takes a prop inputStyle object with css list properties

If using a theme with the ThemeProvider wrapper the prop fieldStyle and inputStyle can take the string name reference to the theme object or array of strings referencing theme styles.

import { Field, Form } from '@cbryant24/styled-react';

const App = () => {
  const fieldStyle = {
      width: '75%',
      maxHeight: '11rem',
      justifyContent: 'space-between',
      flexDirection: 'column'
    inputStyle = {
      background: 'white',
      color: 'black',
      borderRadius: '1em',
      minHeight: '2.5em'

  return (
    <Form width="30vw" height="30vh" backgroundColor="red" color="black">
          name: 'field-test',
          type: 'select',
          inputData: {
            value: 'id',
            display: 'name',
            options: [
              { name: 'Dev', id: 2 },
              { name: 'Mac', id: '3' }

The input can't be styled but takes on the styling of the parent field styled with inputStyle

note: display property is set to flex for the field element and cannot be changed

Adding Props

If props need to be added to a passed styled-system component a helper function can be imported and used

export const Input = (

import { addProps } from 'styled-react;
import { Input } from './Input';

export default Form = (props) => {
  const InputPassword = addProps(Input, { type: 'password'});

  return (

Adding props to multiple elements can be done by passing an array of styled-system Components

import { Input } from './Input';

export default Form = props => {
  const InputPassword = addProps([Input, Input], { type: 'password' });

  return <div>{InputPassword}</div>;

Adding props to multiple elements with varying props can be done by passing an array of styled-system Components and an array of props. Note that the props applied to each is done in a one to one application

import { Input } from './Input';

export default Form = props => {
  const Inputs = addProps(
    [Input, Input],
    [{ type: 'text' }, { type: 'password' }]

  return <div>{Inputs}</div>;


PropsCSS StyleValue
placeHolderColor ::placeholder -> {color} [rgba, hex]
focusOutline :focus { outline } string
focusBorderColor :focus { boder } string
focusBoxShadow :focus { box-shadow } string


To define the animations provide an object to the animation prop with the appropriate properties

  • in: This property receives an animation keyframe that will be used to animate in the component.
    • If providing an an animation a duration_in property and value must be provided
  • delay_in: This property receives and integer and will set the time that the component will take to start being animated. While this time isn't reached, the component will be mounted but will display nothing. If this property is not setted there won't be any delay in for the component to start animating.
  • duration_in: This property receives and integer greater than 0 and will set the duration in seconds for the in animation.
  • continuous: This property receives an animation keyframe that will be used to animate between in and out (if proceed).
  • duration_continuous: This property receives an integer greater than 0 and will set the duration in seconds for the continuous animation.
  • out: This property receives an animation keyframe that will be used to animate out the component.
  • duration_out: This property receives and integer greater than 0 and will set the duration in seconds for the out animation.
  • delay_between: This property receives and integer geater or equals to 0 and will set the time that will wait between the in and out animations.
  • iteration: This property receives and integer greater than 0 or the literal 'infinite' and will set the amount of iterations the animation should be doing until it goes out (if it should)
  • animation_fill_mode: property accepts none | forwards | backwards | both | initial | inherit; if none is provided the default value none will be used.
  • animation_timing_function: property accepts linear | ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(int, start|end) | cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) | initial | inherit if none is provided the default value of ease will be used.
  • animation_direction: property accepts normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse | initial | inherit if none is provided the default value of normal will be used.
    delay_in: 5,
    in: FadeAnimations.FadeInBottom,
    duration_in: 2,
    out: FadeAnimations.FadeOutTop,
    duration_out: 1,
    delay_between: 5
  I'm animating
    continuous: RotateAnimations.RotateCenter,
    duration_continuous: 3
  I'm animating
    delay_in: 5,
    in: FadeAnimations.FadeInBottom,
    duration_in: 1,
    continuous: RotateAnimations.RotateInCenter,
    duration_continuous: 1,
    out: FadeAnimations.FadeOutTop,
    duration_out: 1,
    delay_between: 5,
    animation_fill_mode: 'forwards'
  I'm animating

Custom Animations

To create a custom pass an object representing a keyframes definition. The animation property uses css actual names so properites with a hyphen need to follow the same style in this object.

const customAnimation = {
  in: {
    from: { opacity: 0 },
    to: { opacity: 1 }
  delay_between: 4,
  out: {
    from: { 'background-color': 'red' },
    to: { 'background-color': 'yellow' }
  duration_out: 3,
  duration_in: 3

<Box animation={animation}>I'm animating</Box>;

Psuedo Classes/Elements

The pseudo classes active, focus, hover, lang, link, visited and pseudo elements after, before, first-letter, first-line, selection can be used to further style elments. Include the keyword pseudo and pass an object using the appropriate pseudo name to style.

<Box pseudo hover={{ fontSize: [1, 2], color: 'blue.1' }}>
  I am a pseudo element


Transitions can be added for the following states hover, focus, & active you can add a transition by either adding the pseudo class as instructed to here then define the transition in the transition property

  hover={ { fontSize: [4] } }
  transition="font-size 4s linear"
  I will transition on hover


To use a styled-react-modal import both the ModalProvider, StyledModal components. Set the <ModalProvider></ModalProvider> at the level you want to render the modal. The modal takes a single parent element with no sibling elements.

To style the Modal Background pass to the prop modalBackgroundStyle an object of camelCase css properties or if using themeimg an object with the property themeStyle with a string or array of strings corresponding to the theme name

The props modalBackgroundStyle, isOpen, onBackgroundClick, onEscapeKeydown, allowScroll, beforeOpen, afterOpen, beforeClose, afterClose

modalBackgroundStyle: object of camelCase css properties if using theming use property themeStyle with corresponding theme value isOpen: A boolean that indicates whether the modal is to be open or closed onBackgroundClick: A function that is called when the modal background is clicked onEscapeKeydown: A function that is called when the escape key is pressed while the modal is open allowScroll: A boolean when true, scrolling in the document body is not disabled when the modal is open beforeOpen: A function that is called before the modal opens. If this function returns a promise, then the modal is opened after the promise is resolved afterClose: A function that is called after the modal closes `

import { ModalProvider, Modal } from 'styled-react';

  <App />

function ModalDemo(props) {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

  const toggleModal = e => setIsOpen(!isOpen);

  return (
        <Box>I am a modal!</Box>
        <Box>I am another box in the modal</Box>
        <button onClick={toggleModal}>Close Me</button>

Element Types

To change the Box component to different element types i.e. <span></span> <p></p> use the prop isA and select the element type needed.

<Box isA="p" fontSize={[1, 2]} zIndex="10">
  I am now a styled paragraph element


To create a theme provide a theme object and prop for the ThemeProvider. See here for example/default theme

const breakpoints = ['544px', '768px', '1012px', '1280px'];
export const sizes = ['0%', '100%', '75%', '50%', '25%'];
const colors = {
  black: '#000000',
  white: '#ffffff',
  red: '#FF0000'
const fontSizes = [0, '1.6em', '1.4em', '1.2em', '.9em', '.8em'];

const theme = {

import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-react';

  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <App />

Passing Theme Names

Defined styles in the theme can be used on components by using the themeStyles prop and passing either a string representing the object name or an array of strings to provide multiple styles defined in the theme.

Note when using an array any shared properties will be overriden by the last item in the array.

const squareButton = {
  display: "inline-block",
  boxShadow: "none",
  backgroundColor: "transparent",
  textDecoration: "none",
  transition: "box-shadow 0.125s ease-out 0s",
  borderWidth: "2px",
  borderStyle: "solid",
  borderColor: "currentcolor",
  px: [1, 2],
  py: [1, 2],

const largeButton = {
  px: [2, 3],
  py: [2, 3],
  color: 'yellow.2'

const theme = {

const Buttons = (props) => {
  return (
      I'm a square button style
      themeStyle={["squareButton", "largeButton"]}
      I'm a large square button style


  themeStyle={['buttonSmall', 'marginSmall']}
  remove={['color', 'margin']}
  Click Me

Remove Prop

If passing a theme style and need to remove certain styles from the theme style use the remove and pass a string with the name of the camelCase css property or array or camelCase css properties of styles to remove

  themeStyle={['buttonSmall', 'marginSmall']}
  Click Me

Theme Names and Keys

For styles defined in the theme and passed as a string or an array the following values can be used with your theme values

PropertyTheme Key
backgroundColor, bgcolors
marginTop, mtspace
marginRight, mrspace
marginBottom, mbspace
marginLeft, mlspace
marginX, mxspace
marginY, myspace
padding, pspace
paddingTop, ptspace
paddingRight, prspace
paddingLeft, plspace
paddingX, pxspace
paddingY, pyspace



Package last updated on 20 Feb 2020

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