0.2.0 (March 11, 2021)
Breaking Changes
- Generated classes for modules from the registry will change - see this comment for more details
- Phased out testing and support for Terraform
. It's likely to still work for now, but it's not guaranteed anymore #592
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve Module Support #584
- Release packages to Maven Central #556
- Release packages to Nuget.org #528
- TerraformHclModule outputs use tokens #512
- Improve C# init behaviour for Github Package Registry #497
- Support for dynamic attribute type #565
- Upgrade to ink v3 #559
Fixed bugs:
- Correct depends on casing for modules #508
- Python pip template adjustments for windows #535
- Checkpoint Error Handling / Timeout #552
- Inject defaults for certain attributes #479
- Python-pip template fix/improvements #541
- Quote cdktf path in init templates #511
- Include feature flags in java template and test #471
- Update jsii-srcmak to remove symlink #580
- Rename null provider for java & c# #589
- Fix typo in execTerraformSynth #554
- Upgrade Java exec-maven-plugin 3.0.0 #536