What is @chakra-ui/theme-tools?
@chakra-ui/theme-tools is a utility package for creating and managing themes in Chakra UI. It provides a set of tools to help you build custom themes, manage design tokens, and create responsive styles with ease.
What are @chakra-ui/theme-tools's main functionalities?
The `createBreakpoints` function allows you to define custom breakpoints for responsive design. This is useful for creating a consistent set of breakpoints across your application.
const { createBreakpoints } = require('@chakra-ui/theme-tools');
const breakpoints = createBreakpoints({
sm: '30em',
md: '48em',
lg: '62em',
xl: '80em',
The `mode` function helps you define styles that change based on the color mode (light or dark). This is useful for creating themes that adapt to different color modes.
const { mode } = require('@chakra-ui/theme-tools');
const styles = {
bg: mode('white', 'gray.800'),
color: mode('black', 'white'),
The `transparentize` function allows you to adjust the transparency of a color. This is useful for creating semi-transparent colors for overlays, backgrounds, and other UI elements.
const { transparentize } = require('@chakra-ui/theme-tools');
const color = transparentize('red.500', 0.5);
Other packages similar to @chakra-ui/theme-tools
Styled System is a collection of utility functions for building design systems with React. It provides a set of functions for creating responsive styles, managing design tokens, and building custom themes. Compared to @chakra-ui/theme-tools, Styled System is more focused on providing low-level utilities for building design systems from scratch.
Emotion Theming is a library for managing themes in Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library. It provides tools for creating and managing themes, as well as utilities for responsive design. Compared to @chakra-ui/theme-tools, Emotion Theming is more tightly integrated with the Emotion library and is designed to work seamlessly with Emotion's styling capabilities.
Styled Components is a popular CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript files. It includes tools for creating and managing themes, as well as utilities for responsive design. Compared to @chakra-ui/theme-tools, Styled Components is a more comprehensive solution for styling React applications, with a focus on providing a seamless developer experience.